Category Archives: Huntington Beach

Women’s Influence Conference


Come be encouraged, empowered and equipped as God’s women to serve, to lead and to become Spirit-Fueled Women of Influence! Whether you’re currently serving with Women’s Ministries or if you want to discover how you can be an influence in your world and begin serving – plan on joining us! Email Beth Russell for location and info.

Sat, Jan 16, 8a-noon,
$10pp, coffee & muffins served

Coming up:
Women’s Influence Spring Conference Sat, April 16

Mariners 2016 Annual Read


The Daily Walk Bible offers a straightforward and engaging reading plan that provides context and insight as you read from Genesis to Revelation. It’s our hope you will find rest, encouragement, passion and surrender as you read the Daily Walk Bible and see how the Spirit teaches and leads you into a deeper understanding of our Father’s love.

Available at the Welcome Center for $15

A Note From Neil Jansen


Hi!  This is Neil, your Community Life Pastor.

Happy New Year! How has your first week of 2016 been? Hasn’t the rain brought a sense of freshness and new beginnings to the air? While listening to the rain yesterday it felt like the rain was washing through my soul. Worry and regret seemed to flow right out of me. I thought:

What do I have to worry about? I have so much to be thankful for! A wonderful wife, four loving kids, a great son-in-law, and an amazing 4 month old granddaughter. Plus I have a relationship with God, who loves me greatly, and has my best in mind.

I’m not sure why the rain brought that comfort, but it did. I pray God will bring similar comfort to each of you as you begin this New Year. God is good!

Speaking of new beginnings, if you are have not yet gone through Rooted, I want to recommend you sign up for our winter session starting on January 14th. This Sunday (the 10th) is the last day to sign up.

I promise this experience will amaze you, I don’t want you to miss it! If you’ve completed Rooted but are no longer with your group, consider signing up for a Life Group. We have a group just for you.  These two opportunities are the best way to get connected and build community.

Blessings on you and your family! See you Sunday!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


We’re about to begin a whole new year!

I’m so grateful for miracles, lives changed, and even the challenges of 2015. How about you?

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” He might be going a tad-bit far there, but his point is valid. We want to be people of REFLECTION. Reflect on your year. Express gratitude and celebrate. Then turn to a new year and listen…pray…prepare. God has more for you.

Hopefully, you can carve out 30 minutes this week and reflect on 2015. What did God do? What happened unexpectedly? What didn’t happen that you thought would? What do you hope for in 2016? What are your prayers? What prayers are you afraid to pray? What is your path? What in your path needs to be removed?

Those are just a few questions to get you started. You’ll probably think of better ones.

I’m grateful for you, for our church, and God’s generous blessings in the past year. And I’ve got some clear, intentional plans for 2016. See you on the other side…


P.S.: Please give year-end gifts by 12/31 here.
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Merry Christmas!

I just saw someone purchase a meal for a near-stranger at a restaurant. ‘Tis the season.

This is a special and unique time of year. It’s not just special for other people whose lives are working out better. And it’s not just special for you and your nuclear family. Christmas is about GOOD NEWS for all people. And there’s good news in the air.

Bring someone with you to a Christmas Eve service.

23rd: 4 & 6p
24th: 2, 4 & 6p

I just invited the server at the place I was eating. She said, “I do yoga. I’m just more spiritual. But the rest of my family goes to church.” “Perfect,” I told her. “I’m more spiritual too.” (Everyone is spiritual—whether they know it or not.) And it turns out that her parents live in Newport and go to Mariners Irvine. I’m praying that Nicole and her boyfriend will join us for a Christmas Eve service.

Who are you praying for?

I’m also praying for YOU. I believe that God has something for YOU this week. Be looking. Be listening. And be there.

23rd: 4 & 6p
24th: 2, 4 & 6p


P.S.: Please give year-end gifts by 12/31 here.
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.