Category Archives: Huntington Beach

Recharge Your Marriage


Come and recharge your marriage! We’ll spend a day and a half together hearing from incredible speakers who will offer practical relationship insights and encourage us in our marriages. Speakers include: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Bob Goff, Mark & Jan Foreman, John Mark Comer, and Joy Eggerichs. For more info visit or email Neil,

Recharge Your Marriage
Oct 9-10, Ocean Hills Campus (San Juan Capistrano)

A Note From Caleb Anderson


This past Sunday was one of my favorite days we’ve ever experienced. We had 110 people stand and say “I Believe”—for the first time – or as a recommitment. Thank you for putting a stake in the ground. Know that we’ve been praying for you this week. And thank you, to everyone, for keeping our church a place where all feel welcome, lives are changing, and hope is flourishing. It’s a privilege to be in this with you.

This Sunday, we’ll continue looking at passages from Paul’s famous letter to the Romans, as we discuss why life is BETTER THIS WAY. Be sure to join us at 8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p.

Below are a few more things to keep in mind, and two verses to let sink in today:

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.  –Eph 2:8 (NLT)

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace. –Col 1:6 (NLT)


6PM ONLY: Delicious dessert after the 6PM service. Even if you came to an AM service, bring someone back with you at 6PM!

Marriage Conference: One of our churches (Mariners Church Ocean Hills) is hosting a marriage conference. You can still sign-up and attend. Prioritize your marriage!

Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I visited a young man from our church this week recovering in the hospital after being severely injured in a car accident. For a week after his accident, it was uncertain as to whether or not he would make it. Thankfully, he did make it. He told me this week that he forced himself to stay awake. He forced himself to focus on God’s power to bring him through, and on his family and friends who still needed him. And he made it. Tears filled his eyes as we talked and prayed about how God gave him another day—more life to use for good.

Another day. You only have THIS day. What will you do with it?

When death threatens, life becomes more precious. Decisions become simpler, and priorities become more clear.

Don’t miss this: We all have a tendency to prioritize the wrong things. Work, money, people-pleasing, television, laziness… But when everything is on the line, life is really simple. And when you closely examine the source of happiness, joy, contentment, and peace in your life, you’ll discover that they are associated with a WHO, not a WHAT. No thing can make you happy.

If you missed my message about happiness last Sunday, listen to it here. But don’t miss THIS Sunday! You’ll be glad you prioritized our gathering (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p).

Also, if you’ve done Rooted but are not active in a Life Group, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up on the patio this Sunday. Do it. We all need “WHOs” in our lives reminding us of what really matters.

If you’re in a Life Group but you’re not going regularly, step up your game! You’re better with us…and we’re better with you.

Remember our friend in the hospital. When life is threatened, priorities crystallize. Don’t wait for a tragedy to get your life in order.*

See you Sunday,


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

*If you or your Life Group are looking for a study that will help crystallize what matters most in life, My Near Death Experiment book/workbook/DVD are on the patio.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m very excited about Pacific City—the new retail development at PCH and 1st Street in downtown HB. The same guys who built Bella Terra are finishing this new project in the coming months. One of the developers is a family friend and he’s given me the inside scoop on the project. It’s going to be a tremendous asset to our city!

This month I’ve had lunch with both the GM of the new Pacific City hotel and the Membership Director of its new Equinox workout facility. Both are great guys, and both told me that they have heard good things about our church and will be bringing their families this fall.

I tell you that to share two things:

  1. Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Sometimes all they need is a glimpse into yours… and an invitation.
  2. As awesome as Pacific City will be for Huntington Beach, our church is even better. Our church is a bright light of hope in a community searching for something real… something relatable… something true.

You know someone who needs hope and encouragement right now. Would you text them? Call them? Email them? Meet them for coffee? And, if it makes sense, invite them to our church this Sunday.

This Sunday will be an important message for many people. I’m calling it, “Why nothing makes you happy.” The light will go on for many. For others, the light will become brighter and warmer. (If you’re the type that likes to get a head start, the messages over the next couple months will be primarily based off of Romans 5-8.)

This fall will be a defining season for our church. Sundays are becoming markers and events that you don’t want to miss. Special things happen every week. One day, you’ll look back on this time in the life of our church and you’ll say, “I was there. I was part of that.”

Expecting great things,


For recent messages, click here.

To give to Mariners HB, click here.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Are we all taking cold showers? I can barely remember what warm water feels like. You know I was born in Phoenix, right? (Where it’s 110 degrees) But I’m coastalized now and Team Anderson is melting over here! And we may have picked the wrong week to potty train Jack :/

The temp looks like it’s dropping from here, but don’t worry, we welcome shorts and t-shirts on Sundays. Come as you are. Just show up…because you won’t want to miss the next few weeks. We’ve got some special things planned for you and the whole family.

There are four service times to choose from: 8:30 | 10 | 11:30a | 6p — but since our church invites our friends, neighbors, and co-workers, try to avoid 10a. Also, try to move toward the center when taking a seat and show up a little earlier to ALL the services. We’re always making room for one more.

Rooted is a must if you haven’t experienced it yet. You can sign up here.

If you’ve done Rooted but need Life Group connections email Neil or Ericka.

If you missed last week’s Labor Day-inspired message on Why We Work, listen here.

If you haven’t paused and prayed yet today, take this moment. Perhaps start here:
…Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.  Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT)


See you Sunday.


Give to Mariners HB here.