All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We had so many things happening on our campus, it was truly a fun season. I want to say “way to go!” for being inviters, as we had over 1,000 people in attendance on Christmas Eve. That is almost double from the previous year.

As the new year begins, there is a lot going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills, most notably Rooted. Rooted provides the opportunity for you to join a group of 15-18 people where you will walk through a powerful 10-week experience together. One of our sayings around here is that life change happens in circles, not rows. So if you are feeling like you need a little change in your life, Rooted is definitely for you.

I’m really excited to be back teaching this Sunday morning. I can guarantee that you will never look at prayer the same after this weekend. And, if you are wondering where we are with year-end giving and what is going on with our search for a Worship Pastor, I will fill you in this weekend.  It’s going to be a great Sunday.


A Note From Jeff Pries


I have always said, “It’s not Christmas till the temperature hits thirty degrees.” Well if you have gotten up early enough this week, it is clear to see (and feel) that Christmas is here. And I say this with no apologies… there is no better time of year than the holidays! We love the songs, we love the gifts and we endure the parties. Yes, it is Christmastime. And as you celebrate all that the season brings, don’t miss it’s true meaning.

To remind us of this and usher in Christmas, we have a few things coming up. Friday night is our annual “Christmas Together” concert at 7p. There are fantastic musical artists you won’t want to miss. And then this Sunday, we will be continuing our series, Light of the World, answering the important question… Why did God become man? And of course, Thursday is our Christmas Eve Services at 3:30 and 5:30p. It is one of my favorite services of the year. Whether it is being together as a family, or the candlelight finish to Silent Night, or Deanna’s rendition of Oh Holy Night, or the message of Jesus coming to earth as a baby, there is nothing better. It is a great service to invite people to, so please be praying for friends and family.

It’s a great season, and I look forward to celebrating it all with you.


A Note From Jeff Pries


To say last weekend was great might be an understatement. We had such a wonderful service with our Children’s Ministry and Deanna leading us in worship – celebrating the joy of Christmas! Having the kids in service is always such a blessing. It reminds us all of that child-like faith! Then, Sunday night, we had our tree lighting which was so fun. We enjoyed snow, cookies, and hot chocolate, and sang Christmas carols together. It was such a great event. I loved spending time with you all and meeting your friends and family.

If you missed last weekend, I challenged us to choose one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to read in the next few weeks and then write down who God is on the boards located in the foyer. They will be out as we talk about this leading up to Christmas, so participate when you can. This weekend we’re continuing in our Light of the World series, considering the idea that God actually humbled Himself to become man and answering the question: Why? Why would God do that? Why would He come to Earth and choose to become one of us? This is one of those profound questions that anyone would think about, so be praying about who in your life needs to hear how much God loves them and who you can invite in these upcoming weeks. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.



Light of the World Weekend Series


We are in this Christmas season where we celebrate God becoming man. In this series, we will be answering the question: Why? Why did God become man? Why would God do that? Why would God come to Earth to be like us? We invite you to join us as we look into the intentionality of God humbling Himself to become man.

Weekend Services:
Sun, 9 & 11a