All posts by Mariners OH

Framly Summer Sundays: Fun Night


Join us Sunday Evening on the Ocean Hills lawn for a fun night of friends and family! We will have tons of stuff going on for all ages! We will have food, face painting for kids, a comedian and live music! This is a great opportunity to invite someone you know that might not come to a Sunday morning service and give them a chance to see the church family in another setting!

Sunday, August 3, 4:30 – 6:30p

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great week last week! We celebrated VBS and had a fun time at Beach Day at Doheny hanging out together outside of church. Our final Summer Framly Sunday is coming up on August 3. It will be an enjoyable evening on campus for all ages.

This weekend I have the pleasure of introducing our first group of Mariners Church Ocean Hills Elders and their wives. For the last eight months, this group of men from our church family has gone through a training to become elders here at Ocean Hills. These are men who are committed to be spiritual leaders in our church, to pray for our church, to pray for me, and to pray for you. Please join us this Sunday and meet them and their wives.

Also, in two weeks, another church will be joining our campus. We have rented out the chapel to Mountainview Church. This is going to be a great blessing to the community, to Mountainview, and to us as a church. This will also make Sunday mornings more crowded. So I want to invite you to consider parking in the back parking lot to make room for our new friends, as we have given them the front lot near the Chapel because it is much more convenient for them.

This week, we will be continuing our series, EPIC. We will be looking at a great story in the Bible that we can all relate to. As a hint to the topic, “running shoes are optional.”



Board Meetings


Join us Thursday mornings for your weekly “board meeting” surf sesh. Whether you are a regular surfer or just getting started, it will be a great time to connect with the men of Mariners Ocean Hills. We will gather at 6:30a in in Ocean Hills parking lot and head out.

Thursday mornings, 6:30a

For more info contact Cole.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Wow, VBS is in full force and it is amazing to see 400 kids on campus, singing, playing, dancing, learning and having fun, all centered around Jesus. What an incredible time! Our children’s staff is doing an amazing job and none of this would be possible without all of our extraordinary volunteers. It’s so fun seeing the campus all decorated in this year’s theme, “Shipwreck Island.” I don’t know how things were when you were a kid, but this is sure a huge upgrade from the flannel graph board I experienced. And the fun just keeps coming as tomorrow may be the best day of all…Water Day! Oh to be a kid again (I feel like I say that a lot).

If you joined us last week, you know we are in a new series titled EPIC. We talked about the over-arching message of the Bible and learned that the Bible is an epic story about God’s redemption, His love for us and His incredible pursuit for mankind. If you look at the world and wonder why so many things go wrong, why things don’t seem to work in the world or in your life and where God is the midst of it all, then this week is for you. Remember, these aren’t just questions you have, but questions everyone has. So be thinking of someone in your life that needs to hear this and invite them this weekend as we look at one of the most foundational concepts of God and life.

Don’t forget, Beach Day this Sunday afternoon at Doheny.  Come and barbecue, hang out and play. It will be a low-key time of being together.



Military Ministry

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Military Ministry Volunteer Needed
Volunteers needed for the 1st Regiment BBQ.  There will also be a chosen Reservoir Vet speaking at the Regimental Chapel.
July 18th, 10:15a – 1:00p, Camp Horno Chapel

Movie night for the 5th Marine Families
July 18th, 6:00 – 9:00p, 5th Marines Parade Deck

A Note From Jeff Pries


I love looking out my office window and seeing all of the activity going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills. We have 50 Marines and their wives going through a marriage seminar in the worship center. We are busy starting to set up for VBS, and the women’s ministry is kicking off their Thursday Bible Study in the café for the first time. At the same time, the high school ministry is unloading their surfboards from a morning surf outing at Doheny. So fun to see so much activity, because activity often times means ministry is happening and lives are being changed.

Last week we finished up our “What If” series, and our hope is that you had many thought provoking God moments as you thought through the many “what if” moments we experience in our lives. This week we are moving into a new series titled EPIC. This will be a walk through the Bible using some of the great stories and people from it. Our desire is that you are able to find your story as we look at God’s story. And we will see that the story of the Bible is a redemption story, it is God’s constant pursuit of man, when man runs from God.

We are in full summer mode here at Mariners Ocean Hills. Please check out all of the great things going on from Summer Framily Fun Days to VBS. It’s going to be a fun summer, so make sure you get plugged in and invite your friends and family.


A Note From Jeff Pries


There is nothing like a great barbecue, and last weekend was no exception.  It is so fun to partner with our sister church, El Buen Pastor, they can really cook some great carne asada.

After being gone for two weeks, I look forward to being there this Sunday as we conclude our series titled “What If.”  We will be seeing that God has called us to live a way that is counter to society. You will see that we can find God sometimes in the most unlikely of places. As we dive into summer, we want to be intentional about reaching our community, our neighbors, or people who need to be invited into something, so be thinking of who YOU can reach out to and invite to church.



A Note From Jeff Pries


You’re not going to want to miss this Sunday as we have a great weekend planned for the guys. We’ll have pulled BBQ chicken sandwiches, remote control racing, a satellite dish to beam in our favorite sporting events, and some other lawn games. For the kids, we’ll have a bounce house to keep them occupied and having fun. So join us this weekend as we continue in our series, What if? We’ll be looking at a great passage in the Book of Luke, and talking about how to navigate a busy summer, and the idea that we need to take a vacation, just not a vacation on God. And after service, it’s out to the lawn to celebrate and have fun.

I want to thank you all for your generosity towards the Military Baby Shower; it was a huge success. The moms felt incredibly blessed and you were once again incredibly generous. As I talked about this past Sunday, June is the end of our fiscal year budget. Where we end up financially in June is the budget we set for the coming year. At the present time we are moving in a positive direction financially, but still continue to be behind budget. Please prayerfully consider how you can continue to participate with all that God is doing here at Mariners Ocean Hills. I love doing life and ministry with all of you, and appreciate all that you do.

As we are moving into summer, don’t forget to check your calendars for our three “Framly” Summer Sundays, with great events planned for all ages: Barbecues, beach days and a great Sunday night fun night. You will not want to miss these events, so make sure you mark your calendars with these dates: June 29, July 20, & August 3!

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!



A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so much fun being at church together Sunday, and then when those with young kids went over to Ballpark Pizza and we just hung out, it felt like what church is all about – being in community and sharing life together. The kids had a blast, and naturally, the guys got involved in a good battle of air hockey, which Jon Ramsay won!

The gifts for the Military Baby Shower are really piling up, thank you so much for being part of blessing these women with these gifts. There is still time to bring diapers, wipes, or Target gift cards if you would like. The shower will be held this Sunday on our campus.

Please be praying for the Men’s Retreat, as over 20 guys from Mariners Ocean Hills will be attending. We will be part of over 200 guys from all of the Mariners Campuses. It should be a great weekend!

Speaking of guys, we are beginning to get ready for Father’s Day. We will have a work day (Friday, June 13), to help set up for Sunday, so if you can spare a couple hours, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Center.

I know summer is a busy time, but we have a lot of things planned for you. Do your best this summer to keep your connection to church as part of your weekly rhythm. Often times, we think summer is vacation time; it doesn’t have to mean a vacation from everything in life. It’s fun doing life and ministry with you.

