All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


We had such a fun weekend celebrating Palm Sunday and beginning to prepare for Easter! It was so fun to see our kids up front singing and dancing with big smiles. Some of my fondest memories of church have been when kids get to be a part of our worship service. We are in the middle of Passion Week, titled as such, because of the joy and passion in which Jesus went to the cross. Hebrews 12 states: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Just a reminder, our Good Friday service will be tomorrow (Friday) at 5p. It will be a time to reflect on Jesus’ death on the cross, and what that means in our own lives. Easter Sunday will be a special celebration as we focus on the exciting truth that the tomb is empty and Jesus has risen. There will also be an Easter Egg Scramble (Hunt) following the service so be sure to stick around and watch! Easter is going to be a wonderful celebration, so grab your friends and family and join us! It’s not too late to “egg your neighbor” with an invite. We look forward to seeing you!


A Note From Jeff Pries


We are heading into the story of our faith – Jesus, heading into Jerusalem, heralded as the potential King, only to be ultimately led to the cross. Over the next two weeks we will be following Scripture as it takes us from Palm Sunday, to Good Friday to Easter. Please remember, this is the story that your friends, your neighbors and your family need to hear. The story of God’s love, as shown on the cross, and the story of God’s power, the power of Easter and God rising from the dead.

You have people in your life who need to hear the saving power of Jesus, and for many people, all it takes is an invite. So please be praying for the people in your life you can invite. It’s an exciting and compelling next two weeks and you won’t want to miss it.



JHM Life Groups


Our JHM Life Groups exist to give students a place to connect with other Christians and to grow deeply as authentic followers of Jesus. LifeGroups meet at the Ocean Hills campus and are assigned a leader who is committed to teach, encourage, and provide vision, direction, and support to each student within the group. We play games, have fun, hang out, hear God’s word and discuss it with friends and leaders.

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:30p

A Note from Jeff Pries


It was another great Sunday this past weekend. We had our first baptisms in our new baptismal and celebrated with a BBQ as a church family! It was so great to see over 20 people publicly share their faith and be baptized. As always, thanks to all who made the barbecue a huge success. And I might add, I love our new team that is running the latte cart, keeping us all caffeinated.

We also launched our “egg your neighbor” Easter invite this past weekend, at my expense I might add! If you missed the service and are wondering what egging your neighbor has to do with inviting people to Easter, check out our Facebook page. As we move toward Easter, consider who you can invite. Easter is a unique opportunity where people who seem hesitant to come to church are more open to the idea. So be praying about who you can invite to Easter!

See you Sunday as we continue in our “How to Start a Revolution” series, embracing and taking part in the revolution of transformation Jesus started thousands of years ago!

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, we had another great weekend of being Fearless as you continue to be generous with your money and your time. We are making a great impact in the community. Way to go!

This week, we are doing our first baptism at Mariners Church Ocean Hills, and we will be using our new baptismal by the playground. We are so excited and have around 20 people already signed up to be baptized. If you have a desire, yet didn’t sign up, it isn’t too late! Contact Cole at and he will be able to give you all the info you need! We also will have a barbecue accompanying the baptism, so we invite you to hang around after the service. It is a great time to get to know one another and spend time with our church family! Also, it’s a great week to invite friends, we will enjoy a fun BBQ and get to see a picture of what Jesus does in people’s lives. As we think about inviting friends, we know Easter is coming soon and we want to be a church that reaches our community. Seventy-five percent of the people who don’t go to church said they would go if someone just asked them. So I challenge you to start thinking and praying about who you could invite to Easter, or for that matter, church.



Annual Read Week 13


This week, we have entered into the book of Galatians. Paul most likely has addressed this letter to be circulated among churches in the region of Galatia, a province in the Roman Empire. The main theme of the book is the truth of the Gospel and its implications for life. Don’t you love the way The Message puts it, “you crazy Galatians”? Paul is rebuking and correcting them. He is concerned that the people of these churches have lost sight of the main thing: Jesus and His work on the cross. Paul is concerned they have started to put other things in the place of primary importance. Unfortunately, this still happens today.

What types of things cause people to lose their trust in God today?

What types of things do you have a tendency to place as primary over God?

Cole Beshore

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend it was as so many of you took part in our Be Fearless campaign. As a church it was so fun to see lines of people as they stepped forward to be generous to our community. Please join us this weekend as we celebrate your generosity to the various organizations in our neighborhood that are making a difference.

Also, if you have the desire or know of someone who is interested in be baptized, this is the week for you. We will be talking about baptism this weekend – Is it really necessary? Does it matter if I’ve been baptized or not? Then, we will tell you what you need to do to be baptized in two weeks.

There is a lot going on, and it’s fun doing ministry with you, seeing all of the amazing things God is doing at Mariners Ocean Hills. You have “been fearless,” way to go!
