Category Archives: Ocean Hills

A Note from Jeff Pries

What a weekend we had. Thank you so much for jumping in and serving in such a powerful way. To think that we will be sending tens of thousands of meals to Liberia is overwhelming. People are going to be eating because of your generosity; you make a difference. What an amazing scene to see a sea of people working together to be the hands and feet of Christ. It was a great picture of the Church at work, and it is exactly what we are called to do. We are a church that serves, and we are a church that invites. Please be praying for friends and neighbors and co-workers that you can invite to Easter. Remember, there are people in your life who only need an invitation and they will come to church. Easter is the perfect service because they will hear what the hope of Jesus is all about. So remember, don’t come alone, invite someone to hear the gospel and celebrate with us.



A Note From Jeff Pries


What an amazing weekend we had this past Sunday. I am always so encouraged by your generosity and willingness to serve. More than half of our church signed up to serve as a part of Be Fearless, which is an incredible number. Please remember, this Sunday we are going to fill 40,000 bags to send to Liberia. Liberia has been hit by the Ebola virus and they are currently in a famine. Now, you may be thinking…How are we going to fill 40,000 bags? If you filled out the card this past Sunday, we need you. And also, if you missed, or didn’t sign up, we need you too. I am going to end my message a tad early, and, together, we are going to walk out and fill some bags. So whether you can fill five or 50, we need you. It’s going to be a kick doing this together. What a great picture of what Church is, not just sitting and listening and singing, but also “doing.” If you have a friend that you have wanted to invite to church, this is the perfect weekend, because you can say “we need your help.”

For all you men, this Saturday is the Men’s Breakfast. We’ll hear from Gary Daichendt, who was Executive Vice President of Worldwide operations at Cisco during the height of their success. Gary is a great business man, a great family man, and has a huge heart for Jesus. Breakfast will begin at 8a. It will be a fun time together.

Finally, we still need Easter volunteers, so jump in if you can. It’s a time to bless people who may be coming to church for the first time. I love doing life and ministry with you. God is working at Mariners Ocean Hills, and He is using you in a powerful way.



A Note From Jeff Pries


Throughout the course of the year there are certain Sundays that impact our church in a significant way. This Sunday is one of those days. We’ll have the opportunity to see how our amazing God is using our church to make a difference in the lives of people, both locally and globally. We’ll share stories and hear how to get involved.  If you are looking to make a difference in the world (which we all are) this weekend is for you! God is up to something and we want to be a part of it. This is a great opportunity to jump in.

Easter is fast approaching. Don’t forget to Egg Your Neighbor. It’s just a simple way to invite someone to church. And regardless if you jump in to the Egg Your Neighbor idea or not, we are a church of inviters. There are people in your life who just need the invitation, one that gives them the opportunity to hear the powerful story of an empty tomb, something only God can do.



Men’s Bible Studies


Join us as we study God’s Word and talk about what it means for us to be brothers, husbands and dads as we follow Jesus. For more info, contact Cole.

Tuesdays, 7-8p, in the cafe
Our next nine part series, entitled, “Lion Chasers,” is based on the epic life of Benaiah, a little known super stud of Scripture and one of David’s mighty men.

Thursdays, 6:45-7:45a, in the cafe
We will be studying through the Book of Proverbs as it applies to men.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I had the opportunity to have a dinner with the Rooted leaders this week. It was so encouraging to hear stories about the transformation happening in people’s lives through this experience. As a church we stand up and encourage (ok, strongly encourage) everyone to attend Rooted. And when we hear how God delivers in the lives of people, we understand the impact. God is doing amazing things in our church through Rooted, Student Ministries and Children’s, Men’s and Women’s Ministries. I continue to thank God as He blesses us as a church, both collectively and individually. And as always, there is probably someone in your life who is looking for one of the things that is happening at Mariners Ocean Hills. I know it’s not always easy, but all they are looking for is an invitation.

This weekend we’ll be looking at a defining area in our life. As we talked about worry last week, it was a wrestling match because we all worry. If you thought worry was an issue, you may find this week’s topic to be just as big of a struggle. And don’t forget, you are going to have to “fire up” this Sunday (especially 9a service) because we move to Daylight Savings Time and lose an hour. Don’t worry, the coffee cart is waiting for you. I love doing life and ministry with you, experiencing God’s blessing and fighting the good fight together.

Take care,