Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb


This Sunday we’re having some mid-summer fun. Join us for another inspiring hour of celebration in the Library Theater. Then walk outside and enjoy burgers and desserts from two locally-owned food trucks. We’re all about loving and supporting people in our community, so bring a little cash with you this Sunday.

Remember, no matter what you encounter today, God is Good and can be trusted.

If you or someone you know needs encouragement, here are recent messages.

Now, some random summer facts for your viewing pleasure:

  • The modern Summer Olympics were revived in 1896.
  • Mosquitoes, summer’s pest, have been around for more than 30 million years.
  • Watermelon is summer’s most popular vegetable. It is part of the cucumber, pumpkin, and squash family. The average American eats 15 pounds of watermelon a year and these juicy favorites are 92 percent water.
  • July is National Ice Cream Month. More Americans buy ice cream in July than any other month.
  • Summers spent throwing a Frisbee back and forth owe their game to a pie maker named Mr. Frisbee.
  • The first bathing suit for women was created in the 1800s. It was long sleeved with woolen bloomers.

Lastly, our registration is technically closed for next week’s Sports Clinic. But we’ll still let your kids and their friends come if you email Jordan Lynch really soon!


Cash Mob

Please provide a description of your project and copy for piece: We will have two local food trucks on the 14th for people to buy lunch and dessert from Kala Truck and The Scoop on Cookies!  We want to bless these local businesses with an out pouring of business.

July 14th, after both services

A Note From Caleb

I’ve heard people say that life is a series of hills and valleys. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.

I disagree. It’s been my experiences that life is more like railroad tracks. You have good things and hard things going on–in parallel–all the time. There are things to celebrate and things that keep us up at night. There are relationships that are flourishing and relationships that are complicated. There are obvious blessings and there are immediate needs.

Miserable people focus only on the bad stuff of life. Naive people ignore issues and think only about good. Mature people are those who celebrate joyfully, and honestly, and who have the ability to trust God in the middle of the “both.”

Sunday I’ll give you some inspiration to press on with courage and determination. God has great things in store for you… and for us.


1. Life Group Connection Sunday evening 5pm at our offices. Just do it. We ALL need good relationships. And we ALL need a little structure to help us make decisions that align with our values. See more below…
2. Summer Sports Clinic in July. This is the real deal–a great value and a great experience for your kids. See more below…

Listen to past messages here.


A Note From Caleb

It’s official: It’s warm. Windows and screen doors are open. Sweat is on my back when I get out of my car. People are trimming their toenails more as sandals trump all other footwear. Summer is here.

Hopefully you picked up our Summer Calendar on Sunday. If not, grab one this Sunday. There are 16 activities scheduled on this calendar, and I’m sure at least 4 are relevant to you.

Allow me to highlight a couple:

1. Life Group Connection Event – If you’re not in a Life Group (or if your life group can add someone), join us June 30th at the Mariners HB offices. “Life Group” doesn’t mean life sentence. Try a couple out. Start a new one. We mostly just do fun stuff over the summer anyway. But life is better in community.

2. Summer Sports Clinic – July 15-19, 9am to noon. This will be AWESOME for kids! Click here for more details and to sign up your kids and their friends. <<link>>

Lastly, I’m really excited about the message this weekend. I’ll show you a surprisingly relevant message from the Old Testament that will stick with you. See you Sunday!


p.s.: keep up with past messages here and pass them on.

p.p.s: consider giving to Mariners online here. Remember to designate your gifts to our Huntington Beach Church.

Life Group Connect Event

Get in a Life Group! Join us for our Life Group Connect Event…

Life moves quickly and situations change. But regardless of pace, place, and preferences…we all need community! So, whether your Life Group is no longer meeting or your Rooted group went in different directions, let us help you get connected into a Life Group at Mariners HB! Meet leaders, ask questions, and find out more about our available groups. Free, snacks and childcare provided. Contact Christen to learn more.

Sunday, June 30, 5 – 7p
HB offices (2124 Main St #260)