Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb


The Revolution is still on!

I’m so proud of our church. We have incredible people with a commitment to be a part of a humble revolution–joining God in the advancement of His upside down kingdom. You can join in again every morning. Jump in.

Here are a couple ideas for you, privately:
1. Pray. Pray that God would open your eyes to see what He’s doing… to see what really matters.
2. Fill a grocery bag with food for our friends in need. We’ll be collecting them this Sunday. Get more info here.

Here are a couple ideas for you, publicly:
1. Break up your routine today. Do something different. Do something that serves someone else.
2. Invite at least THREE women to the Women’s Christmas Brunch on December 7th. It will be awesome! Click here for info.
3. Come to one of our New Connection Vision Nights. We want to get to know you and help you plug in at our church. Info for Tues, Dec 3 or Thurs, Dec 5

A Note From Caleb


Some wives and girlfriends are suffering through “no-shave November.” We salute you.

November means Thanksgiving is coming…and Thanksgiving means Christmas is right around the corner! And our church is going to help you CELEBRATE DIFFERENT.

Don’t miss this Sunday as we unveil a simple plan that will have tremendous impact this holiday season–for you, your family, and our community.

You’ll also want to pay attention to some specific opportunities coming your way… See below!


Listen to past messages here.
Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb


TIME CHANGE!! Don’t forget to “fall back” an hour on Saturday night. Although, if you do forget, we have services every 90 minutes, so it’s not the end of the world (8:30, 10, 11:30a).

HALLOWEEN. So…if I could include a picture of my little 9-month-old “Jack-o-lantern,” I would. Shamelessly. But, alas, you’ll have to catch the cuteness on Facebook. He can’t walk the streets for candy, but he’ll steal hearts on social media.

FACEBOOK. While you’re on Facebook, take a look at all the fun pictures we’ve posted from our Trunk or Treat event Sunday–that you made a HUGE success, by the way! Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors back to church this Sunday. Heck, come in costume for all I care! And keep coming back to our Facebook page for updates and encouragement.

SUNDAY. Sunday will be a lot of fun. I’ve invited a special guest to join me. He’s older, wiser, and funnier than me. You’ll like him!

See you Sunday!
(Remember to set your clock(s) back.)


P.S.: Past messages are here. Subscribe to the podcast–it’s simple.
P.P.S: Give to Mariners HB here. Generosity is good for the soul.
P.P.P.S: Set your clock(s) back.

Celebrate Different

celebrate christmas differently

As a church family, there are many ways we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to bless our community during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We need your help to make it happen. Learn more about these important serving opportunities in Data Entry, Patio & Event Support, and many others!

For Huntington Beach Campus, please contact Monica.
For Mission Viejo Campus, please contact Maher.

A Note From Caleb


Fall is upon us! Kind of. At least the air is a little brisk in the mornings and night.

But to be sure that you have the full fall experience, we’re hosting TRUNK OR TREAT night this Sunday, 4-6:30p! Don’t miss this. It will be awesome. Your kids will love it–so will your kids’ friends. If you don’t have kids, then come and just act like one. Dress up, sugar-load, and enjoy a safe and encouraging environment of games, food, and fun.

See you Sunday!

Listen to past messages here.
Give to Mariners HB here.