All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


I missed you all last weekend! I was out with the flu but heard Scott had a great message for us. Anyway, I’m feeling better now (thanks for asking) and can’t wait to be back with you this weekend.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and as we prepare for Easter, we have a reflective experience you won’t want to miss. Our Good Friday service is March 25 at 5:30p. Come experience the weight of the cross and the sacrifice that took place for us. It will be a great reminder of what Christ accomplished as we head into Easter, celebrating the victory and hope we have in Him. Easter services will be at our regular service times, so please be intentional about who you invite. There are people who need to hear the Good News of God’s insurmountable love for us. Let’s not miss out on that opportunity.

I also ask that you would consider serving at one of our Easter services. As a church, we get to welcome many new people who walk through our doors to celebrate and worship with us. However, that means we need extra hands to make Easter a great experience for everyone! Areas of need include: Children’s Ministry, ushers, greeters, tech support and various others positions. Please let us know if you are willing to help out. To sign up email Jaclyn at

Excited to be together this weekend celebrating Palm Sunday! See you there!


A Note From Jeff Pries


What a blessing it was to dedicate seven children last Sunday! I love that we as a church get to be a part of such a defining moment for these families. God is doing amazing things in and through our church and it’s powerful to be involved in it.

We are excited to be entering into the Easter season, so I encourage you to be considering who you can invite to one of our services. There are people in our life (whether work, school, or our neighborhood) who are looking and waiting to be invited to church.  Let’s not miss out on that opportunity!

This season also brings more opportunities to volunteer. We want to be ready to welcome our community at Easter, so please consider serving and being part of Easter at Mariners Ocean Hills! You can sign up during the service over the next two weekends.

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, so I wanted to remind you that this weekend is the time change. Remember to set your clocks forward (do people still use clocks anymore, or is it just me?) and we will see you at 9 or 11a! We will have caffeine for those of us who needed that hour of sleep.

Jeff Pries

A Note from Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday this past week. It is so fun to see our church grow. We were really close to having the most kids we’ve ever had in our Children’s Ministry.

I learned something this Sunday, our church loves taquitos!  Way to go, we raised close to $1,400 for junior high camp scholarships to be given to the Spanish speaking church on our campus.  We have a great partnership with them, and it is so fun to come together and bless each other.

I think we can all agree installing the turf was such a great thing to do for our church. It was so fun to see people just having a picnic right on the ground. I even heard someone say, “It’s really comfortable, and the kids don’t even get grass stains.”  I love it.  Also, donations continue to come in, and we are just about (3/4) of the way towards our $15,000 goal.  You all have generous hearts, thank you.

Finally, Easter is just around the corner.  Remember, this is the time of year that people who don’t normally go to church will get up and go.  All they need is an invitation.  So please be thinking about people you can invite.  We will have a great service for everyone.  I hope you had a wonderful week.  This Sunday’s message may stretch us all a bit, but trust me, if we listen to what Jesus has to say, it will be life changing.



A Note from Jeff Pries


What a great time we had last Sunday! I loved the energy and excitement we experienced by all being together. A couple little fun facts… we gave away just over 1,000 hamburgers and handed out over 400 root beer floats. Now that’s a good day at church! As a reminder, this Sunday we are back to our regular service times, 9&11a.

We have a saying here at Mariners Ocean Hills, “we are in community, for the community.”  Well, this Saturday we are going outside our community and heading to Mexico. Please be praying for us as more than 50 from our church are heading down to build, not just one, but two houses. Join us this Sunday – we’ll be sharing some amazing stories of all that God did within our group and in Mexico.  And the great part about the trip is we are able to build those houses because of your generosity. You are making a difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor. Way to go! Thank you for your heart for those in need.

I’ll see you Sunday. We’ll be continuing our series Art of Relationships.


A Note From Jeff Pries


We are now a couple of weeks into our series Art of Relationships and we’ve had such a great time together. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been reminded each and every week to continue to work on my relationships and care for those around me – I hope you have felt the same. We have another great weekend planned continuing in our series and looking at something that affects many aspects of our relationships. Then after service we invite you to stick around. We have a live band coming and we’ll be grilling food for everyone, plus we’ll have activities for the kids. This will be a fun time to hang out and get to know each other better. Bring your friends as well!

I am also excited for two upcoming events! First is our Men’s Breakfast this Saturday. I’m looking forward to spending time with guys from our community, eating a delicious breakfast, and hearing from a good friend of mine- Gene Molway. Second, our Mexico House Build trip is coming up! Not only do I love working together and getting to know each other better, but I love the lasting blessing we get to provide for these families. Providing the security and protection of a home is one of the most impactful things I have been a part of! Be sure to sign up!

See you Sunday! And remember…. Service is at 10a this weekend.


Sunday Together

Sunday-TogetherJoin us as we gather for one service to celebrate and spend time in community! For one Sunday only, we’ll meet at 10a and then head out to the patio after the service for a BBQ! Enjoy a live band and bounce houses and activities for the kids. This is going to be such a fun day! Also, be thinking about who you can invite! Contact Jaclyn with questions,

Sun, Feb 21, 10a service, BBQ to follow