Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Jairus Williams


I hope you are having a fantastic week so far. I always miss our church and worshiping together when I’m away but I had a great excuse… I was celebrating 15 YEARS of marriage to my amazing wife, Stacey! She deserves a special weekend after putting up with me all these years, don’t you think? If you see her, congratulate her on being such a saint and a wonderful wife. I am a lucky, lucky guy! Time away is refreshing and time to reflect is needed. For me, it always produces a heart and desire to reconnect and press forward. It is a gift.

I am so proud of the worship leaders God is bringing and developing in our church and I love how YOU are all growing as worshipers. It’s not an easy thing to wake up on a Sunday morning, roll out of bed and get to church on time in the midst of all that is going on AND be ready to sing and shout with raised hands. But when I look out, I see passion and an expectation that when you do, God is going to do something GREAT. I challenge you this week to ask yourself these questions. What if we went through every day looking for God to do something great, waiting for Him to show us something or speak to us?

DON’T MISS this week as we continue in this relationship series. Invite someone to come with you.

If you missed last week, here is the link to Caleb’s message.

If you would like to be a part of our Worship Ministry and lead people each week with us, WE NEED YOU! We are having auditions on Feb 6th…get more info and fill out an application HERE!

See you Sunday!


Refreshing Your Marriage


Refreshing Your Marriage offers a yearly tune-up for your relationship. Whether you require a major overhaul, some minor repairs or just a healthy adjustment, RYM offers something for every stage of your relationship. Note: RYM is almost full (only 45 spots left for couples).

Register and more info at
Registration promo code- mariners2016 ($80/couple)

Refreshing Your Marriage
Jan 29-30, Community Center (Irvine campus)
Friday, 6-9:30p, Saturday, 8:30a-4p

Marriage Ministry


Learn more about these important resources for your marriage.

MARRIAGE SMALL GROUP:  This 10-week class is a small group format for married couples looking to invest time and energy to enhance their marriage relationship. A strong, loving and lifelong relationship doesn’t happen by chance. We can all learn how to make even the happiest marriage better. Hosted by Eric & Lori Johnson. Begins Tuesday, February 2nd.

MARRIAGE MENTORING: Get paired up with a mentor couple. There is value in inviting another couple to come alongside you and your spouse to provide guidance through mentorship.

For more information contact Ericka,

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

Faith is essential for life.

Hope is a necessity for survival.

But LOVE…love trumps everything.

There is nothing more important than relationships: our relationship with God, and our relationships with other people. That’s why we’re doing this series: Art of Relationships. We kicked it off last weekend (listen here if you missed it) and we’re kicking it up a notch this Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p. You’re not going to want to miss this series.

Hilary, the boys and I were with Hilary’s grandparents last night. They are visiting from WA and they bought us a nice (early) dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The food was great, but the best part of the night was watching the boys interact with their great-grandparents.

Jake and Patricia are in their late 80’s, but they overflowed with energy when the boys came into the room. 87-year-old Jake chased our hyper 3-year-old Jack around the room. Gma Pat held little Henry with a “I’m in heaven” look on her face.

No TV. They didn’t take phone calls. They weren’t worried about their stocks or healthcare issues. They were simply there—in the moment—with their boys.

It seems that as we age we understand more and more what really matters in life—and what doesn’t. But why wait to wake up to the truth? The answer is RELATIONSHIPS.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: If you’re married, I’d encourage you to attend our Refreshing your Marriage conference next weekend at Mariners Irvine.

P.P.S: If you’re not in a life group, please consider it. Life is cooler when you’re connected. Email Neil Jansen or sign up on the patio this Sunday.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Coming to a theater near you, “The Art of Relationships,” premieres this Sunday at all services: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p!

Maybe we should have called this series, “The Making of a Relational Genius,” since the Netflix mini-series is all the buzz. With cultural “buzz” in mind, I’m calling the first message in the series this Sunday—“People, Politics, and Winning the Lottery.” It should be fun!

It looks like I might have gotten my almost-3-year-old sick. He’s been down for three days straight. The doctor visit was yesterday and we think we have it taken care of, but the medicine prescribed was expensive. It reminded me how I would spend any amount of money to help my family get well. No cost is too high.

Why? Because relationships are what life is all about. They are the fabric of life. Relationships—and how you interact with others in this world—is of paramount importance. It’s not possible to overstate this point.

Whether your relationships are thriving or taking a nosedive right now, you’re going to want to be at each message in this series. And you will want to invite people in your life that you love.

I’m looking forward to being with you Sunday.

Lastly, if you’re someone who hasn’t yet done Rooted… jump in! I’m kicking off Rooted TONIGHT at the Rodgers Seniors Center (1706 Orange Ave) and I want to see you there! Walk up registration is welcome and dinner is included!
