Category Archives: Huntington Beach

Jairus Farewell Note 7/6


Hey there Mariners HB!

We’re in the midst of a great Summer! It was amazing to see so many people at the 4th of July Parade this year! This was my 7th Summer attending, and like always, I had a great time.I want to share what I observe year after year,  so that you don’t miss it next year!

Friendships & Community
It’s a space where we have extra time to talk, laugh, and introduce ourselves to people we may have seen before, but haven’t gotten to know yet–over great food, made by amazing volunteers!

There are people who stake this spot out days in advance every year and get up super early to cook breakfast for hundreds of people. It gives us a chance to invite people who don’t go to our church to have breakfast with us in community. This goes a long way, because we get to reflect the Gospel in community with others, just as Jesus did when He would hang out and get to know people in community. It’s a great environment and an amazing spot on the parade route to invite people to hang out.

Celebration & Honor
We live in an amazing country, with amazing people who have served fearlessly and faithfully. I love seeing our church hoop and holler, clap and chant “USA! USA!” to the service men and women who go by! It’s so beautiful to be a part of honoring them and our country. It makes me more proud to be an American.

Don’t let this Summer go by without connecting with people. It could be the chance you’re looking for to get to know someone and make new friendships. Check out our Summer Calendar for a list of events coming up by clicking here, or grab one at the Welcome Center this Sunday!

On a final note, this Sunday is my last Sunday leading worship at Mariners HB. I can hardly believe it. What an honor it has been to serve with you, grow with you, and do life together with you these last 6 years. Stacey, myself, and our family have grown up here. Our children accepted Jesus here and some of our most cherished friendships in the world reside here. You are our home. We will miss the amazing friendships and your smiling faces each week. I will miss hearing you pour out your hearts in worship. Do not stop! Most of all, I want you to know I am proud of you; for welcoming people in no matter their past, for worshipping with your whole hearts, for trusting and following our leadership, for being a church of inviters!

I can’t tell you how important it is to be willing to put yourself, and this church, and most importantly Jesus, on display by inviting people to hear about Him! The best God has for you and this church lies in front of you. I’m your biggest fan, and I’ll be cheering you guys on from afar! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this church will change the world, because it changed my world!

Be open to His voice and His leading.
Live a life of Adventure.
All great things start by being close to Him.

I love you all,


PS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.

At The Movies


This series will be fun and impactful as we dive into blockbuster movies to explore meaningful truths about our lives. You won’t want to miss this action packed series, so bring someone new! We’ll see you there!

Sundays, 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 7p
HB Central Library Theater
7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach


Beginning Jul 9, the Sunday night service moves to 7p. Join us for Summer Sunday Nights: same message, acoustic worship, and special patio experience.
Please note: no childcare will be provided.


A Note From Caleb Anderson Jun 29


Life is like a box of chocolates… You never know what you’re going to get.” – Forest Gump

Forrest was right. We don’t know what’s coming today, or tomorrow. We don’t know if small or big things will change, or, if the change will be good, great, or the opposite of great. So much of life is uncertain and out of our control.

Of course, there are wonderful and painful things that are in our control – that we bring about ourselves. But today, I want to invite you to consider the one thing that is always under control: your attitude.

How are you responding in situations?
Will you smile?
Will you stop?
Will you restart?
Will you get up and begin again?
Will you go further?
Will you reach beyond yourself?
Will you believe the best?
And, most importantly, will you trust the God who loves you?

In an uncertain world, here are a few things you can take to the bank:

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

May God bless you, as He is with you, whatever may come.


PS: Did I mention we continue our “At the Movies” series this week!
PPS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPPS: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.

A Note From Graeme Cowgill 6/22


Don’t ask me my favorite movie.

In fact, narrowing it down to my top 20 movies would be difficult, because I love movies. I love losing myself in story. I love connecting with a flawed character. I wince when there’s hurt and rejoice when there’s triumph. Stories have a way of sticking with us more than lectures ever could.

This is why Jesus told stories. Jesus understood the power they held and locked in these stories with humor, heartbreak, loyalty, and breakthrough. Each story held a new revelation to God’s character. Each one showed God’s goodness in a new light.


You are a bestseller. God is using YOUR LIFE to show new revelations of His character. Every season you’re in shows God’s goodness in a new light. Think back over your years and see how God has been proving his love for you through all the humor, heartbreak, loyalty, and breakthrough life has thrown you.

Psalm 139:16
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

This Sunday, we start our brand new series “At The Movies”, where we take a fun, refreshing look at some of the movies that have become a part of our everyday culture and language. Caleb will start things off this week with THE AVENGERS. When he ties in God’s Word with the heart of the movie, you may find this art of communicating truth with a memorable story still remains today.

Graeme Cowgill

PS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.