Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners HB!

It was so good to be back at church this past weekend! Getting to go to South Carolina was great, but coming back home to California and Mariners HB made me so happy. (Not to mention it is 25 degrees cooler.) It was also great to see you guys worship and to just be able to sit in the room with you worshiping and connecting with God while Taylor, Zach and the team led us. Our church is a worshiping culture. Don’t stop connecting with God with reckless abandon! It is beautiful to be a part of.

Summer is a time for being together and celebrating, and we have so many ways to get connected over the next month so we can go into the fall season with a bang.

This week is CASH MOB FOOD TRUCK SUNDAY!! Bring your appetite and a few extra bucks and bless some local businesses.

Baptisms – sign up here.

Plan to come to the Summer Beach Fun party on Saturday, August 29…more info to come!

I’m looking forward to seeing you this Sunday. Come expectant and ready to worship…we have a very special guest speaker.

Jairus Williams

PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

JHM Parent Meeting

HB JHM Compass Graphic

JHM Parent Meeting
A phase is defined as a time frame in a kid’s life when you can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future. A parent has 936 weeks between a child’s birth and graduation. WE don’t want you to miss what’s happening during the critical phase your child is in now!

As we look at the four phases:
– EMBRACING them physically as toddlers (when they were yearning to know they were safe and loved).
– ENGAGING their imagination as second graders (so they could discover how God’s story intersected with their story).
– AFFIRMING their worth as they transitioned (through puberty and middle school toward increasingly challenging questions).
– MOBILIZING them to serve in high school (so they walked away experiencing what God can do through them).

We want to call attention to where our quickly developing middle schoolers are and how our strategy of parenting maximizes the time that we spend with them!

This is an opportunity to start some important conversations that may call attention to ways we can parent more efficiently. We will specifically discuss how we can embrace, engage, affirm and mobilize our children! RSVP at to let us know you’ll be there. We need an accurate head count for book materials. For more info, click here.

Sun, Aug 9, 11:30a (during 3rd service), Ancestry Room (behind fountain)

A Note From Graeme Cowgill


As the Student Ministries Pastor, each week I talk to students and it seems that the majority of the time is spent refuting lies they’ve been told about themselves. I urge them to spend time in God’s Word EVERY DAY…not out of obligation, but out of necessity. We have to fight to listen to truth. If you aren’t listening to the truth, what you listen to becomes the other things that you hear. You know as well as I do, what we hear says, “You have to be more or do more.”

The biblical definition of hope is “the joyful anticipation of good.” Our joy comes from knowing that God alone is good and our role is simply to reflect God’s brilliant goodness. The past year’s growth in our church, this coming year’s move and every moment in between is not because of our inherent goodness or efforts, it’s a move that God is doing that we simply have the opportunity to call attention to.

Please be praying for the youth while we are away at camps this month. We trust that these kids will see God in a way they never have before.

And join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. Last week we talked about Gideon and how God can use every one of us to do incredible things (if you missed it, listen to it here). This week, we are looking at “the places we’ll go” from a completely different perspective – you don’t want to miss it!

See you Sunday,
God bless!

P.S. We are having an Ice Cream Social after 6p this week. I’ll be there, hope you will too!

A Note from Neil Jansen


Hi! This is Neil, your Community Life Pastor. My wife Jill and I were recently talking about how amazed we are with the great friends we have made at Mariners HB. Our Rooted experience alone drew us close to 15 wonderful people. Life Groups, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, and serving alongside many of you on Sundays has created one big awesome family for the Jansens—and we are grateful! Thanks so much for welcoming us here ten months ago in such a warm and encouraging way. We feel at home.

Regarding being friends and family, Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the outside world that you are my disciples.” – John 13:35 (NLT)

The best place to practice caring for one another is in small groups of community. In September we offer our next Rooted session. If you haven’t experienced Rooted, I urge you to make space for it. I promise this experience will amaze you. If you’ve completed Rooted but are not in community, consider signing up for a Life Group this fall. We have a group just for you. We all need community, and I want to help you find yours.

Blessings on you and your family. See you Sunday!
