All posts by Mariners MV

ServeDay 2017


This Sunday, June 11 is ServeDay, an annual church beautification project that has become a community movement. This year, we will kick-off with ONE church service at the school to connect the church with the community. Then, we will spend the day painting, landscaping, and working on other projects as we transform our city together.

 Join us in mobilizing our WHOLE church to build a GREAT city. Click here to sign up.

Sun, Jun 11
10a Service (Regular Sunday service schedule resumes Jun 18)
Gates Elementary School, 23882 Landisview Ave, Lake Forest



It should have failed. After its leader was publicly humiliated and executed, its first followers scattered. But then, something changed. Somehow, the early church became an unstoppable force. But why?

What is it about the early church that worked? What are the implications 2,000 years later? What is the church after all? Join us for the final week of our series, CHURCH IS________, as we explore these questions.

Sunday: 9a, 11a & 5p

A Note From Maher Salhani


There are not many things in life on which everyone can agree. What came first, the chicken or the egg? What’s better, ice cream or frozen yogurt? Who would you rather see in concert, Telletubbies or The Wiggles?

However, our church partnering with an overcrowded, underprivileged public elementary school to bring much needed improvements for students to have the greatest opportunity to succeed is something on which we can all agree. Over the past four years, ServeDay has taken our entire church into the community to live out the journey that God has set before us.

ServeDay 2017 at Gates Elementary is our chance to be part of a movement to help unite our community, and because of God’s favor, this year our church has an amazing opportunity to put God on display. For the first time ever, the Orange County public school district has trusted us to hold an outdoor church service at Gates Elementary, where we get to invite the community to worship with us. The opportunity to hear the teaching from the Bible, and then immediately live it out together by serving is a beautiful picture of the church in action.

Join us for one church service at 10a at Gates Elementary and for our renovation project, where we will paint, build, garden, and work to beautify this city.

I would love to see you and your family there as we step out in boldness to serve the community together.

To sign up, click here or text GATES to 949-267-3131.


Student Ministries Summer Volunteers

MV Students

Summer is the perfect time to consider your schedule, change your rhythm, and serve our students. Have you ever wanted to be a part of Student Ministries but didn’t know how? Students, parents, leaders and interested volunteers are invited to join us on June 4 after the 11A service to meet our Student Ministries pastors and learn more about what summer has in store and how to get involved. Questions? Contact Jeff:

Sun, Jun 4, following 11a service

JHM HSM Summer Camps

MV Students

Summer Camp is an amazing week each year because of the unique memories made through the camp experience! With the perfect blend of worship, adventure, community, and relationship, summer camp creates a place for students to focus their hearts on Jesus as we learn and grow together.

August 14-18, Forest Home
$433 – Registration and more info here.

June 25-30, Hume San Diego
$ 450 – Registration and more info here.