Category Archives: Huntington Beach

Safe Families Meeting



Every day, families in our own communities are facing a crisis. Our church has the opportunity to meet the needs of these families by opening our homes to children whose parents need time to get back on their feet through our Safe Families Ministry for children. Join us to learn more about the needs in our community, and how you can get involved. For more info click here or search “safe.”

Sun, Feb 28, 11:30a-12:30p
Meet at the HB Library, upstairs by waterfall

A Note From Caleb Anderson


El Niño, welcome. You’re God’s gift to a dry coastal community. Just go away for Sunday.

This Sunday, we kick things up (another) notch in our Art of Relationships series. The title of the message is “Sex and Causing a Scene” and I’m really excited about it. You should be too and maybe a little nervous as well. But don’t be nervous, it’s just me. Well, maybe a little nervous. But mostly really excited and hopeful because it’s actually God who we expect will show up and maybe even whisper something to you.

Just think about how good this is: You’re living in Orange County in 2016 and you have four options on Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p) to participate in an amazing gathering of incredible people who are wrestling with what it means to follow Jesus, love people, and make the most of the lives He’s given us. Be there! You’re part of this!!

STEP IN UPDATE: We have built a new website for the Step In Campaign with news, plans, progress, etc. It will launch in the first week of March and I can’t wait for you to see it. We’re getting closer. Things are moving. Thanks for your patience.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S: Give online to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Someone surprised the group I was with recently and bought our entire meal—seven people. We were sitting there with our cards out anticipating the painful process of split-and-tip when the server said, “Oh, it’s been taken care of.” Awesome!

And that one act of kindness inspired a member of our group to buy a subsequent meal for another table of people later in the week. Feel the love, spread the love!

How can you spread a little love between today and Sunday?

It gets real these next two Sundays. Make sure you join us this week for a hope-filled message about…


Normal service times:

8:30 | 10 | 11:30 | 6*

…As we continue in our Art of Relationships series. Jump over to Facebook and watch an intro video I just shot, then share it with your friends as an invitation to church.

Remember, everyone around you is going through something—something that you’re probably unaware of. Create “buffers of grace” and love people even when they don’t deserve it. We’re becoming better people and making this world a better place as we invite God to love others through us.

*Bonus tasty treat on the patio following the 6pm service.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S: Give online to Mariners HB here.

Oak View Valentine’s Movie Night


Enjoy a free movie with your family and families from the Oak View Community! Help with Valentine’s crafts, popcorn and other movie treats, along with lots of fun to be had by all! Please bring a blanket to sit on. More info here or search “Valentine” on our website. Contact Monica with questions,

Fri, Feb 12, 6-8p, Oak View Family Resource Center Gym
17261 Oak Lane, HB)

Step In


We are Stepping In! Together we are believing that God will do what only He can do, while we pray and give boldly for the future of Mariners HB and our new church home! It’s going to be amazing to watch this journey unfold so don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of it! Visit the Step In table on the patio this Sunday for more details and how you can Step In today. To give online, click here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I love our church! For so many reasons… but one is the way people love, serve, and support the cause. There are two people in our office right now brainstorming ideas on how they can use their skills and experience with social media to help our church more effectively reach and engage an online audience.

 If you have skills, talents, experiences, or ideas that you think might benefit the greater good of our church or larger community, let us know!

Reminder: NO 6 PM service this week only! Instead, our Life Groups are hosting Super Bowl parties. If you don’t have a place to watch the Super Bowl, tell any of our staff or volunteers on the patio and we’ll find a place for you.

Since we don’t have a 6 PM service this week, I expect our AM services to be pretty full. So come early, and have patience if you run into a road blocked off for people running on Goldenwest Street in high shorts while eating goo to distract themselves from the shooting pain in their joints.

In the meantime, consider these verses from Psalm 103:

The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”


That’s good news. Good news for YOU. Embrace it. You’re forgiven.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: 6 PM’ers, you should definitely come back to our 6 PM service next week on Valentine’s Day, 2/14. We’ll have something special for ALL to enjoy!