All posts by Mariners MV

A Note From Kyle

Hey friends,

Wasn’t last week amazing with our friend Prashan De Visser? Hopefully this week you’ve been able to remember your true identity–created in the image of God–loved and adored by Him–in order for you to love and change the world around you.

This week, I’m so excited as we start our Relationology series. Jeff Maguire will be back kicking things off for us as we learn to navigate the primary source of  beauty and pain in our lives–and that is the relationships with those around us. So, make sure you come hang out with us and be sure to invite your friends, because we all need this truth in our lives.

Also, if you are looking for more about your identity in Jesus, how you were made, who we are as a church, your purpose for life, there’s still time to jump into Rooted. Visit our website, sign up, and get involved. It’s the best way for you to take the plunge into the river of community that is Mariners MV.



A Note From Kyle

Happy New Year! I’m praying you all have been taking in this season with your family & friends, enjoying the weather and time together. I love the new year–it feels so fresh, like the whole world is starting anew in its own unique way. This weekend is going to be really special as we consider what that uniqueness looks like for each of us spiritually. My good friend Prashan DeVisser is in town from Sri Lanka and I’ve invited him to speak at Mariners MV. He is someone who has inspired, challenged and provoked my view of God, my spiritual journey with Him, and what it looks like to live a courageous life of faith. I promise you will come away from the service feeling encouraged and ready to take on 2013! Bring family and friends as we launch into this new year together.



A Note From Kyle

Hey friends,

What an amazing time we had together celebrating and remembering Christmas–the gift of comfort & joy–the gift of Jesus. I was so blessed by all the people who served to create such a beautiful, welcoming environment, helping to aim our hearts at the truth of the season, reminding us that the light of Jesus has overcome the darkness. When we believe and receive this light, we get to become light in darkness as well. It was so awesome seeing you, and meeting the friends and family who came with you to experience Christmas at Mariners MV. Keep listening to God and courageously loving and inviting those around you into a journey with Jesus.

Join us this weekend (or any weekend) as we gather for services, or consider inviting a friend and jumping into Rooted where we’ll continue stirring questions and conversations about God, the Church, and authentic community.

Have a great week, and we’ll see you this weekend at our regularly scheduled service times.



A Note From Kyle


John 1:1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

The Bible says the people in Jesus’ day were wandering in darkness – they were desperately waiting, anticipating a Savior that would bring light to their world…Someone who would usher in a kingdom of good, invading the darkness with light and hope…Someone who would overwhelm them with comfort and joy.

We gathered as a staff yesterday to remember that this prayer is what we celebrate at Christmas…that what the world was waiting for in Jesus’ day is what the world is longing for today. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit to be in relationship with us – His uniquely created children – through His own Son, Jesus.

I can’t wait for you, your family, and friends to experience the service we have planned for you – a service that marks the overwhelming wonder and story of this season that the world is desperate to hear. I encourage you to be courageous in inviting your family and friends to join you this weekend – God will not disappoint!


A Note From Kyle

I was so encouraged as I heard stories this week of how our church is helping our community experience the truth of Christmas. Many of you stepped up to love and serve the 40 families in need we adopted this season – delivering Christmas trees, gifts and meals around Orange County. Stories have come back of seeing faces light up as you unloaded trees and helped string lights. You also shared about praying over families with sick children and family members.

Many of you sent postcards to friends, neighbors, family members, inviting them to join you at Mariners MV for our Christmas experiences. I love how we are finding Christmas together

Join us this weekend as Doug Fields will be back aiming us toward the truth of the season, and the kids will be in our services helping us experience the joy of Christmas.



A Note From Kyle

“On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”  Oh – My – Goodness!…what an amazing time it was launching the Christmas season with you all last Sunday night at Tree Lighting. Snow, a lounge for the students, crafts for the kids, food, warm beverages, carols, the Grinch, and of course, plenty of laughs.:) Experiencing something like this with family and friends is truly the only way to find all the joy God has in store for us during this season. (BTW, I’ve heard it’s going to be snowing on the patio again this Saturday night – be sure to join us – and bring your kids and friends.)

Speaking of joy, how’s that going? Are you receiving the comfort and joy this season promises? Or, are you still chasing it? Are you embracing Jesus as your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and the promises those names provide? Invite a friend with you this weekend as we continue our journey of Comfort & Joy. Doug Fields will be back, aiming our hearts at the depth and truth God has for us this Christmas.



A Note From Kyle

Hey church! Jesus > everything. That is the overwhelming truth I pray that has been shaping your thoughts and identity this week. If you read through the rest of chapters 3 and 4 in Colossians, you know Paul continues to dive deeper and more practically into our relationships and how we are to love and serve one another. I invite and encourage you to do so, because this week…

…It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (sing that line – it’s more fun:) Join us as we head toward Christmas and launch into our weekend series “Comfort and Joy.” This week, we’ll be aiming our hearts and lives at the truth of this season so we get started on the right path, and consider what we’re truly looking for this year. And don’t forget, our Tree Lighting this Sunday night. I know there are many opportunities out there during the Christmas season (like Tree Lighting), but we want (and need) those around us to see and experience the simplicity, joy, and honesty of launching into the truth of this special season together.

This is one of my absolute favorite gatherings of the year – I guarantee good times and laughs, so join me and bring some friends!

Looking forward to being with you guys this weekend.

