All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


As I look out the window of my office, it is fun to see a parking lot full of cars with two women’s groups meeting on the campus today – Christine DiGiacomo, who is leading Women of Passion in the Chapel, and also a MOPS program led by Angi Soderin and Melissa Potwora. Last weekend was special as we listened to Melissa share her heart for MOPS. I love that she was able to draw from the story of Gideon; as two weeks ago God gave her a name, Courageous Leader. It’s fun to see how she is stepping out heroically in her leadership with MOPS.

This past Sunday we learned once again what being heroic can look like, and how being heroic in the Bible can look vastly different than what the world defines as heroism. We learned that being heroic can mean being honest, open and vulnerable with others and with God, ie: the story of the powerful General named Naaman, who had leprosy.

This week we’ll be looking at a wonderful passage focusing on Elijah. We’ll also be taking communion. It’s the perfect time to come and learn what it means to live heroically. We’ll also be focusing on the most heroic moment of all time – Jesus dying on the cross for all mankind.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.


Annual Read Week 8


We hope you are enjoying the Books of Acts and Proverbs. As we have learned in our reading this week, the start of the early church was not without its moments and trials, even what felt like failures. In Acts 18, Paul is in Corinth preaching and teaching to the Jews of the city, but he finds himself in an endless and seemingly fruitless debate. He leaves exasperated and possibly feeling defeated. However, that very night, God speaks to Paul in a dream. He tells him to keep it up no matter what anyone says or does, to stay at it and know that “ I am with you.” Paul stays for another year and a half.

Can you think of a time when you have experienced God saying, “good job, keep it up,” even though you felt like quitting?
Perhaps, you can think of a time when you wanted Him to say it and He did not.

Spend some time in prayer this week asking God how He would like to use you to share the good news of His Kingdom.

As we continue reading through Acts, gaining wisdom from the Proverbs, it’s wonderful to know and see how God uses people that don’t always have it together. It is also great to see just how reliant the early church leaders were on the Holy Spirit and what God was able to do in and through that community.

Grace and Peace,

Cole Beshore

A Note From Jeff Pries


As we continue in the series Heroes, last week was great as we talked about the idea of seeing ourselves like God sees us, and not how we are seen by others, or how we see ourselves. I felt like last week was a powerful moment for us as a church. It was inspiring to see people heroically stand up and share the new name that God had given them. Many people either did not have the opportunity to share, or did not feel like God had given them a name at that very moment. So, if that’s you – we want to give you the opportunity to share your name. Please feel free to reply to this email and share the name that God has given you, and why you feel God has called you to that name. Or, you can email it to us.

We’ll continue to learn this week about what it means for us to live a heroic lifestyle. We look forward to seeing you.

Take care,

Annual Read: Reflection, Week 6


This week we finished the Book of Exodus and have now started the Book of Acts. The story of the Israelites’ exodus from Israel is central to the Israelites’ faith. Even the decalog (the Ten Commandments) begins with God reminding them that He is the God that brought them out of Egypt freeing them from slavery and therefore they should worship no other Gods. It is always amazing to me to read how the Israelites complain to God even after they have seen God do so many miraculous things. It just feels like they do not trust God.

Every time things get tough, the Israelites become afraid and doubt God’s intentions…“Did you bring us here to die?” “We were better off as slaves.” It’s amazing. Yet, if we take a good look in the mirror, we are just like them.

When have you trusted things other than God? What was the result?

In Exodus 14:13, Moses tells Israel, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and watch God do his work of salvation for you today.”

What does it look like for you to stand firm and watch God work out His salvation for you today?

As we start the Book of Acts, Read chapter 1:1-11 again. Notice that this book is the sequel to the Book of Luke, where Luke, the writer of both books recounts the life and works of Jesus up until His accession. The Book of Acts is the story of how God continues to work through His followers in accomplishing His work. It is the story of the first church. If you have fallen behind in your reading this might be a great time to jump up to the current day and start in on the Book of Acts with us. Keep at it!

A Note From Jeff Pries


Question for you – What kind of person do you want to be?

That is what we have been answering in our recent weekend series called Heroes. Not only has it been a great series on what it looks like to be heroic, but we are reminded how the Bible is so remarkable, full of amazing stories that were relevant thousands of years ago as well as today. This week, we will be looking at a story that was a defining moment in my life, and I’m praying that it will be powerful for you as well.

Also, it is an exciting weekend because we will be welcoming back Jon Ramsay. As you know, Jon went through surgery for a brain tumor four months ago, and has been sharing his journey with his wife Deanna on her blog. We are thrilled to have him back, and look forward to hearing from Jon and encouraging him as he continues on his journey toward healing.

A Note From Jeff Pries


We continue with our series on Heroes. Last week, Denny did great teaching us about Esther. What an amazing story! And, just another reason we are reading through the Bible together – there are so many stories we can overlook. This week, we will be looking at a powerful man in the Bible – so amazing – you may see him as a “super hero” by the name of Samson. He too has an incredible story. You will see that we are more like Samson than we thought.

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend,


Daily Message: Reflection, Week 5

This week we finished reading The Gospel of Mark and have started into the book of Exodus and how God used Moses to deliver the people of Israel out of slavery. As you reflect on the end of the Gospel of Mark and Jesus’ last hours with his disciples, notice how much He speaks about them not falling asleep, both literally and figuratively. Jesus wants His disciples to be ready and looking for what God is doing.

Part of you is eager… but another part is as lazy as an old dog.” if Jesus said this to you , what would you say or do? Mark 14:37-38

What are some areas of your life that you feel eager and attune to what God is doing?
Where are some areas in your life that you have “fallen asleep” or are not letting God have is much say in?

A Note From Jeff Pries


We hope you are enjoying our third week in the series Heroes, where we have been looking at what it means to trust God and live life heroically. It’s encouraging to hear how God can use the unexpected – people, encounters, your weakness – to do heroic things. Invite a friend or someone you know who could use some encouragement and join us.

Rooted kicked off last week with 45 people jumping into this ten-week adventure. I know God will change their lives in powerful ways, and they will grow in community with others. The Junior High Ministry came back from an exciting winter camp – join us this weekend to hear some of the stories.

Over the course of the week, you will be running into people at work and in your neighborhood who are looking to connect with a church and with Jesus. More often than not, all it takes is an invitation, and you may be changing someone’s life in a powerful way. We want to be a church that reaches our community, so please always be thinking about who you can invite.

It’s fun doing life and ministry with you.