All posts by Mariners OH

Community Nights


This is a great first step into life groups at Mariners Ocean Hills.
Community Nights will begin at 6pm with food served in the foyer and on the patio, we will then have time for your life group to engage with each other from 7-8 pm around tables in the main worship center. contact Cole,

Tuesdays through Mar 21, 6-8p
$25/person for the series ($5 per night, includes dinner)
Childcare: $25/child or $50/family of 2 or more for the series ($5 per night and includes dinner)

Women’s Retreat


Join us for an oasis in your busy year that will allow for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual rest and renewal. The weekend will include moving messages from our speakers, engaging worship, fireside coffee and treats, as much activity or leisure time as you need to make this your perfect retreat. More info and register.

May 5-7, Forest Home Mountain Retreat

A Note From Jeff Pries

MessageFrom-OHIt was another great weekend having Jim Glynn teach and sharing about his role on staff here at Mariners Ocean Hills. We are so excited to have him on board and what his experience brings to this church.

The weather is finally warming up and that gets me excited for spring. Spring is a very fun season with Easter, BBQs and our ministries and studies in full swing. Easter is just around the corner, so as a church, please be praying for these services that they may impact this community and also be mindful of people in your life that you can invite.

Love doing life and ministry together,


P.S. Just a friendly reminder, we “spring forward” an hour this weekend!

Women of Passion


Join us for this study on discerning the voice of God, taught by Christine DiGiacomo. Women of Passion is a diverse group that prays, worships, and loves God and each other authentically.
To register or for more info, click here.

Thursdays through May 11, 9:30-11:30a
Worship Center

A Note From Jeff Pries


It was great to have Roy back with us leading worship this past Sunday. As you know he has been away for a few weeks helping with his brother Steve, who was hit by a car and is currently in a coma. Please continue to pray for Steve and the entire Shenkenberger family. So much of being a church family is coming around others in need, and this is a time when the family continues to need our prayers and support.

We are currently in the third week of Community Nights. The beauty of Community Nights is that you can jump in each week, at any time. I continue to hear stories about people connecting and growing in relationships. Also, it has been a great opportunity to discuss the weekend passage and apply it to our lives. So whether it’s your first time, or the third time, we look forward to seeing you Tuesday night. And of course, the taco cart will be there.

I hope your week is going great,


A Note From Jeff Pries


I love it when I leave our church thinking, “now that’s what church is all about.” I felt that way Tuesday night when I left Community Nights. It was so great just sitting down and eating together and having time to talk and laugh with each other. Then, seeing it continue as we moved into the main room where we sat around tables and shared about life and the Bible – it’s a good thing. It’s so much of what church should be about: community and personal growth with God and others. It’s not too late to jump in! Join us this Tuesday at 6p. And of course, the taco bar is amazing.

The other fun part of Community Nights is the fact that we talk about the weekend message. It’s a great time to circle back on what we heard, and drive it into our hearts even deeper. We’re in the second week of our Follow Me series, and this Sunday, we’ll be wrestling with one of the things Jesus wants to do in our lives when we follow him. If you’ve ever had challenges, experienced fear or felt like your back was against the wall, this message is for you.

As always, you have people in your life who are looking to follow something. Invite them and introduce them to someone worth following… Jesus.  I hope your week is going great.

Blessings to you,


A Note From Jeff Pries


Okay, I hesitate even starting this way, but it’s true… Community Nights is one of my favorite things we do! I know I say that a lot (I guess we do a lot of fun things I love), but this is one of the great parts of being involved here at Mariners Ocean Hills.

For five weeks, we get to come together in community as a congregation, enjoy a meal together, then gather in groups in the Worship Center and talk about life and God’s Word. Like we say so often, life change happens more in circles than rows, and circling up together is a great way to build relationships that lead to life change. We have so many great stories from people who have built friendships and felt more connected because of Community Nights. So please plan on joining us, give us five weeks and you will have a great experience of growth and connection. Community Nights begin next Tue, Feb 21 (dinner starts at 6p). The taco cart will be here serving tacos, so come hungry! If possible, please RSVP here.

Leading up to Easter, we’re launching a new series titled, Follow Me.  This is a series that weaves through the gospels and explores what it looks like to live a life following Jesus. Religion says, change and you can join us. Jesus says, follow me and you will change. Jesus doesn’t expect you to be perfect, He just wants you to follow Him. When you do, you will be amazed at what happens next. It is going to be a great series and a perfect opportunity to invite someone to church who you believe can benefit from following Jesus.

Finally, please continue to pray for Roy’s brother Steve. Steve was struck on his bike by a car and remains in an induced coma with head injuries. He is making gradual progress but Steve, his wife Lori, and five small children need our prayers. We as a church are financially giving to the Schenkenberger family, so if you are interested, you can donate to our benevolence fund. We look forward to seeing you Sunday.  I love doing life and ministry with you.




JHM Life Groups is a group of students growing in their faith with God led by dedicated leaders. In JHM we want to see every student with a Person to KNOW and a PLACE to Grow, so we do Life Groups. For more info or to register click here.

Tuesdays, Jan 24-Mar 21, 6:30-8p 
Groups meet in homes

A Note From Jeff Pries


I don’t know about you, but I have sure enjoyed our FREEDOM series. This weekend is our final week and it is a message I know I need to hear, and my bet is, you need it too. How do we handle a world that seems to feel hopeless at times? We feel stuck and don’t know where to find hope. This Sunday, we will find out that hope is not some elusive idea, hope is something we can always have, even when life seems to hit you between the eyes. There is nothing greater than hope, and Sunday you will be reminded where to find it. Not only will this weekend have a message we all need to hear, it is also going to be a fun Sunday with a band on the patio and we are serving root beer floats.  The sun is supposed to be shining, so let’s celebrate.

I also have a huge prayer request for the whole church. Steve Schenkenberger (our worship leader Roy Schenkenberger’s brother), and his family have been attending this church for about a year now. Steve was riding his bike on Sunday evening when he was hit by a car. He is currently in intensive care in an induced coma. He has head trauma and is in need of our prayers. Please pray for total healing for Steve, and pray for Steve’s wife Lori and their five young children. We have been reaching out to Roy every day and visiting Steve frequently. This is a time for the church to get on their knees and pray for Steve and the family.  Thank you for your love and support for them.

As always, I love doing life and ministry with you, even when life has its challenges.

Take care,

Freedom: Message Series


freedom: the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved

Freedom is something we all want, yet find ourselves in a constant struggle to find. And in our efforts to achieve this, we often find ourselves lost, discouraged, and sometimes even more “trapped” than we started off. God desires for us to be free. Join us as we spend the next several weeks looking into ways God calls us into freedom.

Sunday, 9 & 11a, Worship Center

Listen to messages here.