Well, if you were here last weekend, my guess is you are still dancing (at least to yourself), as you think about the worship that we experienced through our friends from Kenya. It was a great weekend filled with fun things for the ladies and the “interesting” experience of doing something new and stretching. As a matter of fact, you all did better than I did, I have to admit, the dancing with hand motions is not my forte.
This weekend will be another special weekend but in a different way. We will have baby dedications. It is a great picture of what life, family and church are all about. We will have a great moment during the service as we watch 11 kids get dedicated and their families thank God for the incredible gift of their children. Please plan on coming to celebrate with these families.
Just a couple things that are going on here this week that will seem special. Tonight our Pre-school is having their open house. If you want the chance to check out the Pre-school, and get a free dinner too, show up anytime between 5:30-7:00p.
And, this Saturday is our men’s breakfast. It is a great time to get together with the guys, have breakfast and listen to an inspiring talk. This Saturday’s speaker is one of our Pastors, Jim Glynn. Jim always does a great job, so we would love to have you join us at 8a. I look forward to seeing you there.
As always, great doing life and ministry with you. I hope you are having a great week.
Take care,