All posts by Mariners OH

A Message from Jeff Pries


Well, Easter is over, and we are in full spring mode. For some of us, it feels a bit like spring fever. We’ve made our way through winter (if we could call it a winter), and now we are excited for summer to kick in, when school is out and trips are planned and we hope that life can have a little more space and margin. For me, spring is my favorite time of year, where the temperature is warmer but not hot. Baseball is in full swing and the NBA and NHL are in the playoffs, and my kids are winding down and ready for a break.

I love THIS spring because I love the idea of our new series Reset, looking at a new way to live life and resetting our preconceived notions of what life is about. This Sunday, week two of the series, is a message for all of us. Do you ever want more out of life? Do you ever wonder if this is as good as you get or if this is all that God has for you? Do you ever give up the dream that God wants to do more for you and with you? Failure, fear, rejection or discouragement can cause you to lose heart and believe “I am what I am and I will never be more.” What if God has more for you? Don’t you want to be all that God has called you to be? And whether you say yes, or yes I think, or I’m not sure if I could, this Sunday you will find out how. I look forward to worshiping and celebrating with you.



A Note from Jeff Pries

As summer is quickly approaching, there are a lot of things going on at Mariners Ocean Hills. Our prayer always is that you feel connected and have a great next step in your journey here. We say this all the time, but we truly believe life change happens in circles and not rows. We believe that when you step into a community of people who are looking to grow in relationship and further their walk with Christ, you will experience life change. For us, Rooted is that step. We encourage everyone who attends Ocean Hills to jump into Rooted, so if you have yet to go on the Rooted journey, now is the time. You will not be disappointed and can sign up here

If you are new to Mariners Ocean Hills in the last 3 or so months, we are having a Next Steps lunch for you. This is a way to hear what the church is all about and an opportunity to listen to all of the staff talk about ministry here at Mariners. So join us next weekend, April 26th at 12:30p. Also Thrive, our women’s retreat, is coming up, and we are so excited for what is being planned for the women of this church! You do not want to miss out, so talk to Christine this weekend on the patio about getting signed up! There is also more information below.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we start our new series, Reset. We all have areas in our life that are either misconceptions or roads that we’ve gone down that don’t work, and we need a reset. It’s a new way of thinking about life’s biggest issues – an opportunity for a clean slate. See you this weekend!



A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend we had, as hundreds of people were on our campus to celebrate Easter. There is nothing like watching kids collect Easter eggs as though it is the last piece of candy they may ever have. We could not have done this weekend without the great work from all of our volunteers. Thank you so much!

We will be starting a new series called Reset in the coming weeks. We all have places in our lives where we would like to have a second chance. Join us as we see what that looks like in everyday life.


A Note From Jeff Pries


When it comes to Jesus and the Church, this week is what it is all about. God loves us so much that He sent His Son to the cross to pay the price for our sin, our brokenness. And then three days later, that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead, that the tomb was, in fact, empty, is a miracle and something worth celebrating! There is power in the resurrection – the idea that the same power that brought Jesus back from the dead can change our lives today. We hope that you will come to celebrate this beautiful truth with us this week. It’s a powerful message and it’s what our faith is all about. And remember, you have people in your life who need to hear this message, or need to be reminded of this message. All it takes is an invite. This Easter, don’t come alone, bring someone. Let them experience what Jesus and the Church is all about.

Our services are: Good Friday: 5:30p and Easter: 9 & 11a. If you get here early, please park in the Armstrong’s Nursery lot – the gate will be open. We want to fill those spots first!


A Note from Jeff Pries

What a weekend we had. Thank you so much for jumping in and serving in such a powerful way. To think that we will be sending tens of thousands of meals to Liberia is overwhelming. People are going to be eating because of your generosity; you make a difference. What an amazing scene to see a sea of people working together to be the hands and feet of Christ. It was a great picture of the Church at work, and it is exactly what we are called to do. We are a church that serves, and we are a church that invites. Please be praying for friends and neighbors and co-workers that you can invite to Easter. Remember, there are people in your life who only need an invitation and they will come to church. Easter is the perfect service because they will hear what the hope of Jesus is all about. So remember, don’t come alone, invite someone to hear the gospel and celebrate with us.

