Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him…  Romans 15:13

At Christmastime we hear songs about joy and peace but don’t always experience those things. But our lack of joy or peace is not about our life circumstances. It’s about our choices!

You might not like hearing that at first, but it’s actually GOOD NEWS.

You can choose. It’s up to you.

You can choose joy. You can choose to receive God’s peace. No matter your circumstances, set-backs, or struggles.

It’s possible. It’s real. It’s the good life. And it’s God’s plan for YOUR life.

Join us this Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p) as we talk honestly about Christmas and what it means to hope. Bring someone with you. There are only three Sundays until our six Christmas Eve services. Don’t miss these opportunities to honor and embrace the real Christmas.

God is with us.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you’re full. Not just calorically, but categorically: spiritually, emotionally, etc.

Friends of mine are entering this holiday season after losing loved ones. Other friends of mine are enjoying new marriages and new born children. Life.

Please join me for a very special post-Thanksgiving message this Sunday. Our church will help you refocus post-Thanksgiving. This Sunday will nourish your soul. Don’t miss it—8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p.

Post-Turkey Tip: Go for a long walk.

See you Sunday!


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


This week some Mariners Pastors and I are hosting 150+ other pastors from all over the country, training them about Rooted and its impact on people and churches. God is using Mariners to influence many churches and it’s a privilege to be part of this.

I tell you that to ask you this: How do you STAY ROOTED?

Note: If you’ve yet to participate in Rooted, that’s a must for January.

More than likely, you’ve gone through Rooted. But what does it mean to STAY?

Jesus said, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” (John 15).

What does that mean? It simply means staying connected. Connected to Jesus, connected to other Jesus followers, connected to your mission and purpose for life.

How do we do that? Lots of ways… Here are just a few:

– Join us on Sundays. There are no gold stars for church attendance, but just as your body needs food, your soul needs nourishment. You can get that on your own (praying, reading your Bible, walking with God in nature), but being with others who are collectively celebrating God is like a vitamin shot.

– Join us in the community. I know that you care about people and that you do good wherever you go. But scheduling it and taking family or friends with you is a really important thing, too. You get to have a shared memory. You get to reflect together on why Christmas is more than just decorations and presents. So schedule serving.

– Invite. People are more likely to come to church around Christmastime (and Easter). Their hearts are more open. There is more nostalgia and attraction to church. Even if they’ve declined ten times before, this time might be the one. By the way, the best way to experience Christmas is through the eyes of a child. Similarly, the best way to experience church at Christmas is through the eyes of someone exploring Jesus—for the first time, or with renewed hope. Invite people to church this season.

I love you and pray for you often.

See you soon…


PS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB here.

Women’s Christmas Brunch


Bring a friend and join us for this once a year event! We will have beautiful music, stories from the heart and opportunities to make new friends, all over a delicious breakfast brunch. To CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY we will be collecting women’s hygiene kits to distribute to the homeless women here in HB. Click here to register or search “Brunch” on our website.

Sat, Dec 3, 9:30a-12p
Tickets are $35 per person

A Note From Monica Bannister


What a great Sunday we had this past weekend as we launched this season of Celebrate Differently! This Christmas, as a church, we are committed to caring for people experiencing poverty or crisis by offering our time and our resources; by giving Christmas gifts to local families, providing food for those in need and by serving in our community.

THANK YOU to those of you that are already participating in Celebrate Differently! Hundreds of gift tags were taken off the Christmas trees on the patio (and we’ll have more this Sunday!). Many of you signed up to serve at various holiday opportunities. And this next Sunday we’re kicking off a food drive to stock the food pantry at Westmont Elementary that we’re helping launch! What an awesome time of year, when we get to put Jesus’ love on display in our community, by helping meet tangible needs and building relationships.

A few more exciting things…

We are thrilled to have a new global resident from Kenya with us! Her name is Qui, so make sure you introduce yourself to her on the patio this Sunday!

Speaking of global, we have another Mexico Faith Adventure coming up! Join us on Saturday, November 19, as we paint the El Niño Church and host a fun community BBQ. We’ll also end the day with a friendly game of baseball with the kids in the neighborhood. CLICK HERE to register.

It’s not too late to sign up to serve this holiday season… Don’t miss out on these opportunities to celebrate and build relationships in our community! CLICK HERE for all the details.

I am so grateful for this community. May we experience God’s joy as we celebrate differently and love those around us this holiday season!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Reminder from Sunday…

“What good would it be to gain the whole world and yet give up your soul?” —Jesus

Guard against the dangers of success by passing blessings through and empowering capable people to advance the cause.

What will you “pass through” this week?

This Sunday, join us for a very special service as we kick-off the holiday season by considering what it means to CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY. For the past seven weeks we’ve been talking about how to find and live out your purpose—your mission from God. This Sunday will help you think through more next steps and celebrate some of the great things already happening in our community.

I’m excited about this service. Bring someone with you that cares about their community. Service times: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p. (Don’t forget about the time change – we gain an hour!)

See you soon,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!