Do you want to get well? The power of Jesus succeeds when the power of man surrenders…
What a beautiful time we shared last weekend as we gathered together to consider this question from Jesus–and then lived it out in community together. I was completely humbled and overwhelmed at the willingness of so many who came forward in faith to pour out their areas of brokenness, and ask for prayer and healing, Each week, we gather as a staff to share stories of God moving in our ministries, and this week, we took time to pray for all of you who courageously came forward. And for those of you who filled out cards, we asked that you experience the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit as you continue walking in your healing.
There is so much happening in our church community this summer – ways to connect in relationship with one another, as well as serving those around us. I invite you to scroll down through the opportunities listed here in The Compass and see how God prompts you to jump in.
This weekend, we’re continuing our Saturday Night after-service parties, where we get to be with one another and hang out with the friends and family we’re bringing to church. We’ll continue our series, The Bible, where we’ll follow the life of Jesus, and talk about the most dangerous place in the world. You won’t want to miss it. Invite a friend to join you as we move forward through our healing, becoming the people and the church God has called us to be, bringing light and hope to OC and the world!