All posts by Mariners MV

Thursday Night Service


We’re excited to offer a college-to-young-adult focused service – but anyone is welcome! Each week, we’ll hear teaching from the upcoming weekend service, providing encouragement and a place where college students can grow together in community. Check out our Instagram and get more info!

7PM, Worship Center
no childcare available

A Note From Susan Hulse


As I look back at the past year of all that God has done here at Mariners MV, I am in awe of the incredibly awesome God we serve! It was just a short year ago that I answered God’s call to come to Mariners MV and become the Children’s Pastor. (Phew…time flies by!) This journey has been nothing short of amazing and God continues to surprise me with His faithfulness. As I settled into my new position, I was immediately struck with what an amazing church community we have here at Mariners MV. You are a church that believes in what God has called you to and sees the blessings of serving. I see a community that has a desire to learn more of what God has for each of you. I quickly learned that you are a church “that is in the community for the community” and that every weekend you are people who love to invite others from your neighborhoods and your community to be a part of all that God is doing at Mariners MV. God is on the move here at this church and I love that you are people who don’t want to miss it! Every weekend I see Children’s Ministry growing as you continue to be an inviting church.

So, in light of all this excitement I see happening here, I wanted to continue to lean into what a next step for Children’s Ministry would be. I am so thrilled to let you know that this year we will be hosting Summer Fun Nights VBS on our OWN campus! Summer Fun Nights VBS will take place July 18-22 from 5:30-8:30p for incoming kindergartners-5th graders. This is an incredible opportunity for you as a church to be praying about who in your neighborhoods, your kids’ schools or sports teams need to experience this awesome event! Where Summer Fun Nights VBS is going to be nothing short of awesome with Bible stories, crafts, recreation and an amazing Outreach focus, my desire is for kids who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ to come to know Him in a way that will change their lives forever.

This is also a wonderful time for our church to come together and serve during the week of VBS. There are so many opportunities for you to jump in! Having it in the evening gives us the unique opportunity to serve as a family. We get to partner together as a church and watch in awe all that God is going to do. I don’t want you to miss out on this blessing. God is going to do an amazing work!

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”  Psalm 105: 1-3


Susan Hulse
Children’s Pastor

Kenya and Uganda Faith Adventure Meeting


Do you have a heart for Africa? Have you ever wondered what the church is up to in Kenya and Uganda? Join us for our information meeting to hear more about our next adventure to build a leadership team to join in on what God is doing in Kenya and Uganda. RSVP to to let us know you’ll be attending! Our Faith Adventure is planned for July 24-August 4, 2016.

Sun, Apr 24, 12:30-2:30p
Kindergarten room in Port Mariners


Homeless Ministry

Outreach-Compass-2016Help those who are ready to take next steps to get off the street as we build relationships with the homeless through games, dessert and stories. Be a part of our welcome home team for those moving into permanent housing. More info and register or search “homeless” on our website.

Sat, Apr 23, 5:45-8p
Salvation Army, 1710 W Edinger, Santa Ana
Every 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month

MOPS Survey

Are you a mother with little kids? Or are you expecting to be a mother with little kids soon? If so, we would love your thoughts on how a mothers of preschoolers “MOPS” program at Mariners MV could be a resource to you and your family. Please follow this link and take a brief (5 minute or less) survey. We are anticipating a fall 2016 kick-off.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’”
– MATTHEW 25:34-36

I have a new favorite commercial. It’s a Hershey’s commercial. I’m sure you’ve seen it. If you haven’t yet seen it, watch it before you read on. If you have a working memory of 80’s top 40 hits, you can’t help but notice a great version of the Steve Winwood classic, “Higher Love” that paints the emotional backdrop for the story (It’s worth noting that this version of the song is performed by Steve and his daughter Lilly). A work-at-home father is called to a web meeting while his bored daughter tries to get his attention. Determined and indomitably clever, the daughter employs the help of a local printer to create a cardboard cutout of her father. We see her carrying her “dad” through the town: on a bus, past neighbors, and through a street hockey game. Ultimately, we find that the cutout was intended to take his “place” at his web meeting. The caper works. The two of them will spend the afternoon eating s’mores while the ever-important meeting carries on with all its attendees none-the-wiser.

There are a ton of layers to the commercial. I’m certain Hershey loves the fact that I’m so moved by its marketing and advertising machine. Yes, there’s a certain amount of cheezy-ness with which I have become increasingly more comfortable as I get older. But, among the most critical layers to this commercial and it’s unsubtle message — the triumph of fathers and daughters over career, is something else, too.

I wonder how many of the other people in this online meeting had parallel stories. I mean, what if there was only one person talking while everyone else, just like the depicted father, propped up a cardboard version of their likeness and  “got on with their lives?” All of us wonder, at some point about the sacredness of the moments that come and go through our lives. We speculate, at times, if we’re merely watching the world go by through oversized windows like passengers on a great bus. We know how to sit dutifully and responsibly. We understand our role. We take those things “we have to do” as seriously and unarguably as gravity itself. But, what if, at times, we stepped out of the world of sensible and responsible obligation and into a world governed by selfless joy and spontaneous generosity? What if we saw ourselves as participants in a project for a world in need of people like us? Consider that God may have placed us uniquely in his world to accomplish something with him and for him that we could not do as a passive observer.

This week, we’ll talk energetically and enthusiastically about the things Jesus is calling our church to do and the kind of church he wants us to be. We’ll walk headlong into some of the most challenging and beautiful things Jesus ever said (It’s the stuff people outside the church hope we’re passionate about. So bring your friends who aren’t sure about church). We’ll celebrate what God has done in our community among the poor, the forgotten, and the marginalized. We’ll wrestle with the notion that our world cannot be changed by those unwilling to break from what that world tells them to do. Take an example from a girl with a grocery bag full of marshmallows, graham crackers, and some chocolate, holding a cardboard cutout of her father.

See you soon,


A Note From Jeff Maguire


A friend of mine, a business owner in the area, asked me recently about my thoughts on his enterprise. I don’t get asked for my thoughts on businesses all that often. This is, of course, an area for which I have very limited expertise (seeing as how I’ve worked in the church for most of my adult life). His concern was over the potential threats to a great culture of community and relationships he’d built with his clients (of which I’m one) in his future plans for expansion. He asked me about how I deal with it in the “church world”: “Aren’t you worried you might lose something in the church — that intangible connectedness — as it keeps adding people?”

I said,  “I never really thought about our church like that. We work really hard to create a community of people who are warm and welcoming. We want people who call Mariners their home to constantly include people who are longing for a kind of transformation in their lives that they cannot give themselves. We want people who come to visit us to feel, whether or not they agree with us, that they were treated with respect and dignity and that we did our best to communicate Jesus in way that was both unpretentious and as free from ‘Christian-ese’ as possible. I want people to know that while we’re serious about following Jesus, we don’t take ourselves all that seriously. No matter what size we become, we’ll always work toward that end.”

I continued, “It sounds like you believe that what makes your business good, is that it is appropriately-sized. But, what makes your business good, is that it is good. You serve your people well. Your staff is amazing. The other people who make up the client-community here make me feel like I belong. I think it’s because of your DNA — that stuff that makes your company uniquely great — that people choose you guys over others… That’s what you’ll want to preserve with the greatest intensity as you grow. Who are the people who bear your DNA best? How do you celebrate and empower them? Because, no matter how big or small you become, people will continue to come back because of the culture you’ve crafted.”

In the interest of celebrating and empowering, I want to let you know how grateful I am to you who call Mariners Mission Viejo your home. You embody the best of the church. While we’re far from perfect, the people who come for the first time can’t help telling me, as I stand at the door, that they felt like Mariners’ people “went out of their way to make [them] feel welcome.” Over the past few weeks, as people had come to visit us from out of town, they said the same thing: “I wish my church back home felt like this. I love my church, but the people here are great — this is the most welcoming church I’ve ever been to.”

That’s what people remember — how they felt. Occasionally, people remember what they learn. But, that thing they can’t explain that feels somehow right and good, that’s what they remember. That’s the thing people who are new to Mariners say to me about their experience here. If Mariners MV is your home, you make it a great place for people to find their way to Jesus.

See you soon,


Rooted Spring 2016


Beyond a program, seminar or small group, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story. Search “Rooted” on our website or click here for registration info.

April 10 – June 15
begins on Sunday, April 10 at 9 or 11a
WEDNESDAY PM ROOTED begins on Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30p