Category Archives: Huntington Beach

A Note From Caleb

So… Hilary and are 6 1/2 months pregnant. (We’re very excited about that, by the way!) I’m also starting to feel some of the soon-to-be realities coming on. Life will change dramatically, I realize. But in the bigger picture, we’re talking about a human life here! Someone who will be completely dependent on Hilary and me for EVERYTHING… and someone who will look like and behave like Hilary and me. Exciting… and scary!

Someone wise once taught me that “We reproduce what we are.” When it comes to a kid, he will be impacted by who I am. Not just my DNA, but also my habits, my language, my spiritual growth, etc. It’s a blessing, and a big responsibility.

From a church point of view, we’re leading and participating in Rooted Groups, Life Groups, Volunteer Teams… and we’re reproducing who we are. Our teams and groups reflect us. That begs the question: Are you growing? Are you continuing in the life that God has marked out for you? Obviously, none of us are perfect. But we all want to make sure we’re going (and growing) in the right direction. Jack Hayford told me: “God is not as interested in our perfection as He is in our direction.”

THIS SUNDAY, I’m excited to talk about the SECRET of spiritual growth. This will be an encouraging message. I look forward to seeing you this weekend.

And don’t forget to read the other articles below and stay in touch with us on Facebook!



I talked to a woman in our church this week who took a BIG risk. She shared personal struggles and part of her story that she has never shared with anyone else. She trusted two other Mariners woman with these issues as a result of the Rooted week… and trusted God that she wouldn’t regret it. She reported days later that her life was literally different. She felt a new freedom and hope that things could change.

What gets you pumped in life? For me, I’m addicted to LIFE CHANGE. And we’re seeing more and more of it.

Do you have a story we need to hear? Do you have a step you need to take?


Love Without Walls Conversations

Join the conversation…

Irvine Campus: Thu, Oct 25, 7-9p, Upper Room
Mission Viejo Campus: Sun, Oct 28, 12:30-2p, MV Upper Room
Huntington Beach Campus: Thu, Nov 1, 6:30-8p, HB Library
Our church has courageously stepped up to serve people in need in our community and around the world, and yet, chronic, systemic issues still exist. We have the resources and responsibility to address many of these challenges. Join the conversation as we discover how God wants us to respond.

A Word From Caleb


Wow. Last Sunday was crazy……powerful……special. God moved. And many of you are beginning to move, too! And we’re just getting started. Join us this Sunday as we continue the journey. And don’t forget: pumpkins, pancakes, and a something I think will be really, really FUNNY.

Invites went out THIS WEEK to many of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, coaches, teachers… So NOW is another great time to extend a follow-up, personal invitation. (I’m hoping to see the server from a restaurant that Hilary and I just went to.)

Next Steps:

As you see world-change and life-change in action, please tell us the stories! Email Christen

One of the main opportunities we heard about last Sunday was the Pacific Court Community Center. If you are interested in being part of tutoring, teaching ESL, or have other skills or gifts you think could be beneficial there, please contact Chris.

In fact, if you felt God calling you to step out into your community, armed with compassion, and would like to find the best way to do that; contact Chris.


A Word From Caleb


I remember waking up the middle of the night in high school with growing pains – not Kirk Cameron’s show – but the agonizing calf-cramps that accompany a growth spurt. My calves would seize and I’d shoot up in bed with a screech – not the guy from Saved By the Bell – but the loud, unplanned noise that comes from shocking pain.

Any time a church grows as quickly as we have, there are growing pains. We’ve doubled in size and we’ve double our services. That is INCREDIBLE! It’s not normal. God is up to something.

But, what’s clear, is that WE NEED YOU! We’re in this together.

I hope to see you TONIGHT for our Volunteer Night – 6pm at the Mariners HB offices (2124 Main St #260). Tonight is a great night to meet more people, plug into places to serve, and get a glimpse of the future of volunteering at Mariners HB. (rain or shine)

**Also, make sure you bring a friend this Sunday. The Outreach Team has done amazing work. This will be a special weekend.

  • Outreach Experience that I can’t even describe – you just have to see it
  • Food truck
  • Band
  • Bounce house

October is a big month at Mariners Church Huntington Beach! See you soon…
