All posts by Mariners OH

Life Groups

In community for community! Have you been through Rooted and are looking for your next step? We would love to help you get connected into a life group. We have groups for everyone, both life-stage specific and mixed. Two groups with space right now are young married couples who are looking for connection and mentoring, and families looking to learn and grow together. For more info, click here.

New Service Times Begin This Weekend!



Starting this Sunday, we are so excited to have our first week of two services. We’ll be celebrating over the next few weekends with fun surprises after each service – starting with kettle corn and root beer floats this weekend! It will be a great opportunity for you to connect with all your church friends between and after services and enjoy delicious treats. As we continue to respond to what God wants to do through our church in our community, I would love for you to join me and pray about who we can be inviting.

See you Sunday at 9 & 11a, and if you forget and show up at 10a, enjoy some kettle corn and stay for the 11a service.


A Note From Jeff Pries


I am really excited about this Sunday, it is a huge step for our church as we move to two services (9 & 11a).  This is happening because I really sense God’s blessing upon our church. A major step in the process is because you are great at inviting and you are great at serving, so thank you for your commitment to the church. This week, we will see you at a new time – and I know this may be challenging – but maybe even a new seat. I know you are going to want to be here to celebrate our big step, but I have to say this weekend’s service is going to be special. If you have ever wondered how to take a major step in your relationship with God, we will find that out together this weekend. And you are going to have to just trust me, but we are also going to have a moment in the service you are not going to want to miss.

Also, today is the start of what many refer to as the Lent(en) season. Lent—approximately 6 weeks prior to Easter—is kicked off by “Ash Wednesday” and is used by many as a preparation period leading up to Easter. Some people fast—going without food, junk food, media, etc. Some people pray—at specific times each day. Others participate in disciplines or behaviors that serve them. But the point is simple: prepare your heart for a very special time of the year—Easter. So I want to invite you to ask yourself, what can I do differently in the next six weeks? Is there some basic sacrifice you can make… or step you can take…? Is there something new you want to try? Or something old you want to go without?  Who knows how God might use this commitment. But you can know this: He’ll do something. (For daily expressions and prayers for Lent, you can download our Lent Journey card here.)

See you this Sunday at either 9 or 11a…Blessings,

A Note from Jeff Pries

I hope you are having a great week. Boy, summer really snuck up on us. If you join us this weekend, you will be part of a fun moment in the life of our church. You will be able to say you were at the church for the last time we were one service. This is because on February 22nd we will be moving to two services. Service times will be 9 & 11a. The response to volunteer at a service was incredible, and we will be giving you more opportunities to sign up this weekend.

This Sunday, we will continue in the series The Pursuit of Happiness. If you are wondering what one of the big happiness “stealers” is, I will let you know this week. And the fun part is, Jesus has a lot to say about it. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. Join us! We will have the A/C pumping.


Children’s Volunteer Training

Each weekend children experience the fun and excitement of Port Mariners, playing, meeting new friends and learning about Jesus. Teams of staff and volunteers will bring the message of Jesus alive to children (ages birth-5th grade) in an age-appropriate loving environment. Come learn about how you can get involved. If you are already serving, come learn about some exciting opportunities that are happening. For more info, contact Diane,

 Sun, Feb 15, 11:30a-12:30p, Room 224

A Note From Jeff Pries


It is so fun to see all that God is doing in and through our church. We have always said that we are a church in community for community. How great it is too see we take that seriously, and you are reaching into your communities and friendships and inviting people, and the church is growing. I love that we are beginning to hear stories from the winter session of Rooted and that we are seeing people in community learning about God and growing together in their faith. Men’s and Women’s Ministries are launching, so be sure to talk with these groups on the patio this Sunday to see how you can get involved! It’s powerful seeing God at work here at Mariners Ocean Hills, moving in our hearts as we develop relationships and do life together!

As God is moving here at Ocean hills, we have been growing significantly. So, this past weekend we began talking about going to two services at the end of this month. Adding another service is exciting! I’m thrilled for the opportunities this opens up for us. Two services will ease some of the tension we are seeing in two areas: our parking lot and our children’s rooms. It will make both areas function much better. While those are some of the functional reasons, there are other opportunities two services allows. This allows people to serve and also attend church. It creates more opportunities for people to make it to church, and it opens up more space in the room (rooms at 80% capacity tend to stop growing). It reminds us that we are a church of “inviters.” God has called us to reach the people of San Juan for Jesus and making space for them is a huge piece. February 22nd will be the weekend we transition to two services (9 & 11a), and we will continue talking about what this transition means for each of us! Would you join me in prayer for this next season as we trust God with the direction of this church?

We are continuing our series The Pursuit of Happiness this weekend as we talk about relationships, a necessity for happiness. You won’t want to miss it!

See you Sunday!


MOPS: Be You, Bravely

If you are in need of encouragement, wisdom, new friendships, or just a chance to sit down and drink hot coffee with adults, MOPS may be the place for you. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, which means moms of infants to five years; expectant mommies are welcome too! More info here.

Fridays through May 1, 9-11:30a, Ocean Hills Campus, room 226, $80
childcare provided: $100 first child, each additional child, $50

Questions? Contact:

A Note From Jeff Pries


Last weekend was amazing seeing God move in powerful ways and how He uses us to care for people around us. Ali’s story is one of heartbreak and redemption and through her vulnerability, she is a light in this world. My hope is that this week has sparked something within you, knowing that God has specifically placed you where you are to be a light to those around you. We are continuing to keep the families affected by the fire in prayer and have been meeting with some of them this week. We are committed to supporting them as they work to start over with their homes, but in this time of “unknown,” would you continue to pray for them… pray for healing… pray for peace… and pray for hope as they step forward toward a new beginning.

We are in a series The Pursuit of Happiness where we are continuing to re-calibrate the ways in which we search for happiness and what we really are looking for. The next few weeks we’ll be talking about relationships, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about. You won’t want to miss it! This is also a great time to invite friends, family and neighbors to come to church with you. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!


A Note From Jeff


We had a great weekend last week as we introduced our new Worship Leader, Andrew Tremblay. After three months of searching for a new worship leader, it was great to finally have Andrew on board. I loved the picture of the elders praying over him and his wife Holly and their family. Please make sure you say “hi” to Andrew when you see him on Sunday.

Well, we put out the call to jump in to Rooted, and you did in a powerful way. On Tuesday night 50 came to the campus and began their Rooted experience. We look forward to hearing the stories of how God will move in the lives of all involved. There is a lot going on here this winter. In Women’s Ministry, Mops is kicking off this week. It is always a great time for mom’s with young kids to get together and grow and learn and have fun together. Women of Passion will be kicking off next week, which is a great study lead by Christine Digiacomo. Our Men’s Ministry is back and running with their Bible studies on both Tuesday night and Sunday morning.

Finally, JHM Winter Camp was a great success. It was fun and connecting and meaningful. Rob, our Youth Director will be sharing more of the stories in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you this weekend as we continue the series, “Pursuit of Happiness.”  We will be answering the question, Why am I here? You won’t want to miss it.
