Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb Anderson


What a great Sunday last week! It was encouraging to have Mike Foster share with us, and even more encouraging was the reminder of how GENEROUS our church is!

We bought ALL of Mike’s Freeway kits, thus supplying some 80 people in prison with the material for their own journeys. I love our church!

This week we launch EPIC: Heroes and Villains of the Bible. This will be a fun series—every week is a new character and an important life-lesson. To maximize your summer, you need to be with us on Sundays.

But, when you’re traveling, you can catch up on recent messages here.


P.S.: Buy your Angels tickets on the patio this week

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

Mexico Faith Adventure


Join us on an Overnight Faith Adventure to work alongside our church partners and for a weekend of fun! The weekend will include: basic roofing on the church’s cafe/thrift store building; playing baseball with kids in the neighborhood and other kids’ activities! Sunday, we will join our friends for church in El Niño, followed by watching the World Cup final game with them! This is a family-friendly weekend with opportunities for all to serve and see the love of Jesus in action!

Saturday, July 12, 7a – Sunday, July 13, 7p (overnight)
El Niño, Mexico
$75 adults / $40 under 18

Contact Monica with questions. 

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m so excited to introduce Mike Foster to our church on Sunday! You’re going to love Mike’s creativity and authenticity. God has used him in amazing ways already, and he continues to point people toward a God of grace and second chances.

You can learn more about Mike and his ministry here.

Also, I hope to see you on the parade route on the 4th of July! Our church comes out in force—pancakes, sausage, and fun times. Bring a friend who thinks Christians are lame.

Love you… praying for you…


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Join us Sunday morning as we wrap up our What If series with a message about the future of our church.

I’m also making a big announcement you’ll want to hear–just say’n.

Lastly, we are co-hosting a Matt Redman concert at the Irvine campus Friday. Matt has written many of the songs we sing on Sundays, so, if you’re free on Friday, this will be a great event!


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


If you must know, I had three bacon-wrapped hotdogs last Sunday. Three. If you missed it, we had a great day celebrating our HEROIC DADS.

And there are more great days coming!

Zany Mania
4th of July
Angels game
Mexico Adventure
Block parties (schedule with your life group ASAP!)

Check out the Summer Calendar and stay connected.

This Sunday’s message is another one that I hope sticks with you. It could very literally change the way you look at other people.

See you then…


Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31

P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Don’t let the man in your life miss this Sunday. It’s going to be a lot fun—both inside the theater and on the patio!

Here’s what you can tell the dad, husband, or friend in your life regarding Sunday at Mariners HB:

– Caleb said his message will be extra good and relevant to you
– I’ll DVR the US Open (golf) and watch it all afternoon with you (after church)
– Instead of just me saying “Happy Father’s Day,” how about 200 other smiling people appreciating you too?
– They’re grilling hot dogs! Wrapped in bacon!! And you can have more than one!!!

If you’re not a dad—or if you’re a woman, for example—there’s plenty for you this Sunday, too. It will be a fun weekend for ALL.

Plus, don’t forget:

Zany Mania: Night out for parents, fun night in for kids. More info here.

July 4 Breakfast and Parade: Join us on the Main Street lawn—yes, lots of us… and lots of breakfast. Bring your whole life group or friends from your neighborhood. Details here. 

See you soon!


The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13

P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

Father’s Day @ Mariners


Dads, we want to thank you for taking us on the crazy road trip of life. Through bumps, curves, twists and turns, you lead our families on an amazing and unforgettable adventure. So to honor you on Father’s Day, we’ll have lots of ‘man food,’ fun family activities and an inspiring message. It will be a great ride you won’t want to miss!

Weekend of June 14/15
Huntington Beach
Irvine (interested in volunteering? Click here or contact Stephané.)
Ocean Hills
Santa Ana