All posts by Mariners OH

Outreach Military Baby Shower

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“Please take care of my family while I’m gone, and I promise to protect yours.” – unknown quote

We’re hosting a shower for the wives of marines whose husbands will be on deployment during the birth of their child.

Here are two ways you can help support our military families:

  1. Packages of diapers and baby wipes.
  2. Target gift cards in increments of $10. Please drop these off at the Bookstore in the lobby of the Worship Center,
  3. Volunteer to serve on Sunday June 8th.

Contact Cindy Farnum for more info.

Sunday, June 8, 1 – 3:30p
Mariners Church Ocean Hills Campus

A Note From Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday last weekend. It was powerful to intentionally take time out of our worship service to honor those men and women who gave their lives for our country. In the spirit of honoring our military, we are putting on a baby shower for the pregnant military moms from Camp Pendleton. This is an opportunity to bless the women (and little babies) whose husbands are off serving our country. We’re asking for diapers/wipes/$10 Target gift cards. Please consider jumping in and blessing these families by bringing any of the mentioned items to church this Sunday. We’ll have a bin available to collect all of the diapers and wipes. You have always been a generous church; lets continue to shower these women so they may feel loved by Mariners Ocean Hills.

There is a lot going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills. First of all, it’s not too late to sign up for the Men’s Retreat. We will be leaving Friday the 6th and coming back on Sunday the 8th. It will be a great time to connect with men and enjoy the great surrounding of Forest Home. Secondly, we are planning some fun events for the summer, check out the information on Framly Summer Sundays starting Sunday June 29th with our Super Summer Sundays: BBQ! These Sundays are designed around our church family inviting friends to Mariners Ocean Hills. And, there’s no better first step than inviting a friend to one of our summer events. Also, VBS is just around the corner – you or someone you know will not want to miss this event. It is easily one of the greatest weeks of summer for young kids (and parents).



A Note From Jeff Pries


If you came to church this past Sunday, you got to experience what it is like to sing and worship in Kenya. I learned last weekend that I cannot stomp my feet and clap my hands at the same time, but it was sure fun watching the worship team show us how to move and shake to Kenyan music. Don’t worry, this weekend we’re back to normal, where we can sing and clap and dancing is optional.

We’ll be continuing in our series called What If? Following Jesus is easy when He is doing everything we want Him to do. It is during those times that we feel like “God is working” and life is coming together. But, what if things change and it no longer feels like Jesus is “working.” What if God isn’t doing what we want Him to do? How does that impact our view of God, and what does it mean regarding God’s feelings about us? Join us this weekend and find out. Don’t forget, we are a church of “inviters,” so is there someone in your life you can invite to church?

Also, we had a great time celebrating Mother’s Day a couple weeks ago, and Father’s Day planning is in full swing. It will be a fun day to celebrate all the things that guys love. So put Father’s Day on your calendar as a day you won’t want to miss!



A Note From Jeff Pries


What a fun weekend we had last week, celebrating moms and all that they do (I’m still trying to get the fondue out of my shirt). Thank you to all of you who volunteered to make it a great Sunday. And don’t worry guys, we are already talking about ways to make Father’s Day just as special! Speaking of guys, I wanted to remind you that we have the Men’s Retreat coming up on June 6 -8. It will be a great weekend at Forest Home, and we will be partnering with all five Mariners campuses. Our entire staff of guys will be up there to be a part of this great weekend, and I will be speaking on Saturday night.

Please make sure you check out the summer calendar, as we have a lot of things you will want to be a part of coming up! Blessings to you, and stay cool in this heat!


A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, it’s hard to believe, but summer will be here before we know it. This week as a staff, we began to plan our summer calendar for the church. We have been looking for ways we can be a family together and have fun, as well as ways we can include our friends. So, we ripped off the Sprint marketing plan, and have planned some great “Framly Fun Days.”

Now, how do we know summer is right around the corner? Because this weekend is Mother’s Day, that great reminder that spring is in full bloom. This weekend is a great weekend to celebrate moms, and women in our lives who have had a “motherly” influence. It’s a time to just say thank you to the women who have had an instrumental impact in our lives. At the same time, we understand that this is a weekend that is full of emotion, both celebratory and sad. For many, Mother’s Day is a day of unmet expectations and so it can be at times challenging. If that is the case for you, or people you know, please know that we will be sensitive to all sides.

For me, Mother’s Day has always been special, because I had an incredible mom and I love to celebrate her. At the same time, this is the first year for me where my mom will not be with us, because she passed away this year. So it has a touch of sadness for me. It will be a great weekend of celebration, no matter where you fall.

As always, we want to be a church of “inviters,” so be thinking of friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members you can invite. We will continue in the What If series. This weekend, the message is What If: That was you?  What does that mean? You will have to come and find out. As always, it is great going through life with you.



A Note From Jeff Pries


We are heading into our second weekend of our new series, “What if” as we journey through the Gospel of Luke and explore what’s possible when we follow Him. Denny kicked us off last week and did an amazing job as he dug into the question “what if there isn’t just a physical world, but rather a spiritual world as well?” and looked at what it means that we have a God who rules over both. This week we are going to look at “What if following Jesus was different than we thought?” We would love to see you there.

We started our spring Rooted last night and it is so fun to see our church community jump in and get this opportunity to grow closer together! If you were hoping to do Rooted this season and are bummed that you forgot to sign up, find Cole this weekend on the patio and we will get you plugged in! There are a few more spots if this season worked for your schedule or this season of life, so we will help get you signed up and plugged into a group!

Also, Mother’s day is coming up in two weeks! We are excited to celebrate women, mothers and mother figures in our lives. You will not want to miss this weekend and maybe this is even a time you could invite someone you want to celebrate on Mother’s Day to church!


A Note From Jeff Pries


Wow, what a weekend…Easter was amazing! We had almost 1,000 people on campus, and we had it all; kids running everywhere in a quest for the elusive Easter egg; an amazing time of worship and celebration in the service. We had 14 people boldly stand up and give powerful testimonies with a simple piece of cardboard. It is amazing that people can tell their story in such a moving way in just two sentences. Then, we had the opportunity to hear a message on what Easter is all about; the tomb is empty and our Savior has risen! Also, we had the opportunity to stop on Friday and focus on the power of Jesus’ death on the cross. For those of you who were able to make it last weekend, thank you for making it such an incredible celebration. Much of this was able to happen because of our amazing volunteers. There were so many who came in during the week to prepare the campus for the weekend, and there were scores more who volunteered on Easter Sunday, so thank you to all for making it such a special day. To see some pictures of the weekend, click here.

We are entering a new series What If? and essentially we kicked it all off on Easter. What if Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, and His claims are true? What if your life could look dramatically different than it does today? What if you lived with a sense of joy, freedom and purpose? Like the early audiences of Jesus, we are invited to choose either living in our skepticism or discovering the truth of who Jesus is. Join us for a remarkable journey through the Gospel of Luke as we explore What If and discover what’s possible when we follow Him.
