All posts by Mariners MV

A Note From Kyle

Hey guys – I can’t tell you how excited I am to be with you tonight for our Thanksgiving service. This is one of my favorite experiences of the year as we share stories of how God has shown up in our lives this past year. If you have experienced God in a profound way, come and say thanks with us as we aim our hearts at gratitude. If you have experienced a difficult season and are looking to find thankfulness, join us and be encouraged by your church community.

Also, looking forward to being back with you guys this weekend as we finish our Greater Than series where we’ve been remembering our identity, who Jesus is and all He’s done for us. This weekend, we’ll dig a little deeper and see how that shapes our everyday thinking and living as we become all He created us to be.



A Note From Kyle

Hey guys – this past week I’ve been leading a group from Mariners Church through the Holy Land…around Galilee where Jesus spent His time teaching, healing, leading people to freedom and helping them become all they were created to be, through the wilderness by the Dead Sea where David hid in caves from Saul, writing so many of the Psalms – crying out to God with honesty and resilience. And now, I’m writing this from Jerusalem where Jesus ultimately surrendered His will to the Father, giving His life as a sacrifice for our sin, brokenness, shame, and guilt.  We visited the traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial today and guess what – He wasn”t there! The Good News that Jesus came to redeem, restore, reconcile, and heal, to bring freedom and love and joy and abundance into our lives is true, alive and active. This is why we gather as a church family – to remember that Jesus is alive – that He still brings healing and freedom, leading and guiding us to abundance and joy.

We have so much to be thankful for, and this is why I’m so excited for our Thanksgiving services.  We will gather to simply remember the profound truth of God’s story, and to share examples of how we’ve seen Him show up in our lives this past season. Whether you have a story of gratitude to share, or are walking through a difficult season and need to be encouraged, I promise this will be an amazing time of truth, honesty, community, and vision. Plan on joining me as we walk with Jesus and each other in thankfulness…



A Note From Kyle

JESUS > Fear…Worry…Doubt…Hurt…Addiction…

On Tuesday, our staff gathered to reflect and celebrate the freedom God is bringing to our church, our community, you, and me, as Doug kicked off our powerful weekend message series, Greater Than. In Port Mariners, over 30 kids said “I Believe,” trusting Jesus as their Savior and Leader of their life.

The surrender reflected in the words written by our church family was a beautiful acknowledgement of how God wants to move in our lives – and an honest invitation for Him to make a change in us, so we can change the world around us. I’m so excited about this series and the way it will shape our hearts and lives as we head toward the Thanksgiving season.



i thought you might enjoy reading a few of the responses we received from both students and adults last weekend.

staying in my comfort zone
busy schedules
what people think of me

Couples Chili Cook Off at MV

Join the couples of Mariners Church Mission Viejo for an afternoon of delicious food, some friendly competition and a chance to meet new people and deepen friendships.

Bring your best chili and a hearty appetite to Stoneybrooke Christian School in Ladera Ranch. We’ll have prizes for the tastiest chili, fun games and great opportunities for fellowship. Kids are welcome, of course.

Please email Katie Sigmon if you plan to participate in the cook-off, or just come and join in the fun if you’re not the chili-making type.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, November 11, 3p
Stoneybrooke Christian School in Ladera Ranch

A Note From Kyle

So…what did you stop this week? Better yet, what did you start investing in? Are you resting your soul, walking with…and at the pace of Jesus? Or, are you moving through life at the Nascar-like speed of OC? What a great challenge Doug put out there to us last week – an invitation from Jesus to slow down, rest, and enjoy the life of abundance that He promises. I can’t wait for this weekend as Doug returns to kick off our new series from Colossians, “Greater Than.” We’ll look at how we were created to worship and how we all worship something. Identifying the objects of our worship allows us to understand what is influencing our lives. What could change if we each acknowledged that Jesus is > it all?

Also, families with students age 4 through jr high, I heard there are still a few spots left to “hop on the bus” and go serve this Sunday at a mystery location. Nothing shapes our hearts and lives like serving, especially experiencing it through the eyes of a child so I invite you to jump in and see what God might do in and through you! find out more

