All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Think globally.

Start with your own head, home and neighborhood… but don’t forget to think bigger.

I’m so grateful that my friend Kevin, from Nairobi, Kenya, joined us last Sunday and encouraged us about God’s radical love and grace. If you missed that message, you can listen here. Kevin reminded us, not only of God’s love, but of God’s family. It’s a big—global—family.

This Sunday I’m continuing the series, Looking for Miracles. And this Sunday is a special Sunday. For the first time in the history of our church, we’ll be doing water baptisms on the patio! If you or someone you love hasn’t taken that step of faith, Sunday is your day. Sign up here.

I’ll be talking more about the construction/build-out process of our new theater after EASTER, but you can also catch an update here. Thank you for continuing to stand with us and give generously to this incredible project and our exciting future!

May God bless you this week,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.



Have you ever needed a miracle?

There are miracles all around you, everyday. But we often miss them because they are not what we’re looking for. In fact, sometimes God does a very different miracle than we expect or ask him for. But… when God is invited… anything is possible. It was true then… it’s still true now.

Join us for this special series leading up to Easter and be inspired by the miraculous moments hidden in everyday life.

Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p
Huntington Beach Central Library Theater
7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

A Note From Monica Bannister


I am so encouraged by YOUR incredible generosity this past weekend! We launched Be Fearless—inviting you to be generous with time and resources—and your response has already been amazing! THANK YOU!! I am so excited to continue to Be Fearless and unleash generosity throughout our city as we serve together collectively and alongside our neighbors. Make sure you check out the serve opportunities taking place throughout the next month, it’s not too late to sign up! Click here for all BE FEARLESS info.

As we commit to loving and serving the people around us…the poor, marginalized, and in our own spheres of influence…we are also on this journey of asking, “What’s in my basket?” “What is MY story of serving?” Remember, God wants to use US to be a part of his miracles, and we ALL have something to give.

I would love to hear YOUR stories of how you are serving in our community. Click here to share your story today!

This Sunday we will highlight a few more of our community partners, both local and global—you won’t want to miss it!

Thank you again for your fearless generosity! I am grateful and humbled to be part of a church that is committed to loving our community and drawing people to Jesus with our love.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


March Madness!

Arguably the best tournament in sports started today. The men’s collegiate basketball storied Final Four tournament is one of the more anticipated and most viewed sporting contests in our country. People you know skipped work today just to watch 32 teams (and another 32 tomorrow) kick-off this bracket-busting spectacle in sports. It’s a good time.

But even as the best college basketball teams are sprinting toward the finish line over the next couple weeks, allow me to help you pause and remember something important: Life is not a sprint.

That’s one reason why we talk about “Lent” this time of year. Lent is the 40 days leading to Easter (we’re 30 days out today). We mark these 40 days to help us slow down a bit and reflect on our lives and our lives with God.

I was just talking to a friend of mine who said he has been sprinting at a frantic pace and desperately needs to slow down—somehow—but there is no end in sight. I told him what I tell you now… You don’t see an end in sight because there’s no end in sight! You might think, “when this, then this…” but let’s be honest. After this there will be more of that. There will be more busyness, more chaos, more need, more rush… It won’t end in this culture. So…

We need to take control of our rhythms of rest and reflection in the midst of THIS SEASON. Now. Not later. Now.

Build in margin this week.

Start a habit of reflection today.

Get on the floor and play with your children tonight.

Later isn’t good enough. Schedule it now.

Lent is about less… so we can experience more of God.

Lent is the 40 days before EASTER because EASTER is the event that changes everything. EASTER represents the grace of God you can’t earn… you can’t work for… you can’t achieve. It’s a gift from God. His generous sacrifice for your eternal benefit.

If you haven’t watched my short video about Lent, do so here.

Then, watch some basketball today. Play some basketball today. Play… pause… reflect.

Life is short, but it’s not a frantic, out-of-control sprint. God has done the heavy lifting. Walk with God.

Oh, and make sure you join me Sunday—8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p—it will be a special day.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.

A Note From Graeme


What an incredible day! Last Sunday, 53 people stood up for the first time to say, “I believe” that Jesus’ love and forgiveness is for ME. If you stood up, OR if you’ve never taken the step of being baptized, we want to give you that opportunity. Jesus teaches that when you make the decision to follow Him, the next step is baptism. Baptism is simply an outward expression of the change that’s happening inside. If you would like more information on baptism, email Jeanette,

This week, we’re going to look down a different avenue. The avenue of being tired. Sometimes, I celebrate in one area but feel exhausted in another…

No matter the season, I always have at least one component of my life that feels tired. One area that I’m secretly wanting to just give up in. The world will tell you to ignore health or boundaries and grind gears until you can’t go anymore. Jesus says something different… and revolutionary.

Matthew 11:28
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

God says, “I will give you rest. I will give you comfort. I will be your refuge.”

RESTING in God is very different from GIVING UP.

Resting in God means that we no longer seek to control. We no longer grip until we can’t grip anymore. Resting in God means we trust that God never leaves us. He is in the middle with us.

Where are you burdened? Where do you feel ready to quit? What area of your life feels like it needs a nap?

God wants you to experience joy, strength and energy in that area!

Reminder: SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD AN HOUR and join us this Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p) as we discuss if the miracles that Jesus did actually mean anything at all for our lives now.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.