All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


If there is one thing we know about pastors, it’s the fact that we can be long winded. I can only imagine how many times you think on a Sunday morning, “land the plane, buddy, we got it.” So, with that in mind, I’m going to keep this incredibly short.

This Sunday we will have just one service at 10a, which will be followed by our Harvest Carnival! It has become one of my favorite Sundays. And also, it’s a perfect Sunday to invite a friend. One last thing, we will have our Chili Cook-off too! That is all I am allowed to say about the cook-off, I’ve been accused of rigging the contest. :-) See you Sunday… 10a.



Favor With Kings


God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things

You have a unique contribution to make to the world around you. We need you to be you and do what only you can do. Discover how, based on the legendary journey of Nehemiah.

Join us for this inspiring message series.

Sunday: 9 & 11a
Worship Center

Listen to past messages here.

Community Nights


Community Nights is a five-week small group experience where you will get connected into a group. We will be journeying through Favor with Kings out of the Book of Nehemiah. Share a meal together from 6-7p, then join your group for great discussion. Learn more and register here.

Tuesdays through Nov 1, 6-8p, on campus


A Note From Jeff Pries


We just bought two new cabinets for our workroom in the offices. The good news is we don’t have to put our supplies on the floor anymore. The bad news is that the furniture is from IKEA, which means it’s in boxes and needs to be assembled. I will do what I always do with IKEA, try to put it together on my own and then, after a time of frustration, find the instructions. It’s always easier when we bring out the instructions. But unlike IKEA, life doesn’t always come with instructions.

In our series on Nehemiah, we’ve been talking about being people who follow our dreams of becoming difference makers. This week, we’ll see how Nehemiah gives us some bread crumbs to follow for success–instructions on how to be a great leader and people who get things done. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue to discover more truths from Nehemiah.

A great part of the series is what is happening on Tuesday nights. Community Nights have been a great success and a ton of fun. So many of you have jumped in to experience community. Let’s keep it going and finish strong in our last two weeks together. If you haven’t jumped in, it is never too late. And of course, I know this isn’t your motivation, but the taco truck will be back. Additionally the Dodger game will be on prior to our meeting, if they are still alive. :)

Now as much as I love Community Nights, I love the Harvest Carnival even more. Don’t forget, in two weeks (Oct 30), Sunday Together will be happening followed by Harvest Carnival. It will be a great time for all with a petting zoo, games for kids, fun food, and of course, our 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off! It will be a great day, so plan on being there and invite some friends. (FYI, the festival is immediately after our 10a service on Oct 30.) 

As always, it is great doing ministry and life together.


Child Dedication


Raising your children in a God-honoring way is the beginning of their journey toward the life God intends for them. We want to encourage you in this important commitment. Parents are invited to go over all the steps involved with dedicating a child. For more info and register, click here or search “dedication” on our website.

Sun, Oct 23, 11a-12p
Dedications are Sun, Oct 30

Fristers Dinner


Come bless a small group of 10-15 teen moms and 10 toddlers with dinner while they meet as part of Fristers at Ocean Hills Monday evenings. Click here for more info or search “Fristers” on our website.

Mon, Oct 24. 6-7p
Fireside Room 

Please arrive at Fireside Room with dinner for 10-15 adults and 10 toddlers by 6p. 

A Note From Jeff Pries


We are three weeks into the Nehemiah series where we’ve been talking about finding significance in life. FAVOR WITH KINGS is an amazing story about discovering the dreams we have in life and how to accomplish them. There is nothing better than listening to people share with me their story of what God has put on their hearts, and their desire to follow this dream. My prayer is that God is starting to stir in your heart this quest for fulfillment in life.

Community Nights continue to be a big success. Of course the food has been out of this world, but it has been the community that has really given the night meaning. One of the major values of our church is finding a connection and community with other people and we are certainly finding that on Tuesday nights. It is never too late to jump in if you haven’t been able to make it.
 We have a lot of things happening in the coming month. Don’t forget to scroll down and see all that’s taking place as we move into the holiday season.


A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great kick-off to community nights we had on Tuesday. Way to go to all of you for jumping in. It was an amazing group of people who showed up. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped prepare the campus for our event. And also, thanks to Marc and Vicki Franz for providing us with amazing tri-tip. If you signed up, but were unable to attend, or if you haven’t sign up and want to join us, we look forward to seeing you this Tuesday. I found it very rewarding to explore the series further and drive it home in our lives with discussion. In case you’re wondering what we’ll be eating at our next gathering, it will be food from the taco truck, which is always a hit.

This Sunday, we’ll be continuing our series through Nehemiah. I am really excited about where it will move us as a church, and as individuals. This is a great series and this week we will be looking at what it means to find favor with the King and it may be something different than you think. There are a lot of great things going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills – make sure to scroll down and see all that is happening.



Military Ministry Kick-Off


Do you have a heart for serving our brave military men, women and families? We invite you to join us for our kick-off meeting, where we will be casting vision for this ministry and identifying specific serve opportunities in the coming months. All levels of interest welcome. Click here for more info or search “military” on our website.

Sun, Oct 16, 10:15-11a
Room 221