All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


Easter is the biggest day on the church calendar and just over a week away. The Apostle Paul writes: And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith (1 Corinthians 15:24). Meaning, if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, all of this is pointless and we are just a group of people singing songs and hanging out together believing in something that isn’t real. But we have Good News in that Jesus did rise from the dead and He wants to do incredible things in and through our lives. This is why we celebrate!

One important fact to remember is that about one-quarter of all the people who attend Easter service only attend church on Easter and Christmas. Our desire is to give them an experience that makes them want to come back. People actually want to be invited – so think of people to invite! There’s no better time to invite friends to church than Easter. For new people, it’s our desire that they would come back because of Jesus’ message of hope. But remember, you might be also part of the reason! You might have blessed their kids in Sunday school, helped them find a parking spot, or made them feel welcome. Your participation can be a part of what brings people back. What I’m saying is: we need more volunteers, especially in our Children’s Ministry! If you would like to volunteer, please email Jaclyn at

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.

Continued blessings,


Easter Volunteers


Easter is a time we welcome in our community and celebrate the Good News of Jesus. For many people, it is the one Sunday of the year they attend church, and our goal is that they feel welcomed and have a great experience. Please consider joining one of our teams that will help enhance this Easter experience.

Teams include: greeters, ushers, and Children’s Ministry volunteers.  It is going to be an exciting morning of celebration; we invite you to be a part of making it all special. If interested, please contact Jaclyn Risser,

A Note From Jeff Pries


Last Sunday was a message that hopefully stuck with you even after you walked out the door. Jesus invites us to follow Him, and getting to declare that is no small decision. It’s been so encouraging seeing what some of you wrote on your card and the way God is working in your lives. This weekend will be the final week in our Follow Me series, which has been such a great lead up to Easter.

With Easter just around the corner, I invite you to be praying about who you can invite. Each and every one of us is put in a specific place to reach and care for the people around us. What would it look like to invite them to Easter services?

As so many from our community join us for these services, I encourage you to consider serving at the service you don’t normally attend. That way you don’t have to give up experiencing our Easter celebration. Or even volunteer on a team that serves before and after the service if you can’t serve at the other service. We are excited for Easter and invite you to do ministry WITH us.

Looking forward to seeing you again Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


It’s so fun hearing the comments regarding our Follow Me series. People are really enjoying this look at what it means to follow Jesus.  This weekend we are going to look at one of the great stories in the Bible, and in the midst of this story, we are going to look at one of the biggest reasons we follow Jesus and one of the more painful reasons we choose not to. My prayer is that God will open up our eyes (and our hearts) to the realization of why Jesus is so worthy to follow.

On a different topic, we are just a short time away from Easter.  It is fun planning the service and talking about all the components of a great Easter celebration. We want to have a Sunday that you are excited to be a part of, and at the same time, be inspired to invite your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers. It’s going to be a great Sunday together.

Also, please remember that we desire for Easter to be special for people, especially new people. And for these new people, Easter may be the only Sunday they attend church. That said, we need your help; we need volunteers. Please think about attending one service and serving at the other, if possible. Or, sign up for some of the volunteer options that you can do before church. Either way, there are a lot of opportunities to serve. If you can, please sign up this Sunday. Visit the patio after services for more info.

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you. I pray that you are having a great week. Also, if you were here last Sunday, have you checked the picture on your phone to remind yourself to be loving?  I’ve had to remind myself to be patient a few times this week, so please know, I am right with you in this quest to follow Jesus daily.


A Note From Jeff Pries


If you are hungry, it’s a great weekend to come to church as we will have a pancake breakfast after first service, and a barbecue after second service. There will be fun and games for the kids and a banjo led blues band playing some of our favorite music (ok, I can’t promise that). I look forward to seeing you as we continue in our series Follow Me, a look at what it means to follow Jesus.

This Sunday we will be looking at life in the area of relationships. We will see the key to connecting with others and making relationships work. So come hungry to eat and ready to worship. And as always, it’s a great weekend to invite a friend.
