All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb

So, the new year is also the end of a season–the football season. Stay with me. Gladiators of the gridiron face off for championships: NCAA and NFL. The NCAA (BCS) title game left a lot to be desired as Alabama mopped the floor with the not-so-lucky Irish. I’m hopeful that the NFL showdowns will provide more drama and excitement.

Why? There’s something beautiful about people giving everything they have to a cause–even if the cause is a shallow sporting event. Every week, these guys lay it all on the line. And the loser goes home, so you can’t be half-hearted…you can’t be unprepared or unwilling to sacrifice. These champions come at a great cost.

When I was a kid, I’d watch an inspiring game–football, volleyball, basketball–and then I’d be motivated to go out in the front yard and practice my own skills. Today I’m under no delusions of grandeur. I will not become a professional athlete, but I still want to be inspired. I still want to give my life to something. I still want to feel like I’m  a part of a team that’s doing something unique, something special in the world. And you do, too.

Today is full of opportunity. What will you do with it?

This Sunday I will introduce you to a special guest, Prashan De Visser. He is part of a movement that is changing the country of Sri Lanka. At his young age, he is putting it all on the line–and God is blessing his life.

Don’t miss this Sunday. You will be inspired. You will be challenged. And you’ll want to run into your front yard and practice changing the world.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: It’s not too late to sign up for Rooted. We have groups on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Don’t be scared. And if you’ve done Rooted already, who can you get to sign up?

As always, here’s last week’s message in case you missed it.

A Note From Caleb

Happy 2013!

A New Year inspires new things…
– new goals
– new roles
– new shoes
– new hairdos

Last weekend we talked about how this year will be full of,

1) Daily Decisions
2) Defining Moments

We looked at some life-shaping priorities from Scripture to help frame the context of our own Daily Decisions in this New Year. If you missed the message you can listen to it here.

One key ingredient to living a full and meaningful life in 2013 is stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging in new relationships and new commitments. So we’re giving you some opportunities to do just that!

Rooted Groups start the second week of January. We’ve already filled 3-4 groups, but I’d like to fill one or two more. If you’re a Rooted hold-out, step up! You won’t regret it.

If you’ve already done Rooted, tell somebody else how great it is and get them signed up!

Life Groups are made up of people who commit to do life together for a season. Some of our Rooted Groups continue as Life Groups. Some don’t. Some Life Groups are birthed by a few friends who reach out and invite a few others in. The key is to gather regularly (weekly or every-other week), study the Bible, pray together, and engage regularly in some act of service. Life Groups will become your lifeline to genuine community and meaningful friendships.

We’ll be hosting Life Group Connection–for people who have already participated in Rooted but want to plug into a new Life Group. It’s coming in a few weeks, so stay tuned!

The Portrait of a Woman and Jesus Study is starting soon. It was written by–and will be led by–one of our own: Barb Egbert! If you’re a woman who has already taken Rooted, I’d encouraged you to consider jumping into this special group for women. For more information, please email Barb.

The Men’s Bible Study meets at our office (2124 Main St #260) every Wednesday morning, from 6:45-8am. Men, you’re always welcome to join, anytime. Contact one of our Associate Elder, Kirk for more information.

See you this weekend!


A Note From Caleb


Merry Christmas! It must be Christmas time in Orange County–it drizzled today!

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but Jesus is kind of a big deal. The whole world pauses, puts up lights, gives gifts, smiles more, and sings old songs… all to commemorate a baby born in a barn. Oh… turned out He was God and saved the world. Kind of a big deal.

On a lesser note, I witnessed one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen yesterday. It involves two elves–one 6’8″, the other 4’11”. We shot two videos yesterday. We’ll put the first online next week–as a TEASER for Christmas Eve.

You also may have missed the FLASH MOB last night. It was a great success! Special thanks to all the people who participated and brought Christmas JOY to Main Street.

And more thanks to all of you–the generous people of our church who are buying gifts, delivering Christmas trees, and meeting needs for people in our community. That’s who we are, and I’m proud to be part of this family!


This weekend, we have a guest artist coming. He’ll be painting during the services. I’m also going to give people a very clear opportunity to trust Jesus with their lives. If you know someone who’s been exploring the faith, this is a(nother) great Sunday.

But, in addition to that, I’m talking about the Christmas story in a way you probably have never heard it. See you Sunday!


P.S.: Don’t forget to sign up for ROOTED… And volunteer at one or two of our Christmas Eve services!

A Note From Caleb

What a weekend!

Last week it was clear that the issue of comfort and joy (peace, contentment, happiness…) are critical issues for people in our community–especially this time of year. I was so proud of your expression of love and tangible comfort at the end of the service. I love our church!

This weekend we’re talking more specifically about JOY. Who else–besides you–needs joy this weekend? Sometimes they are people that you don’t want to be around. But would you consider inviting them this Sunday?

A few more things to keep in mind…

1. Candy canes started in the 1670’s when a minister was trying to keep kids quiet in church. He told a candy-maker to design something in the shape of a shepherd’s staff as an illustration of one of his messages.

2. FLASH MOB- this Tuesday, 6:00pm. We want to rally in force to Main Street and cause a scene of Christmas Cheer. Even if you don’t want to sing… you can still hand out invitations to our services! Get all the details on our Facebook page.

3. Every Sunday is special. Come expecting to encounter God. (Actually, EVERYDAY is special. You can encounter God right now. Right where you are.)

Yule tide greetings and what not…

See you Sunday!

A Note From Caleb

Mariners HB…

It’s beginning to look (a little) like Christmas!

I took Hilary to Home Depot this weekend and we got our tree. She’s passionate about Christmas. So passionate, in fact, that she convinced me to bring an 8 ft tree into our condo! Our place is 1200 sq ft, and I think this tree occupies 200 of those sq ft. But, the lights and ornaments are up, and Christmas music plays.

I hope you’re getting excited about something in this special season. We are! As your church family, we are preparing to make this a Christmas to remember. A couple highlights to watch for:

  • Women’s Christmas Tea (Dec 1)
  • Flash Mob Christmas Carol, Downtown HB (Dec 11)
  • Family pics on the patio (Dec 16, 23, 24)
  • Mariners HB band at Bella Terra (Dec 21)
  • Live artist in service (Dec 16)
  • Cameo appearance of a (tall) Christmas Elf
  • Christmas Eve tamales
  • Four Christmas Eve services at convenient times for your family and friends (Dec 23, 24)

This weekend we kick off a December series called “Comfort & Joy.” Joy and comfort are two things we’re all desperate for, whether we realize it or not. But for many in this season, both comfort and joy become especially elusive. Join us this Sunday for an encouraging look at how we can receive genuine comfort and abundant joy.

Get pumped!

Don’t miss a week.

Start inviting. People in your life are desperate for comfort and joy…and community. Let’s welcome them.

God’s blessings on you and your family,