Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb

It’s Father’s Day!! I realize it’s also a big day for golf and surfing, yada, yada… But here are seven BIG reasons why joining us–your extended family–on Sunday is the right idea:

1. There’s this fancy new invention called the DVR. You can have the best of both worlds.
2. I want to affirm dads in a culture that doesn’t grasp the fullness of their significance.
3. You’ll be surprised at how far we take this father’s day thing.
4. I’m doing a memorable message geared toward DADS. (But relevant to EVERYONE.)
5. I’m sharing a glimpse of the future of our church. Seriously.
6. We’re grilling.
7. We’re handing out our Summer Calendar that is overflowing with life-enhancing opportunities.

Lastly, those of you not plugged into a current Life Group, we’re doing a Life Group Connection event Sunday June 30th. Pencil it in. Life is better when you have real friends :)


PS: Listen to and pass along previous messages here.

A Note From Caleb

This week starts the BIBLE series. Don’t miss a week this summer as we discuss the greatest stories ever told — stories that inform all the movies we watch and books we read to this day. (Bring your own popcorn.)

Prepare the men in your life to join you for a very special Father’s Day Sunday, June 16th.

See you Sunday!


PS: Listen to and pass along previous messages here.

A Note From Caleb

What a great weekend we just had with Jordan and his student team leading! Less than a year ago we had no high school ministry. And now… Just look what God is doing!

I’m really excited to be back this Sunday to finish the Christian? series! Hopefully by now you have an idea about the difference between being a “christian” and following Jesus. This week I’m going to uncover another piece of Jesus’ message that we often miss. So don’t miss this important week and the message that concludes this powerful series.

We’re shaping who we are as people and as a church. And this is a pivotal time in the life of our church.

I love you. And the staff and leaders and I pray for you regularly.

As always, listen to past messages here.
