A Note From Caleb Anderson


So, I had a dilemma this week. One tire on the minivan (no wisecracks) was bald and the other three still had some life in them. (Apparently, the previous owner had an incident.) I had a decision to make: a) Buy all new tires, b) replace the one poor tire with another used tire. Option ‘b’ was 10% of the cost of option ‘a’… so I went with option ‘b’.

But that meant pulling into a used tire store whose driveway entrance was mysterious and shadowed by towering walls of old tires. The gentlemen who helped me knew right where to find my size tire amid this organized junkyard.

The good news: I was in and out in 10 minutes for $40.

The bad news: I was trusting this guy with my life. “You’re tightening everything, right? That’s the right size, isn’t it? Everything check out…?”

The thought occurred to me as I drove away from this tire shop that life is short, precious, and much of it is out of my control. Sure, I could’ve chosen to wait two hours at Costco. I had other options. But what if the guys did a stellar job with my tire, but someone else on the road today got a bad tire replacement and their problem becomes my problem? Life can change in a moment.

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.
(James 4:14)

This leads us to another choice…

Will you, a) live paranoid and afraid… b) trust that God is big and live the best life you can?

God is big.
God is good.
God is for you.
And it only gets better after this life. Enjoy your day!

And then join us again on Sunday as we continue our series, “Church Detox.” I’m going to talk about how we view the Bible. Should be interesting!!

See you soon,


PS: If you missed last Sunday, we made a big announcement. You can listen here, or here is our short summary on social media:

This weekend we announced that our Worship Pastor, Jairus Williams, will be leaving us after six years on staff to move back to South Carolina to be closer to family. We are sad to see them go, but we are proud of them for praying about it and faithfully taking their next steps. We will be celebrating them in the next couple months as they prepare to leave. We are so grateful for them and their impact on our church and community!

…Please show some love to Jairus and his family when you see them.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I just happen to work with a staff that loves Star Wars, so I was greeted today with that ridiculous line (think Yoda), “May the 4th be with you.”  It seems to be trending.  I, however, will not open with that, I will just open with the line, “I hope you are having a great week.”  As you know, every week I work on a message, and this week has been “extra great” for me because I especially appreciate what this Sunday’s message is all about. Every message is important to me, but this week especially hits home because it’s something I’ve struggled with my entire life as a Christian. This Sunday we will wrestle with this idea of why we go to Church.  When it comes to Sunday morning, what is our role? What should the morning be about?  I think it is a message that may be somewhat convicting, but I believe it will be more of a message that will feel refreshing and eye-opening. It certainly was for me.

Speaking of Sunday’s, Mother’s Day is in two weeks (yes, if you are a guy, panic right here).  As always, we take time on Mother’s day to celebrate all women, and the role they play in our lives.  It is always a fun Sunday to bring someone who has played a significant role in your life.

So, a lot going on.  We look forward to seeing you this weekend, continued blessings.  God is good.


Take care,


Church Detox: An Honest Look At God And Faith


There is no perfect Christian and no perfect Church. God’s Church is made of imperfect, messy people covered by grace. Join us for our new series as we return to the beginnings of the Church and reveal what Jesus intended it to be.

Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p
Huntington Beach Central Library Theater
7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Mother’s Day Coffee Connect


Invite your mom, your daughter, your aunt, your grandma, your friend, your neighbor or your co-worker and join us for a special morning. We will talk about that wherever you are in life, whatever your circumstances, in the community of faith we all have a part to play and we all have a home – THIS IS HOME! For more info and to register, click here.

Sat, May 6, 9-11a
location given upon registration

JHM Summer Camp


Junior High summer camp is a place for students to discover who God has made them to be through teaching from God’s Word, small group discussions and high energy worship. Registration and more info here.

August 14-18, Forest Home
$433/student; a $100 non-refundable deposit to reserve spot