Category Archives: Singles

A Note From Caleb


Fall is upon us! Kind of. At least the air is a little brisk in the mornings and night.

But to be sure that you have the full fall experience, we’re hosting TRUNK OR TREAT night this Sunday, 4-6:30p! Don’t miss this. It will be awesome. Your kids will love it–so will your kids’ friends. If you don’t have kids, then come and just act like one. Dress up, sugar-load, and enjoy a safe and encouraging environment of games, food, and fun.

See you Sunday!

Listen to past messages here.
Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Kyle


Can you feel the excitement?! Right now, (as you read this), our campus is being transformed into one of the best fall celebrations in OC–Harvest Carnival! It’s our annual community celebration where kids in costumes come from all around Orange County to play games, ride fun rides, eat tasty food (& candy!), and listen to great music. It’s our opportunity to share the gift of relationship with our friends and neighbors, and the joy we find in Jesus and one another. You will not want to miss this night of fun. So be sure to come, and invite a friend to join you.

Are you loving our weekend series, The Outsider’s Guide to Jesus? How have you been responding to God’s voice this week – with a Zechariah-like posture of disbelief that says, “God can’t…He won’t…”? Or, with a posture like Mary, believing God can and will do what He says, but wonder…how will this happen?

So many questions are stirred up when the promises of God collide with this world, and seemingly contradict the circumstances of our lives. This weekend, we’ll dive deeper into these questions, and look closer at what it’s like to follow Jesus and trust God’s voice and promises in our lives–even when it doesn’t seem to add up. It will be a time of encouragement, as we navigate this world together with Jesus, finding hope and truth even in the most desperate and confusing circumstances. There are people in our lives – friends, family, neighbors, classmates, co-workers – who are searching for the message of truth and hope…the message of Jesus.  Invite them to join you this weekend as we become the community God designed us to be. Looking forward to seeing you guys…



A Note From Kyle


What an exciting journey we’re on together traveling through the Gospel of Luke! I love the perspective he offers as an ‘outsider,’ examining the life and teaching of Jesus, reinforcing the certainty of what we hope for. It is amazing to see the relational vibrancy of our church in this season as we invite friends and neighbors to experience the gospel in community. What joy it must bring Him to see so many of you jumping into deeper, honest relationships together, serving one another in tangible ways, and experiencing the fullness of life as He intended.

As I see God at work growing and changing our church community, building His Church, I’m praying for you all. I pray that you would stand firm in Jesus and His voice would be the loudest in your life. There is a very real enemy that is seeking to destroy the beauty of what God is building in and through us.

Bring your friends and join us this weekend as we continue in the Gospel of Luke, and consider how we respond to God. Let’s continue to fight together for the gospel revolution that God is stirring through Mariners.



Generations Inspiring Generations

A couple of weekends ago, we painted a window into Port Mariners where our volunteers of each generation were inspiring kids through creative Bible stories, meaningful relationships, and impacting life change. Hopefully you were inspired to join us as a volunteer this fall. There are many ways to get involved, it’s easy, we will train you and we can work around your schedule.

Click here to see the many opportunities to get involved. A training meeting for all new volunteers will be this Sunday, September 1, from 12:45-2:30p. Lunch will be served and childcare is available with an RSVP.

Questions? Please contact Megan Goodman