All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb

My parents are both celebrating their 60th birthdays next week. That’s a big one. A milestone. Similarly, a number of students are soon to graduate from one grade and enter into a new stage of education or life.

There are markers that mark significant shifts in our lives. Whether birthdays, graduations, job changes, moves, or any number of other transitions…notice what season you’re in. Celebrate what can be celebrated. Appreciate what can be appreciated. Affirm what you can affirm.

…and then prepare for the next season.

Our church is entering a new season. And as we do, we celebrate the fact that this last season has been amazing! In the past 10 months we’ve baptized 30+ people, seen almost 200 participate in Rooted, and our church has nearly tripled in size. God is up to something in HB!

Now, God’s made it clear to me and the Mariners leadership, that’s time for another big shift. We are actively looking for a new location to meet on Sundays. We have loved our time at the HB Central Library, but we’re already outgrowing it. I believe God has a new location in mind for our church. It will be our “next” but probably not our “last” location.

It will be a space we can call our own… a place we can invite our friends…  a space for the whole family… a location that makes sense for what God is doing through our community.

I don’t know exactly where it is, or exactly when we’ll move into it… but change is coming. I’m telling you now, because it’s graduation season, and this is a graduation, or sorts, for our church.
And I’m telling you because I’m asking you to begin praying and preparing. Our best days are ahead of us.

Over the next weeks and months I’ll be bringing you more information. I’ll also be inviting you to celebrate what God has already done in our church, and then to anticipate what will soon be coming.

May God bless you and your family as you look to celebrate markers in your own life. See you Sunday!


PS: please listen to or pass on the message from last weekend here.

A Note From Caleb

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood… and a beautiful day to be a neighbor to someone.

I saw this old Mr. Rogers quote today in response to all the pain on television:

“Look for the helpers. You’ll always find people who are helping.” — Fred Rogers, on what to do when scary things are on the news #boston

The series we’re doing, Christian?, has a lot of people talking…and inviting. I, personally, am loving it. It’s a defining series for our church. We are a church that is committed to surprising people in our city with our love–not our politics, not our doctrine, not our stance on hot topics…our love.

This will be another compelling and challenging week that will make you rethink at how you look at the world around you–and make you wonder how the world looks at you.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: It’s not too late to sign up yourself and/or someone you know for Rooted! Email Christen immediately.

P.S.S.: To listen to recent messages, please click here.

A Note From Caleb

Dang, I’m excited for Sunday! We’re about to do something you’ll remember for a long time…something powerful…something bold…something newsworthy… And, most importantly, something that represents who followers of Jesus truly are.

Whether you’ve been part of our church community for two years or two weeks, you’re along for quite a ride!

We are committed to helping you becoming all that God made you to be. We’re committed to reaching more and more people with a message of hope and love. And we’re committed to changing the community around us.

You’ll get a glimpse of all three of these commitments in a big, bold way this Sunday. I can’t wait to be together! Don’t miss this!!


PS. One other thing: Remember how Kasey Harrison inspired us on Sunday to invite and pay for our friends to go through Rooted? Who can you get to Rooted this session? Let Christen know and she’ll help you sign them up!

PSS. As always, to listen to recent messages, please click here.

Child Dedication

Family matters–and your commitment to raise your children in a God-honoring way is the beginning of their journey toward the life God intends for them. We’d love to encourage you on this journey. And, Pastor Caleb would love to coach you on this important commitment, and then join you in dedicating your child(ren) back to the Lord. Please contact Cayce Korhonen to sign up your family.

Sunday, Apr 21, before and after the services

A Note From Caleb

What an amazing Easter Weekend! We had three full services on Sunday morning (almost 800 people), and a powerful prayer experience on Good Friday. Thank you for participating…and thanks to many of you for serving.

This week we begin an intriguing look at what it really means to be a “Christian.” Whether you’ve been following Jesus for a week or 40 years, I trust this series will be both refreshing and inspiring.

Also, if you haven’t signed up for Rooted yet, what are you waiting for? You can sign up here or on the patio Sunday. Our Rooted kick-off event is April 21st at 6:30pm at the Library, but after that, there are several evening options for your convenience.

See you soon…


As always, to listen to recent messages, please click here.

High school and College student serve experience


MCHB is sending 30 HSM (seniors) and college students to Lost Canyon to serve at a camp for teen moms and to support them in the community. Student volunteers will extend love to the children of the teen moms through activities and fun, freeing up the moms to rest. Camp dates are June 29-July 3 in Lost Canyon Arizona, $496 (support raising opportunities available). Application deadline is Tuesday, April 1. Contact Jordan Lynch with questions.

A Note From Caleb


In case you were wondering, this is the best week of the year to invite friends, family, and acquaintances to church. Bring your wives, bring your husbands, bring your kids… And bring your neighbors, your hairdresser, your barista, your co-worker, your crossing guard… you get the idea.

In addition to our three Sunday services (8:30, 10, 11:30am), you can also bring people to our excellent Good Friday Prayer Experience (11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm–go through at your own pace). Saturday, we’ll have a booth at the Big Easter Egg Hunt in Central Park–stop by and say hi!

Looking forward to an amazing weekend!
