All posts by Mariners OH

Men’s Bible Studies


Sep 20 – Nov 22, 7-8:45p
Join us for an epic 10-week journey entitled, ‘’How God Makes Real Men.” Together we will survey and study ten legendary men of faith and learn ten proven principles to how God makes and molds real men for His glory and honor! More info and register.

Sep 22 – Nov 10, 6:30-7:45a

Start your Thursday off right! Join us for this 10-week morning study through God’s Word. This is a great time to gather as men and encourage each other to be the husbands, brother, fathers and friends God has called us to be. Coffee and donuts provided. More info and register.

Contact Cole with questions,

A Note From Jeff Pries


I always have a level of excitement when we are about to start a new series, but I am particularly excited about this series, FAVOR WITH KINGS, where we’ll be looking at the Book of Nehemiah. Here are some things you are going to learn:

  • That our pain and sorrow can be a catalyst for breakthroughs in life
  • That what you do matters
  • That you are significant
  • There is more to who you are than you realize
  • There is greatness in you, there is something you need to do
  • Your life has significance, if only you will dare to dream

Now, doesn’t this sound like something you want to learn about and believe? As a matter of fact, I’ll bet you know people who probably need to be reminded of this as well. This is a great series to be part of.  So join us this Sunday as we kick off FAVOR WITH KINGS.

Also, we are just five days away from our kickoff of Community Nights. This is the last Sunday to sign up, so please be thinking about jumping into community. For the next five weeks we’ll have a great time being together while we take the new series (FWK) further into our lives. It’s going to be an amazing time for you and our entire church.

Always great doing life with you,

A Note From Jeff Pries


There are a lot of things I want for our church and one of the biggest dreams I have is that everyone who goes to this church is somehow in a smaller community within the church. As we look at the numbers, we are just about half way there. Currently, we have just over 270 people in some sort of smaller based community. And last week, just over 100 people signed up for Community Nights. If you are part of the 270 people already participating, way to go! And if you haven’t yet jumped in, there is still time as Community Nights begin in two weeks (You can sign up here).

If you’re thinking to yourself, community is what “those people need,” and it is “not for me,” then this weekend I am hoping I can maybe change your mind. We are going to learn that we all have something in common, and one of the things that links us together is also the biggest reason we need community. It’s going to be another great weekend, and as always, be thinking and praying about who you can invite. You know someone who needs God and community – this is the perfect weekend to invite them!


A Note From Jeff Pries


One of my favorite things we do together as a church is barbecue after Sunday service. So this week, I want to encourage you to come hungry and hang out for a while after service because we’re having a barbecue! It’s a great way to get to know people, and another step toward finding connection here at Mariners Ocean Hills. In addition, Moonsville Collective, will be here playing music on the patio while we’re hanging out together. And of course we will have fun bounce houses for the kids. All of this is part of our Fall Kickoff, which we’ll be celebrating for the next few weeks. Fall Kickoff is designed to let you know everything that is happening here at church, plus it hopefully motivates you to jump into a smaller community of people.

This weekend, we will be looking at one of the biggest stumbling blocks in our lives. We will see that there is something inside of us that desperately wants to go down this road, but in reality, this road is a path to destruction. It is a message I need to hear,  and I bet it is one you need to hear as well. I look forward to seeing you. As always, be sure to invite a friend.

Take care,


mops compass

Starry Eyed means looking for the light even when darkness is enveloping. It is an opportunity to hope recklessly and to witness God’s presence guiding things seen and unseen, comfortable and uncomfortable.

We meet weekly to enjoy brunch and community, listen to dynamic and relevant speakers, and build friendships that make the journey as a mom easier and a lot more fun. You will leave feeling refreshed and inspired to be the best mom, wife, friend and leader you can be. We believe that better moms make a better world. Register online here. Contact Angela with questions,

Fridays, Sep 16-Dec 2, 9-11:30a, r226


A Note From Jeff Pries


You may have heard me say this before (ok, I say it a lot), but a vital component of Mariners Ocean Hills is being in community with one another. It’s one thing to come Sunday morning, but being in a small group of people is essential for growth and makes a big church feel smaller. And after all, we all want to walk through life with people who understand us and encourage us in our faith journey. It is oftentimes in a small group where we find real friendship and experience God in powerful ways.

In the coming weeks, we will be giving you the opportunity to jump in. We have all kinds of commitment levels for you and we want to make it easy for you to find the perfect group. So whether it’s Rooted, or Life Groups, or jumping into Community Nights, we have some great options for you. You’ll be hearing more about all of these over the next few weeks, so get ready! I think you’ll find being in a group will be a meaningful experience that will change your life.


Rooted Fall 2016


Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways.  Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story. For more info or register, click here.

Tuesdays 6:30-8:30p, $50
(Launches Tue, Sep 13)