Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Merry Christmas!

I was just with my family at Pacific City and watched Jack (2-year-old) run around from Christmas tree to Christmas tree pointing and telling anybody within ear-shot, “It’s Christmas!” Hank the Tank (9-month-old) was just staring blankly while gnawing on bread crust. But it was a beautiful family moment.

It is Christmas, in fact. And it’s coming in hot.

No idea where you stand with gifts, parties, decorations, eggnog, or family dysfunction, but ready or not, Christmas is almost here.

Even if your circumstances are not what you’d hoped today, remember that Christmas is not about what’s happening, but what has happened. God came near. And the Good News just keeps on coming… God still comes near!

Don’t miss any opportunity to notice how close, how real, and how GOOD God is this season. There is probably something he wants to whisper to you amid all the noise this week, so slow down and pay attention.

Join us this Sunday at our normal service times. And then, of course, for our Christmas Eve services:

23rd: 4, 6p
24th: 2, 4, 6p

…All at the Central Library Theater.

Bring someone with you. An invitation could change the trajectory of someone’s life.

Merry Christmas, and peace be with you.


P.S: Listen to past messages here.

PPS: Give year-end and Step In offerings here.

PPPS: No Sunday services on the 27th, as we seek to protect and honor the families of our 110+ volunteers who serve each Sunday.

Celebrate Differently


This Christmas, as a church, we are committing to caring for people experiencing poverty or crisis through our time and resources: giving Christmas gifts locally, caring for Syrian refugees globally, and serving in our community.

For Syrian Refugee Children
Provide much needed hygiene basics and small toys for children affected by the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Pick up a list and shop with your kids, family or friends. Return items to the collection bins during weekend services through Dec 20.

Oak View Christmas Festival & Holiday Store
Sat, Dec 19, 9a-5p (volunteer shifts vary), Oak View Family Resource Center
In our continued partnership with the Oak View Community, we will be hosting a Christmas store and party for families in need. Come serve with us as a store volunteer or in the many other stations of gift wrapping, snacks, games & crafts. Contact Monica,

Syrian Refugee “Comfort & Joy Box” Packing Event
Sun, Dec 20, 12:45p, HB Library Parking Lot (after 11:30a service)
Family friendly! Join us to pack boxes with the donated supplies to bless Syrian refugee children. Lunch will be provided!

To give to Outreach Ministries, text “celebratehb” to 949-267-3131 and a link will be sent to your phone or you can GIVE ONLINE HERE.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Christmas is about what HAPPENED; not what’s happening.

Amid all the darkness in our world and chaos in our lives, it’s important to remember that light still shines in the darkness, and darkness doesn’t win.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it… (John 1:4-5)

Don’t miss this Sunday. I believe God wants to re-frame our view of this Christmas season.

Remember the serve opportunities and the Christmas Tree Lighting(s). Make this a special year—not just for your own family, for someone else, too.

Merry Christmas, and see you soon…


P.S.: As you’re considering your year-end gifts and offerings, you can give regularly or one-time through this link.

P.S.: You can listen to recent messages here.

Annual Christmas Tree Lighting


Join us for a Tree Lighting at Bella Terra and a fun-filled night of Christmas Cheer! Bring your family for snow, hot cocoa, crafts, glitter tattoos and more. Festivities from 6p. Program from 6:30-7:30p at the Bella Terra Amphitheater (in front of the movie theater). Questions? Contact Jeanette,

Friday, December 11, festivities begin at 6p
Bella Terra Amphitheatre
7777 Edinger Ave, HB 92647

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Growing up, my family was great about traditions. Around Christmas time we had several—tree decorating night, sleep under the tree night, breakfast downtown Christmas Eve morning, among others.

One other aspect of Christmas that seemed to be a constant was having someone in our home who needed to be there. Sometimes they were extended family members far from home. Other times they were staff or interns without the means to get to their families. And occasionally they were friends going through divorces or dark times. My parents made our home a home to many.

Beyond the pomp and circumstance of holiday parties and shopping, make sure you do something to remember that Christmas represents the greatest display of generosity and love this world has ever seen. God humbled himself and limited himself to the point of putting on human skin. He came here—He came near. He showed us what God is really like. He showed us what Love is really like.

To be continued this Sunday…

Over the next few weeks, we will share messages of hope for the Advent season on Instagram and Facebook; I encourage you to take a moment to read these each day as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.

This is going to be a great season. If you struggle to believe that’s true, just keep showing up and be open to what God might do.

See you Sunday,


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Remember to take time to celebrate what you have (thankful), and to not need more (content).

Every good gift comes down from the Father–the God of the Universe who also happens to be your friend. He’s in the blessing business, and guess what? YOU ARE BLESSED!

And so am I.

I am thankful for YOU this season. Our church community is such a blessing to me and my family. Your kindness… Your welcoming spirit… Your commitment to Jesus and His radical love… Your generosity to our church and our community. And thank you for committing to Step In to what God has for us in the next season of Mariners HB and our new church home!

It’s a privilege to serve God and His people alongside you. Thank you for being a light in a dark world, and for sharing that light with the rest of us. We are better because of you.

May God richly bless you and your loved ones!


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.