All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries 6/22


There are so many reasons I love our church.

I love our heart for God, for each other, and for the community. Another great part of our church is our value of having fun. Last Sunday was just fun. What a great time we had on the patio as we celebrated dads. Whether it was the eating sliders, the sound of the ringing bell by swinging the mallet, watching the kids shoot paintballs at moving targets–it was all a blast on the patio. And then, washing it all down with root beer floats- there’s nothing better. Thank you to all for participating and a big thank you for those who made it all happen.

This Sunday, we’ re going to have another fun time on the patio. This Sunday we are going to make “you matter bags” for the homeless in our community. It’s a great way to give them some items that help them to get through the day, as well as a short note to let them know they matter to us and to God. So, this Sunday, expect us to cut the service a tad short as we take the last 10 minutes of the service to fill these bags as a way to make a difference in our community. We are a great community of believers, and as we always say, one of the big reasons we’re a community is to be for our community. Like we say, we are “in the community for the community.”

This weekend will be a great example of that. So join us for week three in our series called Letters. It’s going to be a great Sunday! Also, you will see our VBS sign up for the first time. VBS this year is Wildlife themed and takes place Jul 10-14. So if you have kids in your family, sign them up. And if you know of kids who can be blessed by this great week, let them know. The kids have a blast and it’s one of those events where even the volunteers have a great time. So, if you are available that week, we need you to jump in and bless the kids and families of this church! You can sign up to volunteer here. As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.



Hygiene Kits & Military Thank You



Join us after services to build hygiene kits for the homeless in our community.  We will be making kits to give to our ministry partner, Our Father’s Table, a ministry to the local homeless.  You will also be making one to take with you to give to someone in need you may encounter.  This is a great way to reach the homeless by showing them that they matter.

And, thank you to all those who signed up to serve at the Military Ministry BBQ on Jun 29 at Camp Pendleton.  We are so excited to serve the men and women who make personal sacrifices to faithfully serve our country.

A Note From Jeff Pries 6/15


Historically, one of the lowest attended Sundays of the year for churches across the country is Father’s Day. But not so with our church. One of the reasons for this is that we love to make it a great day for guys. So whether it’s paintball, sliders, or root beer floats with the US Open on in the background– this is a great day! Not just for the guys, but for everyone. Our hope is that you truly celebrate this day, and start out celebrations at church.

Not only is this Sunday going to be fun, but we’ll also focus on part two of our Letters series as we continue to look at the Apostle Paul’s letters to the early church. This Sunday, we’re going to look at something we tend to overlook when it comes to living the Christian life. There are so many roadblocks in our lives that want to take us out. If we would only remember to focus on this one piece that we may be missing, we may take a huge step in living the kind of life God has called us to.

It’s going to be a great Sunday, we look forward to seeing you. As always, think of those who may need God and community in their lives and invite them.



A Note From Jeff Pries (Jun 8 Draft)


I sure missed being with you all on Sunday. I heard it was a great service with Cole and Roy. It always feels extra special when we partake in communion together. Also, it was a great weekend for the men at their annual retreat. Not only did I hear great stories of powerful ways that God worked in the lives of the men, but I am happy to say that our men won the award for the “mancathalon.”  We will display their trophy proudly somewhere in the church.  Probably in the basement (just kidding).

This weekend I will be kicking off a new series titled “Letters.”  We will be focusing on the letters that Paul wrote to the early church. It will be a series of encouragement and direction for our lives. Please join us as we kick off the series. And, please be thinking of who you could invite. Eighty percent of all people who are invited to church say yes. This Sunday would be an encouraging Sunday for them to join us.

Finally, June is always an important month for our church. We close the books on the fiscal year, and we will be starting with a new budget in July. We are right on the cusp of making budget, and how we do in June financially will dictate where we end up financially for the year. Also, how we end up the year dictates what our budget will be set at for next year. I am really excited about how God wants to use our church this coming year, so this is an important time in the life of our church. Please be prayerfully considering how you may be able to participate in this important time in the life of our church.

As always, it is great doing life and ministry with you. Continued blessings. Thanks for your heart for God and your love for our church.




Get the camping experience here on our very own campus. Bring your camping gear for a night of food, games, s’mores, a movie, and the beautiful outdoors. Then wake up in the morning for some delicious breakfast treats before tearing down camp. RSVP here.

Fri, Jun 23 – Sat, Jun 24

Park & Play


Join us for Popsicles, Play-Doh, face painting, sidewalk chalk, lemonade, crafts, snacks, sand toys and more! We’ll do the work and you have the fun! Invite your friends to this fun, free, weekly gathering! Register here.

Wednesdays, Jun 21-Jul 26, 10a-12p
Los Rios Park, 31747 Los Rios St, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675