Category Archives: Huntington Beach

Mothers of Preschoolers – MOPS

If you are need of encouragement, wisdom, new friendships, or just a chance to sit down and drink hot coffee with adults, MOPS may be the place for you. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and that means mom of children age infant to five years; expectant mommies are welcome too! Click here for more info and to register.

Thursdays and Fridays, September 18/19 – December 4/5
Port Mariners Room 221, Irvine Campus

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Put on your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen. Fall is about to launch!

4th service: this Sunday, 6p (complete with post-service food and fun)

New series: You Make the Call: Winning with Wisdom (invest and invite someone!)

Rooted Kick-off: Wednesday, September 17 (if you haven’t, you must)

Men’s and Women’s events (respectively–you know who you are)

Student Ministries: exploding with energy and growth (your kid should be there)

Join us! This is your year.


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

You Make The Call


Do you ever feel like you’re making bad calls in the game of life?

We’re blowing the whistle on bad decisions. Join us for this empowering series about winning with God’s wisdom.

A couple good decisions could change everything.

Begins September 14
during the weekend services, Huntington Beach Campus
Sunday, 8:30, 10, 11:30a and 6p

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks. You know what that means… Hilary’s early-morning pilates classes just got an extra jolt of energy!

It also means that it’s September. Beyond school starting and the kick off of football season, I’m pumped about what our church has in store for you this fall.

Join us Sunday as we set the stage for the rest of the month. My message Sunday is foundational to who we are as a church.

Also, join for Beach Day. Unacceptable excuses for not showing up:
– It’s too hot
– I’m too white
– I need a new swim suit
– I’m scared of the ocean
– the Trojans are at Stanford (DVR)

See you soon!

Listen to past messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

Rooted Fall 2014 Session

rooted fall session

In only five years, thousands of lives have been changed through Rooted at Mariners. Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story.

Click on a link below for Kick Off info and weekly meeting days and times.

Huntington Beach
Mission Viejo
Ocean Hills

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE OUR CHURCH?! I really appreciate all of you who are now shifting out of the 10a service (when you can) to open up seats. We had an even distribution across all three services Sunday. That’s important because we’re going to see an influx of new friends in September—and we want to continue to be the welcoming, inviting church that we are.

Things are going to get even more fun this fall. I’m glad you’re with us. I’m grateful for you. And I’m spending time praying for all the people receiving this email this AM.

I’m praying for an awareness of God’s presence today—no matter where you are in your process—or journey.

Sunday is going to be another great day to kick-off your week. I hope to see you!

And don’t forget: We still have a BEACH DAY coming up and our High School Ministry kicks off in epic fashion on Sept 3 at our offices!


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here