All posts by Mariners OH

A Note From Jeff Pries


Four months ago you gave towards our Outreach Ministry at the church. You were incredibly generous with your time and money. Over the past four months we have given to: military families, local single teenage moms, 30,000 meals towards hunger relief around the world, and food for the local homeless community, just to name a few.

This Saturday, 30 people are going down to Mexico to change the lives of families there. We will be helping two families move from a tin and cardboard home, sitting on dirt and mud, into a home with a concrete foundation, wood and drywall painted walls, a shingled roof over their heads and electricity. And, they will be connected with the local Church in the area, so they will have on-going care for months and years to come.

We are in a series called Freedom. Freedom comes when people experience love, hope and Jesus in life changing ways. You are helping people experience the freedom that comes from following Jesus. Way to go! And what do we get in return? We get the realization that nothing is more freeing than giving and serving.

See you Sunday, as we continue our series. I’m excited about all that God is doing at our church.  You are difference makers.



Note From Jeff Pries


Welcome to sunny California. Don’t you feel like we all have been in Seattle for the past 10 days? Way to go last week, so many of you braved the elements and made your way to church (people in Chicago would be laughing at me right now if they heard me talk like this). It looks like a beautiful day on Sunday, we hope that you can make it to church and join us in part four of our series on FREEDOM.

Last week was fun, I have heard from so many people regarding the message, I had no idea the topic of sex and sexuality would spur on so much great conversation. I love when we hold onto a Sunday topic throughout the week and do our best to live it out. This week will bring us another important topic. There are certain times we give our freedom away, but what do we do when we feel like it is stolen from us? I’m excited about what God has for us this weekend, and hope to see you Sunday!


P.S.: It has been fun watching the men’s and women’s ministries starting back up. They are ministries that are growing and impacting our church in great ways, so if you are looking to get more involved, I encourage you to jump in! Our hope is that you find community here, and these are great groups of people.

Pre-School Registration


Our preschool just celebrated its first holiday season and now we are gearing up for spring! If you have not toured Mariners Ocean Hills Preschool, we invite you to schedule a tour! If you do not have preschool age children, you can still help support this new ministry by getting the word out into our community! We have an enriching, faith filled preschool program that offers both half and full day options. More info here or contact Liz,

Jan, 25 to Mariners families exclusively
Jan, 30 to the public

HSM Midweek


HSM Midweeks are meant to be a place where you can belong, learn about Jesus, and bring your friends. Every Wednesday, we teach from the Bible on topics relevant to high schoolers, Our hope is that the Midweek services expose you to who Jesus is and help you fall more and more in love with Him.  Click here for more info.

Wednesdays through May 24, 6:30-8:30p


mops compass

Mother’s Of Preschoolers meets weekly to enjoy brunch and community, listen to dynamic and relevant speakers, and build friendships that make the journey as a mom easier and a lot more fun. Click here for more info.

Fridays, Feb 2- May 5, 9-11:30a
Childcare: 1 child – $85, 2 + children – $125

A Note From Jeff Pries


All through our lives we have those moments when we think to ourselves, “Am I really that stupid?” Unfortunately, those times probably happen more often than we’d like to admit. For instance, last week, I put the trash cans out on the wrong night for the second straight week. Now, that “Am I really that stupid?” moment is an inconvenience, which lends itself to a shake of the head. What about the times we do something far more serious than the wrong trash can night? What about those times when we do something stupid, or out of our character and perhaps we get away with it, but what if we’re not so lucky the next time?

This Sunday, we will be talking about the biggest area of our life that has the potential to take us down some of the darkest, scariest roads possible. And we will see it is a road that leads to a dead end where freedom is lost. So join us in the third week of our FREEDOM series. And don’t forget, chances are you have a friend, neighbor or co-worker that needs to hear this message.

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.

Take care,




Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways. This 10-week series is one of the most important experiences we do here at Mariners, especially if you are new to Mariners or new to your relationship with God. For more info or to register click here or for questions email Cole,

Session begins Sun, Jan 22, 8:45a
or Tue, Jan 24, 6:30p
on campus

A Note From Jeff Pries


It was fun being back together this past Sunday. As great as the Christmas season is, it also is nice to get back into our regular schedules and lifestyles. I also know for Roy (shoulder surgery) and myself (too many ailments to count), we are anxious to heal up and get healthy again. The new year is a perfect time for all of us to take a look at ourselves and make steps toward a healthy life – physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually.

I believe our new FREEDOM series will help point us in the right direction. This Sunday, we will learn something about freedom that we probably forget all too often. What if freedom was staring you in the face and you didn’t even know it? What if you were more free than you even realized… except you haven’t realized it yet? Finding freedom might be right in front of you. This Sunday, God will show us where it is.

As always, it is great doing life and ministry with you.
