Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Oh! The Places We’ll Go…

Summer is in full swing and many of us are traveling, or at least dreaming of traveling. Some will go to exotic places, others will go to the movies. Some will run around the city, others will sit quietly with a book. Some will sip sweet tea, others a firmer beverage.

Regardless of where your summer takes you, God has a bigger adventure for your life. And there are lessons in the past and in the present that are sure to lead to a more fulfilling future.

Don’t miss this summer series: Oh! The Places We’ll Go. Catch up on last week’s message if you missed it, here.

THIS WEEK I’m talking about a famous character from history and sharing an often missed piece of his journey that might change your current mode of operation.

And, remember: Angles game Saturday, with lots of us tailgating near the big ‘A’ pregame.

See you soon!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

A Note from Caleb Anderson


I mentioned this verse on Sunday. It’s one of my favorites, and I thought I’d pass it along today for your reflection:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

THIS SUNDAY we’re starting a new series, Oh The Places We’ll Go, and we’re talking about how the journey of life is not always what we expect. There are twists, turns, ups, downs, and difficulties. What do we do in the midst of the craziness of life? How should we think about it to keep a good outlook? This series will be a lot of fun, and relevant to your life—and to the lives of people you care about—so come and bring someone with you!

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY is starting! More details are below, but just know that this program is excellent. If you need a financial tune-up (or over-haul) you should definitely jump in!

Pay attention to the other events on the Summer Calendar.

See you Sunday!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Independence Day!

Huntington Beach has the best 4th of July parade this side of Mississippi (it’s impressive). And so our church rallies in large numbers at Main/Adams to watch the parade together and support our community. Stop by! More details below.

Also, I’m concluding our series, LISTEN, this Sunday with what might be the most important message of the entire six weeks. Bring someone with you who is skeptical, desperate to hear from God, or just looking for practical day-to-day hope for a real relationship with their Creator.

SUNDAY 6PM is the service of champions. Even with a parking lot debacle last week, we still had another amazing night together. We’re seeing a lot of 20’s and 30’s gravitating toward the 6PM service, and some of you have taken it upon yourselves to be intentional about hanging out after (like people without kids can do). We love that! So, if you loiter on the patio and smile (in a non-creepy way), you’ll probably get invited to do something fun. (Disclaimer: this is not a guarantee that you’ll find love or a dating relationship. But hey, anything is possible. BTW: Church is about staying connected to God and His people, so don’t over-think this. You know who you are.) Plus, this week, we’ll have something special for you on the patio. You won’t want to miss it!

Hope to see you Saturday for the parade—I’ll be the guy in a flag hat eating sausage wrapped in a pancake—and Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30a, or 6p.


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Yesterday evening I sat for 40 minutes with my two-year-old, Jack, pouring water from one plastic cup to another. He barely said a word. He just poured. When I got up to do something else he came and found me a few minutes later. “Play cups, daddy, play cups.”

And back I went. Pour. Receive. Pour.

The life of a two-year-old.

Sadly, it took me a good 20 minutes before I started paying attention and reflecting on how unique those moments were. Jack didn’t need to talk. He just wanted to be with me. Pour water from one cup to another and back again. And as he did, he was learning.

I could see in his eyes that Jack was learning about how the world works. When I tip it this far, that much water moves. If I tip it further, more water. If water spills to the ground, I can’t get that water back in my cup.

I’m still learning how the world works. I’m still learning that if I stop what I’m doing and pay attention, there are beautiful moments to be had—like with my son.

In related news, God is speaking to you all the time. Are you listening?

Just two messages left in our Listen series, and I’m very excited about both of them. Do what you can join us both 6/28 and 7/5.

Pay attention to our Summer Calendar and jump in, make friends, make something better with your presence.

We love you and are grateful for you. Enjoy the first days of summer!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.