All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


Once again, thank you for your incredible generosity towards the poor and needy. To think we gave out 162 Christmas tags; enabling kids who may not get Christmas presents to get a gift. And we also gave out 145 food bags, helping to replenish the local food banks during the holidays. And on top of that you gave over $5,000 above and beyond our normal offering to be used to help the people in need in our community and around the world. You are amazing, and incredibly generous. Also this past weekend you filled “You Matter” bags. These are filled with items we, at times, take for granted that would mean the world to a homeless person. It’s a way for us to tell those struggling that we care about them and that “they matter,” both to us and to God. I hope that you are having great experiences as you give your bags away, and we can’t wait to hear your stories.

This weekend we will be in our second week of our series Obsessed. Do you feel overwhelmed, trying to do too much in your life (which is pretty much all of us)?  If you feel like there are not enough hours in the day and you don’t like how it affects you or the people around you, then this weekend is for you.  Join us this week as we learn from one of the central figures of the Old Testament and see how he handles what we deal with; that desire to try and do too much.

Our High School Ministry is heading to Big Bear for the weekend. Please be praying for their safety and that they have a great time with each other and with God. I love the way our youth ministries have been growing.  It is so fun to see the students step up into leadership and also to see volunteers giving of their time to make a difference in the lives of the youth.

Blessings to you this week. We hope to see you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


This past weekend was a picture of what the Church is all about, making a difference in the lives of people in the community. Your generosity was overwhelming. Thank you. We grabbed all of the food bags, nearly all the Christmas tags, and you were incredibly generous with your Outreach offering. Please join us this week as we begin to celebrate all that God did through you last week. Also, we will be giving you an another opportunity to experience an easy and fun way to play, while making a difference in the lives of the poor in our community.

This weekend, we will be kicking off our new series, Obsessed. Ever feel like you’re trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing, yet can’t? Or you feel like you’re trying to squeeze in one more thing? Or do just one more thing? Or feel like you really need something right now and don’t care about the cost? Of course, we all experience those things on some level which is why this is a great series for all of us – especially as we head into the holiday season.

Speaking of the holidays, don’t forget, Christmas is fast approaching and we will be celebrating with Tree lighting. We had a blast last year (yes, we’re bringing in snow again), and of course our Christmas Eve service where you’ll have the opportunity to invite someone to experience what Christmas is really about. Mark your calendar – you won’t want to miss either event.

Have a great week…see you Sunday…bring a friend.



HSM Mid-Week & JHM Life Groups


HSM Midweek
Wednesdays, 7-8:30p, Mariners Church Ocean Hills
Hang with friends, ask tough questions and go deeper in your faith! This is a great opportunity for high school students to connect to a community and to Jesus.

JHM Life Groups
Tuesdays, Sep 30-Dec 9, Mariners Church Ocean Hills room 226
Our JHM Life Groups exist to give junior high students a place to connect with other Christians and to grow deeply as authentic followers of Jesus.

Contact Rob for info.

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend we had last Sunday. I am finally getting over my loss in the chili cook-off, but putting that aside, it was an incredible Harvest Carnival Sunday.  Thank you so much to all of the amazing volunteers – God is using you in amazing ways to make the church thrive! As I sat there and watched all the kids playing, and the adults talking (and eating) it just struck me that “this is so much of what church is all about.” We have another great Sunday planned for this weekend. Yes, church is about community, but it is also about reaching out to the poor, the needy, and the marginalized. Last weekend was a great opportunity to invite a friend, because it was so fun. This weekend is another great weekend to invite someone to because they will get to see the Church at work, making a difference in the lives of those in need. It will be a great time to celebrate how God has used all of you at Mariners Ocean Hills this past year and we will be challenged to continue making a difference in the lives of the poor and needy in our community and around the world. We all have the desire for life change. Come this weekend, learn what is means to be “neighborly” and you will find that it will change not only the lives of others but your life as well.


A Note From Jeff Pries


Ok, I know I say this a lot, but this coming weekend is one of my favorites. Not only do we have a great time planned in service, but we get to enjoy the Harvest Carnival. So, expect all of the things that you have experienced in church, but also expect: bounce houses, a petting zoo, pony rides, bungee jump and of course the Chili Cook-off (in which I am bringing my world-famous recipe). It’s going to be a fun Sunday, so make sure you are there and bring a friend if you can. We’ll be continuing in the series Love Where You Live. The first week we talked about how God has said the identifiable mark of a Christian is our love for each other and then last week Cole talked about the idea that God has placed you in your neighborhood for a purpose. This week, I’ll be looking at the idea that we all have relationships that are strained and how we can reconcile broken relationships.

See you this Sunday…come hungry!


Love Where You Live #LWYL


What would happen if we got serious about loving the people in our communities – wherever that might be? What would happen if we broke through all the barriers that keep our communities as merely a collection of polite strangers? What would it look like if we stopped dreaming about our next move and…

…truly loved where we lived?

during the weekend service
Sun: 10a
map and directions

Click here to find out ways you can love where you live and love your community!

A Note From Jeff Pries


Finally, the temperature has dropped below 90 degrees, so fall must be in the air. Also, we know it is fall because we are rolling out our Pumpkin Patch this weekend. So if you are looking for a fun way to buy your pumpkin this year, do it this Sunday after church. And the best part is, all proceeds go to our Outreach Ministry.

Also, the following weekend is Harvest Carnival. Last year was a big hit and this year promises to be even more fun! Join us for our 10a service and then for the carnival. We will have pony rides, petting zoo, carnival games, bounce houses, face painting and a bungee trampoline jump! It’s going to be a great time. And please don’t forget to sign up for the Chili Cook-off – it is a fun part of the day as well. And just because I guarantee that my chili will win, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try (please note the sarcasm there).

One of our greatest values for our church is to be an inviting community, so don’t miss these great opportunities to invite your friends and family. See you this weekend for our second week of Love Where You Live.


A Note From Jeff Pries


This week you would have thought we were at a college football game and there was a major upset because we tore down the goal posts. Our You Make the Call series has ended but I am excited about our new series, Love Where You Live, a way to learn how to live and love in our neighborhoods.

Exciting things are happening here at Mariners Ocean Hills. I left the campus last night and thought, “this is what church is all about.” There were adults meeting in Rooted groups, the High School Ministry had more kids than they ever have, there was a group of special needs kids meeting for a Bible study, and Cole was preparing for a men’s Bible study for the next day. The campus was “buzzing” and I felt like I’ve been praying for nights like this for a long time. It is so fun to see our church grow and make a difference in the community. You are making a difference, whether it’s your participation, or your leadership, God is using you to make a difference in the life of our church.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Invite a friend, someone who needs to see that God can make a difference in their lives and that they are loved.
