All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


It’s been fun to hear how so many of you are loving our Transformed series. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about this battle of sin that we all face. And, we have been learning that Jesus came to free us from sin. He came not only to free us from the penalty of sin, but to free us from the power of sin. We talked specifically last week about the battle of wanting to live the right way and do the right thing, yet we find we just can’t at times. We don’t do what we want to do, and to make matters worse, we actually do what we hate. We learned we’re not the only ones struggling with this (this was the Apostle Paul’s battle too). So we do what we think is the answer: try harder. Then we fail and feel guilty. What a miserable cycle! This weekend we’ll be talking about how we can combat this vicious cycle. It’s an essential part of the whole series – one you will not want to miss. I’m excited about it…and I’m excited because we all get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday!  Looking forward to seeing you.


A Note From Jeff Pries


As a church, we often talk about being “inviters” – looking out for people in our lives (friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers) who need to hear some good news about life, or who need some sort of community for themselves or for their kids. If there were ever a good week to invite someone, it’s this week. This Sunday, I will be talking about one of life’s biggest dilemmas, and more importantly, what to do about it. It will be a weekend that everyone will relate to, but seemingly, no one knows what to do about it. And the great news is for the following two weeks, I will be talking about how to deal with this area of our life. Simply put…Do you wonder how to make life work? We are going to find out over these next few weeks. So invite someone, not only will it bless them, but it may also unlock something in their life they have never even thought about.


A Note From Jeff Pries


It is one of my favorite weekends of the year…Harvest Carnival! It’s another great picture of what church is all about: worshiping, learning, growing, having fun in community together. We will be having all kinds of great games, a bungee jumper for kids, pony rides for the little ones, bounce houses, pumpkins and of course, the Chili Cook Off.  If you haven’t signed up for the Chili Cook Off please email Jaclyn. This is a great weekend to invite friends. We’ll be continuing in the series Transformed, looking at the book of Romans.

Tuesday night was a fun night as we kicked off Community Nights. We had great food, the speakers were engaging and people began to form friendships around their tables. The beauty of Community Nights is that you can jump in at any time, so if you are looking to learn about how to navigate relationships and form friendships, join us this Tuesday at 6p. We will begin with a delicious taco bar to get things started. Once again, invite a friend, it’s a great first step into the church as well. Email Cole so we can save a seat for you!

As you can see, there’s a lot going on. It’s great growing and doing life with you.



Harvest Carnival


Join us as we welcome the fall season with a carnival! We’ll have our annual Chili Cook Off and games and activities for the kids. Come fill your stomach with incredible chili, and spend time in community with our church family! Tickets will be on sale for carnival games (cash only, please). For more information or to help out contact Jaclyn,

Sun, Oct 18, following services (9 & 11a)


A Note From Jeff Pries


I missed you last week as I was spending time celebrating my son up at UCLA at a baseball parent luncheon. But I heard you had a great weekend having Kyle come speak. I’m looking forward to being back this week to kick off a new series. We will be looking at the Book of Romans and seeing what a transformed life is all about. Do you ever wonder what the secret ingredient is to make life work? Well, this week we will find out. And it may be different than you think.

Community is such a big part of our church. Next Tuesday, October 13, we’ll be kicking off Community Nights. So join us for dinner – we’ll have a great time learning and growing together. Roger and Becky Tirabassi will be talking to us about relationships. Plan on jumping in for the next six weeks (if you can make them all) and grow in relationship and friendship. You can find out more and register here.

Lastly, our Harvest Carnival and Chili Cook Off are coming up on Sunday, October 18, which is a weekend you do NOT want to miss. We will have more info this weekend and make sure you sign up to attempt to beat my famous chili recipe!

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Don’t worry, we will have the A/C cranking.



Syrian Crisis


There are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees in other nations, more than 7 million displaced within Syria and more than 3 million internally displaced Iraqis. As a church, we are called to respond as we always do through partnerships and collaborative efforts. Find out more. Visit Disaster Response on our website and learn how Mariners Church is responding and how you can help.

Recharge Your Marriage


Come and recharge your marriage! We’ll spend a day and a half together hearing from incredible speakers who will offer practical relationship insights and encourage us in our marriages. Speakers include: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Bob Goff, John Mark Comer, & Joy Eggerichs. For more info visit (use promo code: oceanhills). Email Jaclyn,, with questions.

Recharge Your Marriage
Oct 9-10, Ocean Hills Campus

A Note From Jeff Pries


With Fall Kick Off in full swing, we hope you have been enjoying your experience on Sunday mornings. Many of our ministries have launched: Rooted, Men, Women and Youth. Community Nights will be kicking off in two weeks; it’s going to be a great time, so please plan on jumping in. This week, we’ll be finishing up our fall series, then starting a new series on Romans. We’ll be looking at ways to continue bringing life change into our lives.

Now that summer is fully over, I want to say “way to go!” Summer involves a lot of things for many of us and especially for churches. Oftentimes, summer means lower attendance and a decline in giving. Well, our numbers grew in the summer, and our giving exceeded our budget. You have continued to be incredibly generous to the Church and obedient to God. Thank you! You are making a difference. Ministry is happening because of your generosity and God’s blessing. God is using you in amazing ways!



A Note From Jeff Pries


Last week at church was a beautiful picture of what the Church is all about. It was a group of people who were saying I can use some encouragement, and a group of people coming around them to pray. It was a great response to what God is doing in the hearts of us, and what He is doing in the heart of our church. We will continue in Fall Kick Off this week. My idea of peppermint sticks in lemons has been shelved for some simpler fun snacks. It was our well-meaning attempt to bring “the fair” into our patio experience. Either way, we’ll have some fun, family-friendly activities this weekend.

If last week’s message of encouragement felt like it hit home, this week will probably feel similar. We’ll talk about what to do when we feel like we’re losing control in life and want to throw our hands up in the air and give up. The good news is God has something to say about that, and it may or may not surprise you.

A couple things to remember: Community Nights kick off in a of couple weeks; Men’s Breakfast is this Saturday and Mops and Women of Passion are kicking off as well. There is a lot going on, so I encourage you to find a way to get plugged in. I believe God will bless you in a mighty way.

Great doing life and ministry with you,



Fall Kick Off


Celebrate fall and a new season after the crazy, fun summer vacation. Ministries will be launching and there are many ways for you and your family to get connected! Contact Jaclyn,

Sundays, Sep 13, 20 & 27, after services, Ocean Hills Campus
Sep 13: BBQ, Beach Boys Tribute Band, bubbles for the kids
Sep 20: Ministry fair, carnival treats, bounce houses for the kids
Sept 27: Sports fun, chips & salsa