All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you enjoyed our kick off to fall last week with our new series, You Make the Call. We had nachos, and big screen TV’s with football. We even had goal posts up so the kids (and even some adults) could kick field goals. It’s going to be a great series as we look at the Book of Proverbs. This week will be another fun weekend as we continue with our football theme. I do however want to let you know of a change of plans. We had planned on a BBQ this Sunday, but it seems like ice cream weather is in the forecast! So instead, we will have ice cream cookie sandwiches and lemonade on the patio. That way we can have the BBQ next week when the weather is cooler.

Fall at Mariners Church Ocean Hills means the launch of Rooted and Life Groups. We believe that life change happens in circles not rows, so although Sunday mornings are great, we value what community can bring to your life. Please be thinking and praying about joining a Rooted Group or a Life Group. I know we are all busy and have so much going on, but it is so important to do life with others. Attaching yourself to people who will encourage you, hold you accountable, laugh with you, and point you towards God is invaluable. We will give you opportunity to jump into groups, or better yet, form your own group, and we will train your leader and give you curriculum to go through.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, even if it is hot, rest assured we will have the A/C pumping and it will be a weekend you won’t want to miss. As always, invite someone to join you. Bring a friend, a family member, a co-worker or a neighbor.

Take Care,

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, I can’t believe it, summer is over. I hope you had a great few months. I have been off from speaking the last four weekends and I have used the time to visit other churches, prepare for the fall and give others an opportunity to teach. This last week Rob (our youth pastor) had an opportunity to speak and I heard he did a great job. The youth took over the service with great energy and fun stories from youth camp.

This week, I will be back to kick off our new series You Make the Call, a series through Proverbs. Because it is the fall, you will notice some goal posts and footballs and a kind of high school homecoming theme. If you are worried that you will miss your favorite football games, don’t worry, we will have a satellite dish and big screen. We also will have a few nacho bars and fun games for the kids. It’s going to be a fun weekend!

Part of fall is the kick off to community. We’ll be rolling out Rooted (a ten week group experience) as well as Life Groups. Please be praying about jumping into community life. We believe that life change happens in circles not rows, so as great as a Sunday service may be, it is that smaller community experience that leads to a deeper growth.

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday!

A Note From Rob Fernandez


This weekend, Student Ministries takes over main service!

We’re going to share stories of the way God has moved in the lives of high school and junior high students throughout this summer and at camp! If you have a student, or have a friend whose kids are students–this is the week to bring them to our 10a service! We’re all together for music, games, celebrating life change and baptisms, and most importantly, hearing the truth of God’s Word.

See you there!

School Supply Drive

Back-to-School Supplies_Compass_2014-01

Help students in need in the San Juan Capistrano Elementary Schools start the year off right!

Please purchase form the following list:
Pens – blue, black, red
Spiral notebooks
Two-pocket folders
1″ binder
Loose leaf paper
Glue sticks
Colored pencils
Crayola markers-thick
Crayola markers-thin

Next Steps:
Turn in your donation at the collection bins on the patio at Mariners Church Ocean Hills during the weekend services:
Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31

Join us for a Sorting Party after the service on Sun, Aug 31.
For more info contact Jon, or 949.769.8155

A Note From Jeff Pries


Even though I am still away studying, please know that I am praying for you all – that God is pouring into you in this season of rest. I miss being with you each week and I hope that you are enjoying our guest speakers. I remember 18 years ago I received my first opportunity to speak in the main service. I was a young youth pastor given a chance to learn what it takes to speak to the whole congregation. That’s I why I love this summer; I am now able to give some great guys the opportunity to gain the experience I received long ago. And not only is Cole getting the opportunity, but in two weeks we are going to let the high school students share about their camp experience, and Rob, our Youth Pastor, will be speaking. I have no doubt that these are services that will speak to you in powerful ways.

As I return, we will be moving into fall and a new weekend series. We will be talking about Life Groups and Rooted and great ways for you to grow in your faith and jump into community. It’s going to be a wonderful time for our church family. As always, be thinking about those in your life who you can invite. We all need to hear the Good News that Jesus brings.

Take care,


A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope all of you are enjoying this summer (the weather and season of rest) both at home and here at Mariners Church Ocean Hills. This summer series EPIC has given us such a great picture of God’s love and pursuit of mankind and also a great reminder that even if we run from God, we cannot outrun Him.

Although I am in the middle of a three-week study break–dreaming for and praying about fall–I heard Cole did an awesome job last week. And we are excited for this week, as John Thomas continues in our EPIC series. John, in addition to being a great guy and friend, was a Senior Pastor at a church in Costa Mesa and now currently works on the Life Group team at the Irvine campus.

I miss you and will see you in a couple weeks.


Safe Families


Safe Families finds volunteer families in the community to open their homes up to children for a short time, whose families are in a crisis. They act as a bridge to connect the Body of Christ to those who we are called to love and serve, namely the widows and orphans who live among us. Find out more at our upcoming info meeting.

Sunday, August 10
following the service

A Note From Jeff Pries


From all of us at Mariners Ocean Hills, we hope you are having a great summer. Like we talked about a few weeks ago, our prayer is that although you may take a vacation this summer, you don’t take a vacation from God. We still have a lot going on, and would love for you to stay connected at Ocean Hills. This Sunday evening is the final event for our Framly Summer Sundays. Please join us for a fun night for all ages. We will have bounce houses, food trucks, a live band and a comedian – plus, it’s all FREE! We start at 4:30p and end at 7p.

Last week was such an exciting Sunday for me as I was able to introduce our new elders and their wives. They are an amazing group of humble men and women who are passionate about serving our community.

This Sunday is the fourth week of our EPIC series and we are talking about at Jonah. If you have ever felt like running from God and wondered how God might respond…this Sunday is for you!  As always, we want to be a church of “inviters,” so be thinking of the people in your life who need to meet God and our wonderful church family. See you Sunday.
