Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Graeme Cowgill


“Dad, do you love me?”

Boom. Lump in the throat.

“I love you more than you can imagine, buddy.”

I probably tell my son I love him about 25 times a day. It’s a part of my language. It’s a part of our relationship. And still, he asks for more. He loves to hear it. But, we as men, love to hear it.

There is a calming sense of knowing you’re loved, despite circumstances and decisions. God has created fatherhood to be important. “I love you” from a father can give us peace and confidence; it keeps us from worrying.

“Does it run out if I mess up?”

See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

We get a sense of how important this concept is from our earthly Father. If you have a great relationship with your father, you know how much it has impacted you. If your relationship with your father is non-existent or strained, you know how deep the wounds go.
This Father’s day, remember, you have a heavenly Father who tells you, “I love you more than you can imagine. No matter what you do, no matter where you’ve been.” And when we understand that, it makes us want to run to Him, not away.

For us dads, our words carry so much weight, capable of driving home the message of intrinsic love and value. Let’s use this day to re-engage or continue our daily decision to love. For those who aren’t yet dads, never had children or have lost children, you can make an incredible impact on the people around you. My story has victory now because a man leaned in when I was young and needed guidance and used phrases like, “you matter.”

This Sunday, we’ll talk about how we can all play a role in instilling confidence and value in the next generation. Join us as Caleb gives us a perspective on leaving a legacy that will be encouraging, no matter what your story is!

Graeme Cowgill

PS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.

DadFest 2017


We love dads and we want to honor them for their strength, sacrifice, and compassion. Join us as we celebrate fathers and fatherhood. We’ll have a fun photo op, Dad’s Root Beer floats and delicious jerky on the patio after services.

Sun, Jun 18
8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p

Oak View Community Clean Up

Connect with residents of the Oak View neighborhood for their monthly community cleanup. Get to know the families in the neighborhood while you work together to keep the community clean and safe. Click here for more info or search “Oak View” on our website.

Sat, Jun 24
Oak View Family Resource Center, 17261 Oak Lane, HB

YoungLives Pancakes In The Park

HB Summer Calendar

Join us for Pancakes in the Park and a Craft Fair! There will be a variety of handmade items for sale and a bounce house for the kids. 100% of proceeds will go towards sending a teen mom and her child to a life-changing one week camp in Arizona. $5/ticket includes pancakes, sausage, juice, and coffee.

Sat, Jun 24, 8-11a, Lake Park
1035 11th St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648

HB Foster Youth and Families Volunteer Orientation


Mariners has a vision to be the most educated church on foster care and the challenging issues that families in our community are facing. In order to do that, we must educate and equip our volunteers with the tools necessary to serve and support these families and children.

Come to our mandatory training and take your first step towards serving in our Foster Youth and Families Ministry. Click here to register.

Sun, Jun 25, 11:30a-1p, HB Office
17011 Beach Blvd. Ste. 425, HB 92647

HB JHM Summer Camp


We are heading to Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino Mountains for four days of camping, new friends, memories, and hearing from God! Camp is a place for students to take their next step (or first) in their relationship with Jesus during an unforgettable camp experience. Click here for more info.

Jul 13-16
Lake Arrowhead

A Note From Caleb Anderson Jun 8 Draft


Do you struggle starting and sticking with habits? I do.

In my desire to maximize my time and energy, I’ve been thinking differently about my habits. In fact, I seem to be talking to everyone I know this week about “Spark Habits.”

Spark Habits are what I call the one, central, domino habit that sparks more positive habits. Instead of trying to do 50 things, I want to make sure I do this one thing, routinely, because it leads me to making other positive and healthy choices.

For me, one Spark Habit is gratitude. I’ve noticed that when I am intentional about being grateful—thanking God for the big and little blessings in my life—my day goes better. Gratitude changes my attitude. It makes me more aware of God’s goodness. It makes me more grateful for His presence. It inspires me to be more present and energetic in my day.

What’s your Spark Habit? What do you do that sparks more good decisions?

Last Sunday, I talked about Sacred Pathways and spiritual “staying” habits that help us connect with God on an ongoing basis. Do you have a Spark Habit that helps you stay connected to God? If not, consider trying some out until you find your spark!

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.


PS: Don’t forget the Prayer Event in our future ministry space Friday evening!