All posts by Mariners OH

HSM: Lost Canyon Summer Camp


High school students… Join us for the most unforgettable week of your summer! Lost Canyon is a place where you can connect with God in a new way, meet some new friends and laugh a lot! For more info search “Ocean Hills HSM ” or click here to register. Sign up now!

Mon, Aug 8 – Fri, Aug 12
Registration required

A Note from Jeff Pries


What a great week we had at Vacation Bible School. We had 200 kids on our campus along with just under 100 volunteers. We raised over $1,500 to be used to build Children’s Ministry rooms at our sister church in  Rojo Gomez, Mexico. And finally, 15 kids said “I Believe,” accepting Jesus for the first time! It was a great week! Once again, thank you to all who made it happen.

We have a few more fun things planned for the summer. Our next event is our Camp Out, Friday August 5-6, right here on the Ocean Hills Campus. Last year it was a great success, and we invite you to join us again this year. It’s fun and casual, so I hope to see you there. In keeping with our theme of community, we have our second Sunday Together, August 7 at 10a. It is one service followed by a barbecue and a great live band. It’s a fun weekend to just be together. We pray that you are having a great summer, and as always, we look forward to seeing you be a part of all the fun things happening this season.


Military Care Packages

Outreach-Compass-2016Come help put together care packages for our Military Ministry. We are sending these to our friend, Nykiea, and his battalion while they are overseas in Okinawa. If you want to donate items to be sent, you can deliver them in the foyer this weekend. More info here or search “care packages” on our website.

Military Care Packages 
Sun, July 24
Meet on the patio between services

A Note From Jeff Pries


If you’re like me and had the privilege of coming to the campus this week, what we saw was amazing! There were hundreds of kids laughing, playing, and learning at VBS. The superhero theme played out in so many ways.

There were more than 60 volunteers that truly were superheroes. You would have been so proud of your church staff, as they were nothing short of heroic. And all of the kids learned that if we rely on ourselves, we often fall short, but if we lean on God, He will give us the power to stand tall, to overcome, and to do things we could never do in our own strength. What an amazing week!

This Sunday, we will celebrate VBS with some great songs by the kids. It is a perfect weekend to see the life of our church in action! I will be continuing in our series in the Book of James and talking about the key to so many of our relationships.  What the Book of James shares with us this weekend may be the insight that opens up the box to our relationship success. It’s a weekend you don’t want to miss.



A Note From Jeff Pries


From all of us here at Mariners Ocean Hills, we hope your summer is going great!  Just a reminder, VBS starts next week, if you haven’t signed up, now is the time to jump in.  We are setting up right now and it is going to be great!  This year is an epic SUPER POWered, superhero theme with lots of fun times planned for the kids. Additionally, 60 people have signed up to volunteer, way to go!

I look forward to being back this week and jumping into the book of James.  If you have ever felt like something is missing in your walk with God, this week just might be that missing ingredient.  See you Sunday!


A Note From Jeff Pries

How great was Sunday evening! You can now tell people you went to Hawaii this summer on vacation.  Ok, maybe not.  But still, the Luau was really a fun event for the church.  The dinner was great, the kids had fun, the band was really talented, the fire dancers did a great job and Chief Tama captivated us all with his Hawaiian song and flavor. I also love how everyone pitched in to clean up afterwards. It was such a great church event and I thank everyone who came out.

Speaking of church events, Vacation Bible School is almost here.  This July 11- the campus will be transformed into a Super Power experience.  One of the best things we do as a church is VBS. It is such a fun time for the kids as they play and learn about how much God loves them.  So if you have kids or grandkids or know some kids, make sure you invite them to VBS.

This Sunday we are starting our new series in the book of James.  James is a great book and written by the brother of Jesus.  It is a practical look at living the Christian life.  It will be a great series as we head into the summer.  We look forward to seeing you, and as always, be thinking about who you can invite to join us.


A Note From Jeff Pries


Every summer we do some fun activities to stay connected as a church and to give you the opportunity to spend time with family and friends without breaking the bank. This Sunday is our first event –  our Summer Luau. Join us at the church this Sunday, from 6-8p, for a great night. We’ll have fun things for the kids, a live band, and of course, no luau is complete without fire dancers. Dinner is going to be delicious, catered by Nalu’s Island Grill. Cost is $5/person for adults, and kids eat free. You can’t beat that! And for dessert, we will have our favorite island treat, shaved ice. It will be a fun night, so wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring someone. The winner of the most ridiculous Hawaiian shirt eats for free.

Just a reminder, VBS is July 11-15. This is a can’t miss event for the kids. It is also the perfect place to invite a friend. We have a great theme this year, Super Heroes! It’s going to be a fun environment for all involved. Also, Tim Timmons will be leading worship. If you know Tim, you know he’s great. If you have never met Tim, your kids are going to love him.

These are just a couple things happening at our church. It’s going to be a great summer together, so if you are around, join us!


A Note From Jeff Pries


When you look at statistics for church attendance, often times the percentages vary. But a general consensus is that churches are filled with 60% women and 40% men. Reaching men is always a little more challenging, and if I gave all the reasons why this would be more of a book than a short blurb on the week.

With that in mind, we are working hard to make Father’s Day a huge event that you won’t want to miss this Sunday. It’s going to be loads of fun! We’ll have guy games such as remote control helicopters and trucks. Plus, we’ll have a paint ball range and of course great food. There will be fun for all, but especially the men of our congregation.

And as always, I am excited for the message, a look at the life of David for the next two weeks.

