Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb

Three things you MUST read immediately!!

  1. Life Group Connection Event is tonight! If you’re not connected in a Life Group, come make new friends. 7-8:30pm (you can leave early if you need to)…2124 Main St #260. Just show up.
  2. Surf City Marathon + Super Bowl Chaos. The Super Bowl is a terrible excuse not to join us for church Sunday AM (the game is not until 3:30p). So when you come, at 9 or 11a, drive to the Gothard/Talbert entrance, as Goldenwest will be congested with skinny humans in short shorts.
  3. Love and Marriage. Some say they go together like a horse and carriage. Others would beg to differ. Still others have never seen a horse and carriage in real life. Sunday, I’ll be talking about marriage and about how most of us misunderstand it. If you’re married, you’ll be encouraged and challenged. If you’re single, you could save yourself a lot of trouble if you pay attention.

If you’re reading this, I’ve prayed for you today… that God would show Himself to you in obvious ways… and that you’d experience His peace.

See you tonight and Sunday!

PS. If you missed last week’s message, you can watch it here.

A Note From Caleb

President Obama was sworn in for his second term this week. I received an email today about “Social Media etiquette” brought on by the polarizing Tweet of a pastor in the northwest. He spoke very critically, questioning the integrity of the event and doubting the faith of Obama. I think the Tweet was in very poor taste. And many, many others were enraged.

Communication matters. What you say, when you say it, and how you say it can be the difference in building someone up or tearing them down. And, in most cases, there is a ripple effect to your words that you can’t anticipate.

This week we’re talking about the most dangerous muscle in the body: the tongue. You can’t have the relationships you want, or the influence you want, without learning what God says about the words you choose. I hope this message will challenge the way  you think about the things you say.

Remember that we’re hosting a Life Group Connection Event on Thursday, January 31, at 7p in our HB offices. Don’t walk through this new year without meaningful, encouraging relationships. There’s no excuse. Ours is a community of CONNECTION.

See you Sunday!

side note: I want to encourage you to pick up your Bible and read at home. I’ll be teaching from the first half of James 3 (toward the end of the New Testament) this week, so that’s a good option for personal study and reflection.

And, as always, you can listen to past messages here

A Note From Caleb

Hope you’re enjoying a 70+ degree day in January. I have some friends here from out of town and it reminds me to be grateful for where we live.

I’m also grateful for our church–and for you! God is doing a special thing in our community. Can you feel it?

Our Rooted Groups launched this week and we had 80 people sign up. We pulling out over-flow seating homes and offices…and it’s awesome!

If you have already completed the 10-week Rooted Experience, but are not currently involved in a Life Group, we want to change that. We’re hosting a Life Group Connection Event January 31st at 7p at the Mariners HB offices (2124 Main St #260). This is a great time to get the vision of Life Groups, meet Life Group Leaders, and start new Life Groups.

Sunday we’re starting our Relationology series. This week, learn about the origin of all relationships and why everybody has daddy issues. The whole series will be both practical and challenging. Don’t miss a week.



Relationships shape the way we experience the world. Through them, we encounter both joy and pain. In our RELATIONOLOGY series, we will walk through some of our most significant relationships—marriage, parenting, mentoring, friendships— and explore biblical foundations for healthy relationships.

worship center
Sat 5p, Sun 9&11a
Sun 9&11a, 7p (no childcare at 7p)

Huntington Beach
Sun 9&11a

Mission Viejo
Sat 5p, Sun 9&11a

Reach 10,000

Reach 10,000 is our intentional focus between now and Easter to let our community know that we are here, and that we care. We are a church of love in action. Join us in making a difference– one life at time!

Come to services this weekend and find out how we’re making this happen in our community.