Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The ongoing infestation of sharks on our shores not withstanding, these are exciting times, people!

– College football starts TODAY
– Kids ages 4 to 17 are faking smiles for first-day-of-school photos
– The temperature has dropped below melt-your-face-off
– It’s Labor Day Weekend!

In honor of Labor Day, I’m doing a message called “Why We Work.” If you’re in town, you’ll want to hear this message—it will shift your thinking about how you spend 1/3 of your life. Plus, it’s ALWAYS good to be together and be encouraged.

Our official “Fall Kick-off” is the following Sunday, and in that service we will pray for all our teachers and coaches. So please invite the teachers/coaches in your life to church on 9/13. (Thank you for shifting away from the 10a service as much as possible—we want to create some space for new people.)

See you soon!


*If you missed Jairus and Monica joining me for the message last week, listen here. It was awesome!

*Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m seeing so many pictures of kids going back to school and I’m thinking:

a) at least there aren’t more pictures of dogs

b) you all have cute kids

c) time flies, as they say

When you have younger kids people also say that days are long but years are short.

Days feel a little longer in the summer. It’s light out until 8p. People break away from the office to catch a twilight surf. And this summer, it’s 90 degrees with 80% humidity and feels like the face of the sun in my no-AC-house.

However, time still flies.

These days are the “good old days,” friends. Don’t miss them. Don’t rush through in a blur. Stop, notice, pay attention.

You won’t want to miss two things this weekend:

1. Beach Party, Saturday (Aug 29), 4-7p (details below).

2. Sunday services (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). This service will feel different than most. It will be an important day before the chaos of fall hits in full. Be there. (Preferably at 11:30a or 6p, if you have flexibility.)

See you soon,


Catch up on past messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

Summer 2015


Saturday, Aug 29, 4-7p, on the beach at PCH and 6th Street, free
Wrap up the summer with BBQ, fun, beach volleyball and more. This is a great opportunity to connect in community with your neighbors, friends, and life group. Bring a dish to share, we will provide the hot dogs and hamburgers. Look for the Mariners HB flags! For more info, contact Neil,

For more summer fun, visit our website.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Thursday!

I was so encouraged by many of you last Sunday who took brave and courageous steps toward dealing with your disappointment and devastation. Disappointment is part of life, but it doesn’t have to lead to despair. We can take the honest path toward hope. May God continue to be with you and give you strength on this journey.

This Sunday I’m talking about seizing your divine moment. I believe there is purpose behind where you live, who you know, and what you’re doing. The key is to believe that yourself, and to make the most of the opportunities in front of you. Read Esther (Old Testament story) these next couple days if you want a head-start.

Begin getting mentally prepared to re-engage in community. Our church is NOT just what happens on Sundays, but what’s happening every day, all week long. We encourage EVERYONE to be connected to others in meaningful ways.

Step one is ROOTED. If you haven’t yet experienced it, sign up here.

Step two is LIFE GROUPS. If you have become disconnected from your group, reconnect or start again. Email Neil for more info,

As a “bonus” for you LADIES, Women’s Ministry Fall Launch is Wednesday of next week. Discover what’s new and coming up in Women’s Ministry. Details below…

See you Sunday! 8:30a | 10a | 11:30a | 6p


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

Women’s Ministry Fall Launch


Grab a friend and join us to discover what’s new and happening in Women’s Ministry this coming fall and in 2016! Find out ways to get connected, make new friends, join Bible studies, prayer groups and serve together as women! A light meal will be provided. To reserve your spot, contact Beth, More info here.

Women’s Ministry Fall Launch
Wed, Aug 26, 6:30-8:30p, Rodgers Senior Center, 1706 Orange Ave, HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s a hot one!

I just talked to someone who bought AC for their room yesterday and jerry-rigged it in their window. Desperate times, and all that.

Despite a little sweat, it’s still summer—ocean water is warm, skies are clear, and Mariners HB still has a lot going on. Take a moment to look at the events below and join us—at least for Summer Beach Fun!

And if you’ve yet to be BAPTIZED, don’t miss this unique opportunity to be baptized at the beach with others in our church.

And join us Sunday as I continue in our series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. I have a great picture from my study break to show you, plus some news regarding our movie theater. Then, I’m going to talk about one of the most ridiculous and surprising stories in the whole Bible. It deals with what we can do with our disappointment. Bring someone with you who needs hope.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)

See you soon,


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.