There are so many reasons I love our church.
I love our heart for God, for each other, and for the community. Another great part of our church is our value of having fun. Last Sunday was just fun. What a great time we had on the patio as we celebrated dads. Whether it was the eating sliders, the sound of the ringing bell by swinging the mallet, watching the kids shoot paintballs at moving targets–it was all a blast on the patio. And then, washing it all down with root beer floats- there’s nothing better. Thank you to all for participating and a big thank you for those who made it all happen.
This Sunday, we’ re going to have another fun time on the patio. This Sunday we are going to make “you matter bags” for the homeless in our community. It’s a great way to give them some items that help them to get through the day, as well as a short note to let them know they matter to us and to God. So, this Sunday, expect us to cut the service a tad short as we take the last 10 minutes of the service to fill these bags as a way to make a difference in our community. We are a great community of believers, and as we always say, one of the big reasons we’re a community is to be for our community. Like we say, we are “in the community for the community.”
This weekend will be a great example of that. So join us for week three in our series called Letters. It’s going to be a great Sunday! Also, you will see our VBS sign up for the first time. VBS this year is Wildlife themed and takes place Jul 10-14. So if you have kids in your family, sign them up. And if you know of kids who can be blessed by this great week, let them know. The kids have a blast and it’s one of those events where even the volunteers have a great time. So, if you are available that week, we need you to jump in and bless the kids and families of this church! You can sign up to volunteer here. As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.