All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday this past weekend, from partaking in communion, to a fun pancake breakfast. It had that feeling of “this is what Church is all about.” IHOP even emailed me to ask for the recipe for our pancakes. :) I told them it is a closely guarded secret, so they will just have to come next year to experience it for themselves. Thank you to all the great volunteers who made the day happen. Please remember we are always looking for help on the weekends, so if you see someone doing something, and think, “I’d like to do that,” then let us know, and we will get you plugged in. We need you. What if once a month you decided to “sit one and serve one?” Meaning, you decided you were going to enjoy one service by sitting in it, and then enjoy the next service by serving in it.  Pray about it. We’d love for you to jump in.

We have another Date Night coming up at the end of this month, which you do not want to miss out on. It is going to be such a great night. We will have tasty appetizers, a speaker, and two hours for you and your spouse to go out and spend time on a date while we have an engaging program for your kiddos here! These nights are so fun and are a super inexpensive date night for you guys, so mark your calendars and RSVP here.

This Sunday I will be continuing in our series Oh! The Places We’ll Go. Do you remember how as a kid you would ask if you could sleep with the light on because you were afraid? What if we could learn how to “live life with the light on,” and not be afraid? Well, that is what we are going to learn about this weekend. We hope and pray you are having a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.



School Supply Drive


We believe education is an important part of child development and that all children should have the supplies and help they need to succeed. Join us as we collect back to school supplies for children living in low-income situations in San Juan Capistrano. Take a supply list from the patio this weekend (or visit our website), shop with your kids, family or friends and bring the supplies back to Mariners Ocean Hills at the drop-off bin on the weekends of August 9, 16 & 23.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, summer is in full swing and part of that is trying to get away and travel (which I was able to do last week). That is why we felt Oh! The Places We’ll Go is the perfect name for our summer series. We all find ourselves on a journey to different places in life, either figuratively or metaphorically. This week we will be looking at the journey in our relationship with God. Do you ever feel like your relationship with God can go up and down as life goes up and down? Like life is letting you down, so is God letting you down? This is something we all struggle with. We want our walk with God to feel more secure than that, more stable. This week we will find out how our perspective on life can really impact our relationship with God.

Not only am I looking forward to being back this week, I am excited for our final Framily event! This Sunday we will have a pancake breakfast after each service. Join us for gourmet pancakes, live music, and entertainment for the kids. One of the things I love about our church is the community feel we have, so you won’t want to miss out. Also, we are in the midst of a School Supply Drive. There are many families in our area who do not have the means to obtain backpacks, pencils, pens and other school supplies. We are hoping to ease the pain for parents who cannot afford all of these products. So if you can, pick up a supplies list (or view it on the website), grab something in the store and donate it this Sunday.

Blessings to you,


A Note From Jeff Pries


We had so much fun on Sunday for “Framily” Night. It was such a great night listening to music, eating good food, playing games, and being in community with one another. So thank you to all who came and made it such a fun experience and to those of you who missed it, we will definitely do it again next summer so you can join in! We have our final summer “Framily” gathering on Sunday, August 9, and it’s a pancake breakfast! It will be a fun-filled afternoon, spending time in community with one another. So be sure to grab a friend and come hungry for some homemade pancakes after services.

I’m really enjoying this series, “Oh! The Places We’ll Go,” and hope you are too. This week we’ll be looking at how we can oftentimes trip ourselves up and find ourselves struggling and alone, and how God has called us – giving us exactly what we need. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


A Note from Jeff Pries


We are in the third week of the series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. We realize that life is a journey, and we all have places we want to go. This week we will learn that where we go and who we go with can be the difference between the journey we have always dreamed of and a bad trip.

This Sunday evening is our second Framily night. This evening is going to be a great night, so invite your friends and family. We will have games and events for all ages, from bounce houses for the little kids, to trampoline bungee jumps for the big ones. We will have a cover band, a fun illusionist (who thinks he’s funny), and some delicious tacos. And it is all free. So invite some friends and come on out at 5p on Sunday for a great time together.

See you Sunday,


Framily Fun Night


Come for an evening of summer fun! Enjoy games, a live band, food, and lots of laughter. There will be activities for all ages so grab your neighbors, friends, and family and enjoy a summer night on our beautiful campus! Cick here or contact Jaclyn for more info,

Sun, Jul 26, 5-7p, Ocean Hills Campus, free

Upcoming Framily Event…
Sun, Aug 9 , After the 9 & 11a services

A Note From Jeff Pries


VBS is in full swing! It’s such an amazing week as our Children’s Ministry takes over, transforming our campus into a giant candy land. There are more than 300 kids attending VBS this year and over 150 of you volunteering and helping out! It is such a great picture of the church we are called to be – reaching our community and impacting the lives of the next generation. As the week continues, we would appreciate you keeping these kids and volunteers in your prayers. It’s going to be so fun in our services this weekend, celebrating all that God did this week!

I also want to remind you that our “Framily” Fun Night is quickly approaching. We are planning a fantastic evening for everyone. If this church errs on the side of anything, it’s that we value authentic relationships with one another, and events like this are incredible opportunities to get to know one another better! Even more so, it’s a perfect opportunity to invite someone! There are people in our lives who need and WANT to be invited, to church and to these events, and it is on us to be the ones to invite them. Who is God putting on your heart to invite to Sunday morning services or events like “Framily” Fun Night?”

Hope you all are having a wonderful week and I can’t wait to see you this Sunday as we continue our new series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go.