All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you are enjoying our series, Art of Relationships. Last week, we talked about comparing, and we were challenged to not give in to the desire to compare, wishing things were different. Comparing impacts our relationships because it leads to envy and resentment. This week I failed. My son didn’t get a hit in his last baseball game and all I could focus on was the fact that all the other kids did. At least I didn’t go home and ask him “what’s wrong with you?” Instead I encouraged him.

I, like you, am a work in progress and I have to say that what we’re looking at this week has had more impact on my relationships than any other topic. I know this sounds exaggerated, but it’s not. This is a life changing relational component and you don’t want to miss it. And if you need another reason to join us, it’s supposed to be hot and we will have the A/C on full blast.

God is doing great things at Mariners Ocean Hills. I love doing life together.



A Note From Jeff Pries


My challenge to you last Sunday was to “choose the loving thing to do.” When we’re at a fork in the road, choosing which way to go, try choosing the loving thing. Wow, I had no idea how many times I would be faced with that decision during the week. I imagine many of you faced the same dilemma. So, how are you doing? I’m doing pretty good, not bad, but far from perfect.

We are now heading into week two of our series Art of Relationship. I promise I won’t give you such challenging homework this weekend, but we will be looking at another topic that affects relationships more than you might think. It’s something we are faced with all the time, but seldom think has an impact on how we connect with other people.

In addition, we have some awesome events happening this week. Friday night is Date Night. This is an opportunity for couples to come and enjoy yummy appetizers, a short fun talk, and really inexpensive childcare. Oh yeah, it’s also a good chance for you to go on a date for a couple hours. Don’t miss this engaging evening and be sure to point someone you know to this great event.

Also, this Saturday is our church work day. Show up at 8:30a and do some fun work around the church. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “fun” and “work” don’t belong in the same sentence, but believe me, this will be both. No matter what your skill set is, we will have something for you to do. And of course, we’ll have donuts and coffee as well.

I look forward to seeing you this week. Blessings to you.

Take care,


Date Night

DateNigh2015-Irvine-Compass (1)

Whether you are a newlywed or have been married for decades, join us for Date Night. Enjoy an hour of socializing, appetizers, laughter, and community with an encouraging message, followed by two hours of free time. Search “Date” or click here for more info and registration. .

Fri, Feb 5, 6-9p, meet in the foyer

A Note Jeff Pries


What a great weekend we had this past Sunday! It was so fun to have our new worship leader Roy Schenkenberger and his family up front with us. I am so excited for the ways Roy will be leading us in the area of worship. He is a gifted leader with a great heart. If you didn’t have the opportunity to say “hi” to Roy, please make sure you do so this weekend.

This Sunday we are starting a new series called, “Art of Relationships.”  Relationships are a huge part of every aspect of our lives, and the great thing is, God has a lot to say about them. This Sunday we will be learning the foundational part of making a relationship work.

You are not going to want to miss this series, and remember, it’s a great opportunity to invite someone to church. I look forward to seeing you this weekend. It looks like there may be a little weather this Sunday, so remember, we are here rain or shine!



A Note From Jeff Pries

We’ve all been there- we’ve cried out to God with our needs and heard or felt nothing in return. And so we got frustrated, frustrated with life and more sadly, frustrated with God. And when we hit those moments, we felt stuck, and we didn’t know what to do. There is even a part of us that wanted to give up. If you have ever been in that place in your life, this weekend is for you. We are going to learn what to do when we cry out to God and hear nothing. This Sunday is going to be great because we have all been there. And, it’s going to be great for another reason. This Sunday, we will be introducing our new worship pastor, Roy Schenkenberger. Roy is an amazing guy with an extraordinary heart. He also happens to be incredibly gifted in leading worship. I love that God has brought him to Mariners Ocean Hills to be part of our church family.

Also this Sunday, I’m going to share a couple things with you that we are going to try as a church. I think they will be really fun ways to connect us as a community. It’s a Sunday you won’t want to miss.

Last night, I had the opportunity to kick off our most recent Rooted series. What a fantastic group of people who are really excited (and probably nervous) to be jumping into this amazing adventure together. At the end of the nine weeks, I am certain that God will speak to them on a spiritual, relational and emotional level. God is going to change their lives. If you haven’t experienced Rooted, please prayerfully consider it in the near future.

I love our church, God is working and it is so fun to do life with you.


A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so great being back with you last week. Even though I wasn’t truly gone, I had not spoken on a Sunday morning for three weeks, so it’s nice to be getting back into a rhythm. The other fun part was the pleasure I had to stand up front and share such a great picture of where we are financially. You have been incredibly generous and to think that we are at a place where we can break even with our budget is amazing. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and Mariners Ocean Hills.

This week, we’ll continue talking about Rooted. Community is such an important part of the life of our church. If you haven’t gone through Rooted please genuinely give it some prayer and thought. And if you have gone through Rooted, in the coming weeks we will be talking about Life Groups, the next step after Rooted in finding community.  Bottom line, if you are not in a group, we are entering the perfect season to get into one.

There is no greater place where ministry happens than out front of our church, on our patio and lawn. I love how we have gone from an area of mud to a turf field where kids and families can play. Plus, it will be the perfect place for some of our big celebrations – Harvest Carnival, Tree Lighting and our picnics! We are hoping to pay for the turf outside of our general offering, so if you would like to donate to the turf “above and beyond” your normal offering, that would be a blessing. We are currently one-quarter of the way to paying it off, so please pray about jumping in. And whether it be a big gift or a small one, they are all a blessing to our church.

I hope you are enjoying our series, Tune In where we have been looking at how to be connected with God. I look forward to sharing with you this weekend as we continue in the series.
